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... PLOUGIIING MATCHIES. HITOiTOtI.-A ploughing match was held on Tuesday,8.1st Jan. 185-1, on the cr-oft belonging to Mr Alexander Lobbau, blackismith, I Corse, to showr their esteem for him. Thirteen Ploughs started, and I tfive of the farmets come and held thete own Ploughs on a field by themselves for eompeting. The judges.Messrs John Skinner, Moss. tsovn, and Simpson, overseer to Mr, Milne, ...


... , nlousthin m.ft-h -n 1-IA - rb 7.1s Of . :.. ABOYNP.-A ploughing match was held on the 7th inst., in a field of old lea, on the I-ome Farm of Aboyne Castle. As no ploughing match had taken place here for a number of years, a goodly number of the farmers and others were attracted to see the proceedings. 29 ploughs started, each finishing his stent in excellent style. We ob. served the ...


... P--a-- I -g M PLOUGHIING MATCRES. BAIhcoRh-DE vxNicx.-Tbe Danchory-Devenick 'iFarmers' Aseo. ciation lately belt] their annual ploughing mateh aud 9how of seedsI O t flqrrn o1 Mr 4pderao4, CjNrarbin, but were so unfortornat i1Q the weather that, although thirty-five ploughs started, tho gentleman who had been appointedJiadgeo, not thinleing that the work would go on, did not some forward, and ...


... rid to ~COQNT1CS$WeLLS.-ThIO annual ploughing match won held on Tuesday thre. 12th inst., on a field belonging to Mr John Duncan, AS former, Kingshill. Thej udgea-Ketssr-s William Cumining, overseer, lie Hazlehead ;Andr-ew Webster, farmcr, liurtle; and John Reit~h, far of moer. Drum-.,bwarded the prizes on followa, viz.:-I, John Caitto, far- mr ner's ann, Cadlgert'ord. 2, Johnu Auld, servant ...


... AUCIITERLESS ATHLETIC GAMES. These games, which are still attaining more celebrity in the e district, came off, on Friday Ilst, on the Market Stance of ). Badenscoth; 'The day'being pleasant, an immense 'assemblage t of spectators came forward; and a number of the surrounding g ,entry honoured. the meeting with their presence, amongst s whom we noticed the Proprietor, Robert Leslie, Esq. of ...


... L l - PLOUGHIING MATCHES. Y -AnErttourL.-A number of the frieuds and neighbours of Mr John b Autch, Egypt, Wishing to show their respect for him. aa a kind and obliging neighbour, held a ploughing match on his farm, upon Tues- day the 21st ult. The day being fine, a considerable number of e ploughs were on the ground. The Judges, selected by the plough. a men, weie Messrs Laird, 3\artinsmuir, ...


... NEWHrLLS ATHLETIC GAMES. TmS;n games, which are still becoming more famous in the district, came off at Parkhead, on Tuesdn&,-the let of August, in presence ofa vst number of spectators.- The, day was ver .y favourable until the afternoon, when it bogan to' rain slig'htly,: and continued upwards of an hour. Notwithstanding this uno. fortunate occurrence, the uiompetitors manifested the same ...


... eI - _ - EPSOM RACES-T'HE DERBY.. I This great sporting event came off at Epsom, on Wednesry t last. As usual, there was a greai multitude of spectators. e The Derby Stakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft., for three-year olds colts, 8st. 71b.; fillies, 8st 21b. The owner of the second e horse to receive 100 sova out of the stokes. One silb 't and a-half on the new conrse. 217 subs. kI Mr Gully's ...


... =, - -- - - *; The Conntesswells ploughing match came off upon Thursday the Dr 15th December, 1853, ol afield belongingto Mr JamesMorrell, Loan. hend. A good number of ploughs started, end finished their respec- ,re tive tasks in good style. 't'heijudges-Messrs Cumming, Hazlehead t Reith, Blaclhills ; and Webster, Muitle * after a earful inspection of to the work, awarded the prizes thus :-1st ...