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Hull Packet

Advertisements & Notices

... GREEEN.dGNGER WINE. TOHN STIVENS & CO. have received S e . iterttonials from numerous infldeilial partieI respecting the beneficial effects pro- duced by the use of their Original Green-Ginger Wines It is a wholesome and nutritious, as well as an agree- able and salutary, beverage. Ob3erve the name, John Stivens j Co. over the neck of each ?? be had, wholesale, at the Manufactory, Bristol; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iFINE STOIIACHIC PILL. ISHERWOOD'S. ?? Mrs. Noble, Market-place;.Mrs. ,,il~jClrlilestee; Mr. Hunt, District Post-office, Iarl,,,tr0tt and obtainuable by order of all Medicine' Wiit i'rs or01 of Chas. H. Sherwood, General Grocer asid oli~e t Propriretor, 30, Chiarles-street, Hull. For the it inl 1ostage stamups they are sent free to all parts. ~ ~ete, g.lAI pr box, 3 boxes for 3s. ~ ms1 ?? for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Xitcellancouo. F U R S. fE STOCK OF FURS of the late JOSEPH ZONES & Co. B HAYD-PWCAH B VY .E D W, I N 1) A V I (orery kind) WILL BE SOLD AT S & a o., ON MONDAY, OEPTEMBER 18 47 & 4'8, MARKET-PLA.CE, HULL. MA R T I N A N D SO N, N again offering to their Friendn a large collection of HYACINTHS and other Datch BULBOUS FLOWER A. ROOTS, which t~hey have junt reoeived from Ilaarlem, return their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -RINTIING of all kinrds executed as CHEAPLY - TE;AT4Y, and EXPEDITIOUSLY at the H0ll Pacr Oflllc, b aV a,'ly Oflicc in the town. _ -DISEASE OF TIlE EYE AND EAR. T 10 . TAYLOR, Stlrgeon-oculist and Aurist, 35, WY.LGor~ge-street, Hull. Hours from Ten till Four. Tk'srsMON(ALS. Mr. Bristow, fainter, of Barrow-on-lfumiber, has suffered frotn Ileaftsms with his left ear, and was cured inia short ...

Advertisements & Notices

... liceIlaflernli0. OLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, WHICH IS USED IN THE ROYAL LAUND~RY, Awairded Ifoniouraltc Mention, at the Gcat Fxhibition of 1851; AND NOW AWARDED PRIZE MEDAL BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THM EXHIBITION HELD AT NEW YORK LAST YEAR. T HE MANUFACTURER has great pleasure in ad- T ducing the following fattering Testimonial as to tho qualities of the GLENFIELD STARCH, and in assuring its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... $itic.ellahnou>.. GRATISI GRATIS!! GRATIS!!! Seventy-fourth Thousand. Library Edition. Sent free on receipt of 6 stamps to pre-pay postage, &c., and may be had through all Booksellers, price tld. EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR; E a popular Guide to Healtb, addressed to the Young, the Old, the Grave, the Gay. By a Physician. Adrmirably adapted to enlighten the public mind in a species of knowledge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fb LIFE INSURNCB COMPANY, ErSTABLIRREI il 1797. 0 Lonbard street City, and 57, Charing Cross, Westminster. DlllECFYls. Bobart ouirne Barclav, Esq. Thomas Hodgson, Esq. William Cotto, E-q., F.Rt.S. Henry I alot Hlland, Esq. William Davis, Esq. J. Petty tuspqratt, Fq. JY. A. Gordon, M.D., F.R.S. C. Hcampdeo Turner, Eaq.,YRS Hrenry Grace, RtSq. Alatthow Whiting, Esq. Hirknmia D. Hodgson, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T DAY, SILK MERcER, George-street, Hull, is in * immediato Want of an experionced ASSISTANT. s SSISTANTS WANTED in the following Depart- A nents:-Ribbons, Laces, Stuffs, Prints, and Drapery. 29, Silver-street, Mh.xcrHnasos, and Co. TITANTED, a respectable well-educated Youth as an APPRENTICE to the Letter-press Printing Business.-Apply at the Hall Packet Office. WANTED, in a fashionable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1fnvutlaflCE Xotie~eg, v, 3METlOPOLITAN TONTINE. T Ho'l X e .1, Bluckingham Street, Strand, London. r cAPIT iL E40,000-SUBSCRII'TION FIVE SHILLINGS. J Early Divisions*Shares to holder payable in the order Mi of ?? purduaiit to Statute,S& Oc 9 Vi. cap. 178. Certificates of Shares, 5s. each, by Post-office Order to the Secretary, and Prospectuses may be obtained at the on Offices. By Order, JOHN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~2 *1EuilrantE N(0tIEES. TT I S H WIDOWS' PUND C ..ND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED A.D. 1815. gad offce,-EDINBURGH, No. 5, ST. A.NDREW SQUARE, rarties proposing to become Members of this Society ,eriaded that Policies effected before the close of the presot year will rank at all future Divisions of profts AS of a FULL YEAR'S STANDING ABOVE THOSE ,,Ar, TLL18J OHN MACKENZIE, Manager. WM. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DISEAS 1.OFTHE EYE AND ERA.. 7 - kgRBl. TAY'IOR, Surgeonocuialst andi Aurist, 35i, iL_ Corgos-811rcot; Hull. i Hours froim Toil till Four, b~r Bfst~fatuu,'of B~arrow-on-l-umber, has Buffered 'Li oi deal'ness wath his left car, and was cored in a short time. Ndrm:'Wlffjon, of1 WN'inctead, near t'atringtoll, has becn deaf with her left car _Ar41blsk thime-cured in a few minutes.- Mir. Ei. ...