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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-ILANE. Mr. ndiulirers of Mr. G. V. BiloOlcE thet he hns sngaieet tha1t eminent artiste to perform for Seven Nights only, prior to his departure for Australia. Mr. G. V. BRO 1isE Will appear oil Monday next, October 2, in .VIRG5INIUS. V~tnf-laV d, in T[lE STRIANGER. rdiie~daV, 4th, ill tICtlIAI) THtE THIRD. Thursdii: Stb, illdHP, LADY OF LYONS. Friday, oth, Il OTHELLO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY- LANE.- TLessee, Mr. E. T. SMITH.-Granfd MORNING PERFORM- ANCE of the PANTOMIME, on 'Wednesday next, JailI.~ LeseM M. .T S51cILTremeoPtSucfs the ?? dletinictioli, the Mlorning Performances will take lace on Wclc 1 th nt, an 11 and erery Welteeday, atd wo'lod k it 11- aLfternoon. Children under ton yare ofage wil th aditoed ait half mime n Lod~u.- exent evier efore at- oricc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. T HE iSECOND VOLUME of Lord HOLLAND'S I`M`EMOIRS of the WIUG PARTY will be published on Wednesday next, in post 8vo., price 2s. Sd. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and LongmianF. In Svo., with Woodouts, price ses.; or half-bouud in russia, t5. RANDE'S DICTIONARY of SCIENCE B LITERATURE, and ART. Second Edition, corrected. with a Supplement, which may be had separately, price 3s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ir tile RELIEF r WD WSa, M1~fSEIICAtL EN 1 Laittio ,:,I its s-it lity MFl.FrAlLY GENERAL COURI. ,f tile i udat. the Boom, t Wiith Society, Nii. ILJ, Ctiii~tre.Lt, TO'MXltllO\V EVENING;,the 2jith 7'ci~Lli j,iC6es'Y. C. II. NWALShI, Seumro:3rl for thle INL'I13ENT BLIND, St.. Georg~e's, South s-irk. ?? Most Gracious Miajesty the QUEEIN. ?? Lord Archlbiship ofC'eINI'EKRiURY. r-r-S ~MU-E RICHARD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROTAL, DRURY-LANE. I M. JULLIEN'S CONCERTS. For One Month only. First Appearance of Madame ANNA TlILLON. t The Programmo is changed Every Evening. PROGRAMME for THIS EVENING, Thursday, Nov. 2. PART I. t Overture, Earyanthe ?? 'Weber. Quadrille, from Rosaini's opera, Le COD te Ory 4(second time) ?? Jullien, Syrmphony, ?? from ?? Symphony Beethoven. Sehottische, the Moldavian ?? Jullien. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... an ~ REHEAD DOCKS and LIVERPOOL B' .F DC KM 3 (Amalgamation of interests of Birkenhead Dock Comipany and Birl-ccolhad Dock Trust, tranofer of' Trust Property or acid Itoclainmed Laud to New Company, constitution of New Coni- Apony, powvero of leaso to or amialgamnation with various companics and bodies, alte~ration of Liverpool Dock Rates, and repeal ,and ?? afriendiarcut of Acts).-Noticois ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANS fom the e, SHIPWRECKS.- Itrttt. lf tesooved to ADMIT a LARGER NUM. II si'S' than usual at the enitting Election in, i'C If '0 eog on the synipathy and patronage of the ?? ,lt , sid their futde2 in sapport, of this benevolent un- h?! C to, . t' tF Annual Report. Rules, List of d s b- Pk PUlo Ibe hd atilc un applirettiol at the office. be had, gr ,eG. S. CLARKE, RIon, See. 60, ' Cr0 a uhtebu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UCH3,AN'S NEW OPEJIA, LAONKE.-I -aA The wholeoftbe MUSIC of this highlysuccessful Opera is now ready, includigrg Yes, 'tis a spell, sung by Mr. Elliot Galer (double encor)C* Dear Venice, sung by Miss Lowe; I iy old snhinette, snlg by Mr. Henri Diayton; How oft in child- h od, sung by Miss Featherstone. 2s. ?? by CAMPBELL, RANSFORD, and CO., 53, Newv Bond-street. 1r EPRESS, NO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVITT and MOORE'S AUSTRALIAN LINE J)of PACKET SHIpS.-Ht55 a great portion of her cargo V and will ineet with immrediate despatch forMELBOURNEI N iitire splendid clipper-built ship LAND O'CAKES, Al' re r 561 tons register, DAVID WYALTONO Commander ; lying for rdol Doks his vessel has a commodious poop and I 1.~rrr acromoirndatioils for pessougers, and is noted for her very firt 5sil, ?? terms ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T NOTICETO MARINERS. GRL ER SAND. TRINITYHOUSE, LoELoSD, FEBttUAeRY 23, 1854. i 's hereby given, that a Spit of Sand 1 0TICH xtldisl ?? Shonl, In the sout h- aoieasterly direction , a BUOY coloured l ees placed at the extrefity thereof, to 35 ; fathoms at lo AD 30yer pritds with the following marks anut conpass o 'ore. the wdth of its base, ott ° at Mauildingrgate ?? S.S.E. 5tucs ?? its width ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- T. Lessee, Mr. E. T. SMITH.-On Wednesday Morning, March 8, A GRAND NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION in aid of a FUND for the SUPPORT of the WIVES and CHILDREN of the BRITISH SOLDIERS who have been sent as a'n expeditionary force on foreign service. The Lessee has placed the theatre free of ?? for a performance of THE CORSICAN BROTHERS, in which Mr. G. V. Brooke (who on this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVE NT-GAR- R.LUDEN.EXTRA NIGHT.-Filst Appearance of Mmie. VIAltDOT.-First Night Of Lis PROPRETEh-cn Thursdaynext, Juno 8, a Grand Extra Night will take Place, Oil Which occaal'ta will be Eerfsrliled (for the firbg time this seasen) Moyerbeer's grand r opera. LE poPHETE. Fides, Mine. Viardot Ier firet appear- atre these tfhrhe years); Berth%, Mdllie learai (hITer first ...