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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? .Arctimt of whmill it lacy Conicerni. (,I I 1c(Ilics±1±ay fl~t, the 1.11ti iltitltitt, ait one o'clock, at .tbe Brokers' Salt l~tomn. 25, TIemlple-strrect, SF 51 BtALES Egyptianl WUC)L, dtamagad by seei water, cex 3ielita, f0u01 Alexaindria. Appily to- W. GRIE'AM H and Co.. Wool Blrokeo,Ljveripsai. IDLNBIJRGH WVOOL SALES.-The first Side 'I E fortill seson illtake iflace cal Thun rde , the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [AD VERTIS;1FNIIT'.] o EXkMENTATION AT MAKllN'c-PLAOE HALL Sol ACAD)EMY, RhIPPONDEIN, NEARt H.XLNVX (Fr'oe the S'olit/r;ror Vio'iter). to We lia;'e liarea of mruch facetiousieco relative to York- I'li: shiriresciecros aurd schoolimaesters; but tirosc wiro w~ould be dijoabuoed in l theoir nihids err tire srrbject Sirr11Irri itra visit to tire estabishirereit ?? gre soricie we are rrowV writhig. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lI O,,c~treet, Ileeds.-'fn Private Faifa lies, Confe.ttionerit, Hotel-- koepers and Oitheros. ~ ?? arlounouee that he0 isl favoutred with n ?? ?? Sell hI' Auiction. Onl TM(Sife midiel ednotlay v-01, t11e psori= oil Oilti doyi ii Jots 01151., en the above promnises. ett o'cthe moern and -valuable STOCK-IN- ~Tt1Alt. sop lit~ure-, cookiug apparatus, working, itensils, 1uoholl uesit~e.he. h., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -UN TY F I RE O FFICE, C 00,W~li.Btcete rnd 2 oyal R chliage-builldngii, Londion. yelcshoave ae esp~t~l~'informed ?? the Mi~dsummier Re- I trhnw e tila hands of t ie several Agents of the Company, b , o pi loI, n tile Ninth Of Jl Co l~~.Il upo whieh the County Fire Office was originallyih file ~~ oiiotarlybwhalf a cen1tury Ehiec,-and upon which it con- ftll 1,1t; be ct,aiidote(j. iii the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WV WARNER beggs respectfully to iinvit S Ottention to his Collection of RtOSES, whichl is now in bloom. u-'ories, (Sarfortla. Leodoll. 'rORKSHIR A RIGULTURAL SOCIETY. OPEN TrO THEic UNITED KINGDOM.-The ?? N U AL MEEI,,TIN(G will be hl~d atttijlaoaa, ?? ?? r'y ?? itext. Tite entry closes oil thre l~tl of jdaly. Fre a-'i fur stock, and alfb~ rates for implemoaentsI, Ure Cincedeld by, t leI ,i.q ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tesA RUJSS IAN V I CTO0RY.1 Fromt the 51ill11ilit of S'ophia., ex- The Czar proellijllloa victory i MI ?? Silistria's lire, 0 ?? Proud thle banner waves onl high 001 P'oor Turkey io defeated. On But stay !the Ukase is a lie! aite 'Tscae tile Russians that retreatelI. ich Sh'cilders, Lusters, tPookiewitseh, In Vain the Turk opposes, I iy Thle three ore beolco into fils, With Lnought but broken ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T)O~PONE ENT J1F SALE._-R-P.THWYELL xii L APl.xilcil. th re lelict,-f lie-. Clarke, dc-i,-to-il Sl-lrsri. 11d0 ?? to iitoutixxxt thai. fromt elixittt,tttible cirecttillctII (i h iltitt the tiiir-.iaoind pila-~ ii OuP ?10 lio-,ret3 ttic-iitl. Alilit- lei, odi loi, tt it cld Si f~ t Ittlaclt Ottinlit ITito, P~io,-u, Yrteti& Iloolti. ?? t Stiilui.l-W~ lircmxe At rid Baiot ii ti-rsitni(bc, 0cr ( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIHE MISSES ALLEN respectfilly announce] Tthat their ?? for the booed soil education of Young aladies winll e Ri tetield oin Tinoi'5ts, Jitlti T1''rlity-5Cvilrt. 49, Springteid'plore, LtedS.4 -A IIALF-ltOAltDElt WVANT ISS WILCOCK moa0t rcspectfully anllnouces M to her frestsonlmd thle Pitilittt' that -Ile purposes. Oil tile Tmtroil'- first tit July. !8A, t(l'ININO a LADIIIS S.-ESIINAIlt' for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rulM,11RE AGIUQ .CEY , ne istie. at b the Grtat Northen oidi n !I-re. sod idla mailwa Coiae.Prizu s ieru ts anid ?? ire ciwradty. ai iylehdc,.lhldiji rci~~iCY. JOIHN IIANNAM, Secretary. Wctlicrby. .1 on e, 2ll 1851. JI(EALE ACRICULTURAL revo'irellieits ariircil EXIIIan illrt) ofehi Soiet sc; ,in i hcerxftr appointene (of ?? de iforthe will le f r l iti'-so rniibeittrlo Swlede tilvrniepas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3Lon~~~on LO n, on te Will At the Wool Sie-roonrts, 'srCt oon ,on, on theli, 2, ana, Joty, ttlo ra ?? bu 13.010 llale- Sdnylr APhilbilt, Portlando Itiy, Valu Bitel i' Lo SNValaA'tot, ?? OOL, including Ak list. over), I MA. leeOi~ Aitken. utal other esteeaeeit ?? Antii ,Uoo o Thir An~it, aou 200 balesi bumt I Inie, anal-other low I Wood. ?? n ilt fuarther pt'i~tiulars int lie time~, On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AHE Z T E G LILLIPUTIANS.-A NEW THE RAC OF PEOPLE. PATRONIZED BY TilE QUEENS OF ENGLAND, FRANCE,' AND SPAIN. ONE WEEK LONGER AT T'E MUSIC HALL. n EXHIBITIONS DAILY from oele to three, and from eight to tell. t Doors opiiris ci 12aiss 7? I ii DoIers oD~ tLECTURES EVERY EXHIB3ITION. *1 3eduec Prices of Adumission:-Reserved Seats Is.; Bock Seats Mid.; )O Galleryt 3d. 111 The large number of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~fRS.HORN~R'SSchol wil ?? oil .~.VL Mielitl,,fal I v tO-fer~h.A3.Gratot-str eet, Leeds. ~HE MISSES EMBEP~-TONbeg to announ11ce L tht th I~nies f thir ShoolteiUhe uaunie oil Tuesdiay, lie- HE MISSES C ROF and SM'ITH Re-open T their Boardieg anai Day School on T'oestley, the Tiwenty-ji Uth FP~HE NMISSES S~YKES ~thankl t-heir friendlsvry- X sincerely for the Patronage they have reeiveel sioce tha ...