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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... lMr. ALFRED ANDREWS, Surgeon-Dentist, 69, ST. GILES'S, OXFORD, Afay bc cowstlted daily. To the Burgesses of the North Ward. GENTI.E1 EN, pERMIT me to offer mry thanks for the confi- .L dence so long reposed in me as one of your Councillors, ,%nd to say that continued ill health will oblige me to return the trust into your hands at tbo eusuing Election, Nov. 1. Againf thanukitg you for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STANDEN & CO., TAILORS AND ROBE MAXERS, 28. 111G11 STREETl', OXF)RD, I ESPECTFULLY invito attention to their well- ALI) assorted STOCK of CLOTHS, suitablo for the present season. A great variety of Mixed and Coloured FLANNEILS, for suits.---CLLRICAL ROBES, of every description, equal to any house in the trada.-A liberal Discount for Cash. PIERS and SON have for 25 years imported diroot fromt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N. the Matter of the Petition of THOMXS HOWSE, L of Mloreton-in-Marslh, in the county of Gloucester, late coac, -proprietor, since out of employ, but at present employed to de. liver goods and parcels at the Moreton Station of the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Railway ; his wife, a milliner and dress maker. . lotice is e reby pivne' that the County Court of Worcestershire, at Shipston, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A BAZAAR Is intended to be held in BLENHEIM PARK, O0 the 26th and 2,7thl of JUNE;, 1854, In Aid of the Punds of the Woodstook National Bchsos Under the Patronage t f n Ladles:- Marehioness of BLAN 8FOnV Downger ountess of MAG- Countess of ABI7NGDON. OLEFPIELJD. Lady LouisA SPENCER. Lady CIIIMiOUILL. Lady AiAN CuUnornhL. Lady DASUIVOOD. Tho Hon. Mrs. FITzRoY. Baroness NORTrIe. Mrs. RICARDO. Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, price One Shilling, T-TOMIE, OPATIY EXPLAINED and ILLUS- JLJL TRATEI), by T. BATTYE l ?? L. S. A.L., &c. &c.-MIesgrs. Slatter Lnd Rose, High-stroet. 45, St. i'es's, (Oxford. On Saturday, July 1, wrill be published, price 2d., No, r, of E EEPITOMIST, at weeldy Jouriial of Litera- JLturc, Criticism, Art, Scieneo, and Manufactures; corn- rising Fiction of the llgi;est class, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Youngl Mtan, aged 20, is ill want of a Situtition aqs; GARDENER.-Apply to Mr. Scovell, Sezincot, Moreton-in-M1arebh; or to Mr. Touibes, Sezincot Gardens. XEORETON. CHEESE FAIRS. NTOTICE is hereby given that Two Cheese Fairs IlN will be held at Moreton-ia-M3arsh on the SECOND TUESDAY in OCTOBER and tho SECOND TUESDAY in APRIL, in cach and every year; the first of whidel will be held ol the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n ELEGANT Rlosewood 6J Cottage PIANOFORTES, e Jlat t2 Guineas. PIANOFORTES onHIR, at s.per year-JAMES RUSSELL, 125 Hligh-street, & 5, Turl-strect, . B0UCI(INGIfAMN, o To CzlAPITALISTS, PUILDBRS, ul otders. c t0 be LET, upon Lenses for 99 years, and on ad- TvantnageouS ?? eligible Plots of BUILDING GROUND, most desirably situated near to the town of Buck- Ii ingham, part whereof form a frontage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GBRtAT 1ADUlCrTIO'S;~ EI R.OSE, in thanking Ladiea and the Public ill Ji, general, begs to inform them that she is now aellingt all PATTDRNS, WORK, &sc., at HALF' PRICE, prior two 1aying in her New Stock for the wvinter season. In consequence of the recent reductions in wools, she has made large purchases, and is nowv enabled to soil all Berlin W~ool Pd. the oz., or l0s. per lb. (for Ready ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD, .Tanvary 12, 1854. THE Committee for the Relief of the Distressed JL Poor most respectfully and earnestly solicit Subscriptions for the supply of SOUP and 1UMa to poor families during the present inclement season, especially as the price of provisions,- Ic,, is pmo much ?? wil be receivedat the several Banks in Oxford. Colke will be distributed on Monday,Wednesday, and Friday, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Notice to Advertisers, Agente, and Coprcspondent8. To prevent disappointment, it is necessary that all adver. tisements and other communications should be sent to us as early in the week as possible; and it is particularly requested that all communications be legibly written. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAINT JOHTN'S COLLEGE, OxFORD. (Btuilding and Improving Leases,) N OTICE is hereb~y giver], that itppiiention is _1intended to bce made to Plarliament in thle next Fecccioa for leave to ricrng in a Bill to enable tics Presidlent and Slcholairs of Saint John Bauptist College, in the Univer- s'ity oif OWford, to grant Building and Imiproving Leases; of certaicc 1-states of tile scijii college, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. J F ELIZA MONK, the daughter of the late Mr-s. RACIL AIIAL MONK (formnerly JACHAELJ GIBIBONS) ivill apply to 1ir ?? Sopwith, Bridge II ouse, Prittlewoll, Essex, hie will hear of somnetiting to hor advantage. [tPROt'ISIONAL PROSI'iCTUS.] BIAINBURY WATER COMPANTY. aLO'Selsrllt!1 D'I!OVSI 1ONA LL.Y. C'isirAe, £10,000, in 1,000 Shares of £10 each. lJ)epsil, Is . u-r S/los-c, t'o ic paiden ...