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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... - AMPHITHEATRE, NICOLSON STREET. I A GRAtND MII)-DAY PEiR.FORMXANCE will take place OD MONDAY, Jan. 2- Doors open at 12 o'clock, and the Perfurmances to, commence at halfpast 12. This Morning, MONDAY, January 2, 1854, The PerfHrmances will commence with THE RENDEDZVOUS! To conclude with t THE PANTOMIME! This present Evening, MIO NDAY, January 2, 1854, The Perrormances will cmmence with SIXTEEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CALEDO N- I AN HORTICULTURAL SOCIfETY. The AITFIMN FRTUIT COZPETITrN willbelhe~ld in the S.OCIETY'S GARDEN. INVERLCITH. on Saturday, 9gil S..pteinh'r. ott w1hich -cinsion the G DAND DAHLIA ad HULYHIOCK C05PETITION (.tpen to the Inited Kirln- Join) will al-u take pitcee. Irizes Vwill be awarded in tertns f the pairshed 1'rize Li-t. tni the Ste dclay ?? S& tenber) there will be an EXEIL BITLICN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A) I q U E TH N I O U R 3 la THE R1IGHTr-HON. THE BxIRL OF EGLINTO.N AND WNTONN KT., 1'nEtDFNTr OF Tan NATIO7AL ASsocUTro Pion EXs V1N-DhCXFZOS OF t'COTISX Itiarra TID B£E flELU IN THIE CITY HALL. GLASGOW, on WEDNESDAY, TifE 4Th OC'rotn 1t54. rIsSN:R ON TIE TABLV AT F'S 1= OC PrascTAr. Chairman. Irzs CaoCz TEE DUKE OF fMONTROSE, KT. CroiufleT. StIR T(OMAS 0LADS'- r E, of Fasque; BDt. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISX RIGHTS ASSOCIATION. UThe Fid4it are TpelttfDtilk ?? to .send their NAMES ENROLMlENT t} the OceE Of the Association, No. 4 Sr AxDSE~W SQLAaRE, Edinburgh. SuWscription - . ErVm SrIuIaxo- FRED. H. CAPTER .Tint.Ses JAMES GRANT. 3 EDUCATION BILL. A's Agreet on at a Mefeting of Ike Mifisters and Elders. URLIC ME*TING Of the MEM0BFRS; and ATJErI RESTS Of t~e UNI'i'EI) PRESBYTER IAN CHURCH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEORGE HERIO7S HOSPITALI T IE. ItALY-YEARLY ELECTION OF Boys, on the Tiaitn Mossi iflc'ronvtitjnest. Th~ey must e,,11 be Literfull Ssn of lfortesses ardd FreemetI~ of the City ofl Ed'4inbur-Ct, nit under Seven nor above Tenl years, -(f age; on the (iLV of Eecciorl. and whoset pwkenvt arc not se~ffrzl=?iin ableQ to M~antlia thcem. Puiatelfd Ilijmis of Petitil.ns may be bad at thies Wil'e. These ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (10MMERICIAL BAN-F. OF SCOTLAND. V The GENERAL COURT of PROPRIETORS of the COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCrOTLAND havian this dar declired a HALF-YEARLY DIVIDI)ENn) orn the CAPITAL STOCK *f the Bank. at the rate of Euight percent. per annum, and a 3ON US or EXTRAORDINARY DIvIDEND of per cert. OUt of the Profits of the past Year, both ?? ?? of Property ea*;- the' samne wili be paid on Tuxtnrx. the 2(1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ?? - THEATRE-ROYAL, EDINBURGH. LAST NIGETT OP THE SUMM3YER SEASOX FOR TIE BENEFIT OF R R AND MRS WYNDHAM, On MONDAY (THIS EVENING), 23d OGbser 1854, On which occasion these Distin-eished Artistes, MIADAME CELESTE and 3M1R BENJAMIN WEBSTER, have in the handsomest manner volunteered their gratuitous services. The Performances will coumence with HOPES AND FEARS, or THE SAILOR'S SON. In which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. A QIJAPTEBlLY GENERAL COURT of PROPR~M T(ORS of the COMNMERCIAL BANK. OF SCOTLAND %will lie held in tile B3Axas Om=xc here, on 'Tusrtsay, the istli Juno nest, at Two ?? Afternoo'n, pursuant to the Charter. A. K. MACKE.NZIE, Secy. Edinkburgh, 4th MAay t854. yA'VrT INSTITUTIOiN ANT) SCHODIr, Op ARTS. INVAUGUTRATIONVOrF 2THE VA TT TA TUE._ This; Criczsoxa&;. 13 to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A-MPIHTHE1;ATRE, NICOLSON STREET. an IAST WEEK O41' WIIITTINOTON A NI) HIS CAT, TI and Last Week of the Company performing at the Amphi- theatre, ?? to their return to the Thleatre Royal. This present Evenirhg- TILURI4nDA Yj Jafiuary 26, 1S5 1, Tine Performances will commence withl the Scottislt Drama of THEl IOSE OF ETTRICK VALE. After which, the 1 avnuritc Drama of THE TWO FRIENDS ! To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL. Fonrth Appearance ofthe Eminent Tragedian, ISR PHELPS, Le'ssee of thl Theatre-Royal, Sadlsets'Wells. This Present Eveninot T TRDPAfAV A-ci1 to lnS. I ~~ ~ --tle-P-erformeances w~ill comamenae with THE MAN OF THE WORLD To conelude with lTHE LADY OF THE LAKE! ! GREAT DISPLAY OF NEW SILKS. lLLER a4 CO.. c GEoGaE STREET (Late Grelg Mller}, l w will Show, THIS DAY, the whole of their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I WATERLOO ROOMS. T HE GIGANTIC MOVING DIORAMA 1 of the OVERLAND MAIL to INDIA, From Southampton to Calcutta, THE CRYSTAL PALACE at Sydenbam. And the Three Views of TUB TAJ- MEHAL! (Proat the Jtoicd Galler y of Iiiustrtion, 14 Rqfyenr Strie!, london.) OPE;N EVERY EVENING at Eight o'Clock, WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS at Half-past Two C Clockl. floors open half-an-hour previous. Arxtrsstos-One ...