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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... ol-N1A._NOTICE to PASSENGERS.- ,Ij~i! IAD'Y FITZHE RmERT has TIREE CABINS 1be) P W ll sail on Wednesday, the 12th instant.- ,AGELo) soil , Co. 6, Billiter-bquare, gelits for the i - hnal Iro or packet shrs.. INDIA CHINA. and AUSTRALIA, iT 51Mt rNISSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAMI NAVI. -Te steaers, carrying her Majesty's mails and Ifs tir; 1OiuSouthaPton for the unrdermetationed ports, i YoN MARS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT-GAlt-l .Al DEN.-OPENING NIGHT, SATURDAY NEXT.-The I Directors have the honour to announce that the SEASON will COMMENCE on Saturday next, April I on which occaeion will be rerformed Rosaini's celebrated opera, GUGLIELMO TELL. Matilde, Mdlle. Marai (her flrat appearance in England); Eudige. Ndlle. Cotti; Guglielmo Tell, Sig. Ronconi; Jemniy, Mdlle. N. Didile; Walter, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T.OUISIANA STATE BONDS.-Tbe DIVI- L DEND WARRANTS, falling due on the 1st of May next, on the LOUISIANA STATE BONDS issued in favour of the SECOND MUNICIPALITY of NEW QRL&ANS will be PAID on that or any succeeding day (Taesday and Friday excepted), be- tween the hours of Ten and Two, at th9 Counting-house of BARING BROTHERS rand CO., 8, Bilshopsgate-strcet Within; where Lists may, as usual, be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S OMNAMBIULE SPIRITUALISTE.-Madame 1 TALBERT, do Paris, CONSULTATIONS sur toutes sortes de maladies physiques et morales, do onze . cisq heures. Elle a I'honneur de prdveiir, aussi, qu'elle se rendra au domicile deo per- sonnes qui le ddsireront.-No. 14, Maddox-street, Regent-street. ZI¶HE LATEST DISCOVERY T IN ELECTAICITY. ELECTRICITY is VITALITY, and when communicated in mild but continuous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. STANFORD'S EMICRANT GUIDES. Now ready, price Is. each ; per post, Is. 6d., ANADA: its presetit Condition, Prospects, and Itesources, fully described for the information of intending Emigrants. By WILLIAM1HU¶TON, a Resident Agriculturist in that Colony for the last twenty years. With a Map, showing the Railways. AnSsTRALIA, as a Field for Capital, Skill, and Labour, with useful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OALES BY AUCTION. Tafnell-park West, near the Camden-road Villas.-Two capital semi-detached Villa Residences, Nos. 3 and 4, Belvoir-silla, Carleton-road.-For investment or occupation. JsjR. ROBINS has received instructions to Ms SELL by AUCTION, on Thursday, July 27, at Twelve, TWO higbly-desirable VILLA RESIDENCES, with large gardens, each containing fourteen rsoms, and of the annual value of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO MARINERS. ]BjII.H0WS SAND,) WVEST SMIN. TRINITY HOUSE, Losiuo~s, JUiuE 22, IS54. ?? TC ~hereby giveii, that ou or about the 11,1c iieat, a SPIRAL BUOY, painted black and r jswill be placed lin seven fatbomo ait I ow - ,, on ilth cost part of thle Barrows Sand, about two N. frost the ,~aplin Light-liouse, utia about one IN..laplilil Buoy. sini ecpet 01 the position of this buoy will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i 11r1, 1 ?? ' RtAILWAY.-REDUC' -p l -',otire is hecreby girv I, that ?? in the OCllABli. it tcr ?? u i' IS b tole passenger trailns on id. l I ?? Devonl Railtassa- iritt r OWC ged 6id. a. rot' exceedinl, 2ibs., tid.; 71 lja.. I.R. 4a.not exceedl- * I I i' ilaetillis fee sllorter l~ i~~ch ly b hail at anly Of the Colin- u0j';.~nn'ir 2S1bq. will be Conveyed liel hve been maill to earrY ru> r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? iTlCF TO hlARISEllS, S( F TIE BRISTOL CIANNEL- I LOaDON, OCTOrSR 19, 1854. i 'rebv y given thliat, pursuant to the * I iT is N\reed il tlle notice from this house, dated , (taSt) Buoy (now coloured red), has , thle S.SAW. part of Rtuei Spit, in 3ya or tides, and with the ?? nlark *, voi.blnets Breanl Down and Flatholin Iland. U 1 ?? ?? S. by E. Al ?? e * . W~est. a( ?? ?? N.byE.JE. 'R ' s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '~'7oo11 'SAUTSTRALIAN LINE Direc1),,t for GEELONG, Por h~p 1 ~ihl ' avimconsiderable portion of tier cargo I! . t~1t~hbtikclpper barqtuo ALICE MAUD, l j oisoil WINN, C0oinniander ~ i0 l~ ievc'00 w Inost elegast ac. 10 raidis notedt for tier reiiiarkably and passage apply to Dovilt ,SOR' AjtJSTRALIAN LINE -p 1~ ~ ?? pORT, PIILLIP direct, with .i)eraK ortonof ber cargo l i- 00 ?? o' regttter, W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DlANTISH THREE P'ER CENT. LOAN', 1815.- Ntotice ishberets tiscn thwat. it .tCnfortiaiy wiith the tru ?? tho ('oitract for the atbove Loan), 255 SPECIAL BONDS, amlounting to the .ntisi of £55,3D00, thel particulars whereof are at. and SUNS, beialt t!..e Fifty-n-inthiol nf.Joarly pis'rchase of 1bncld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. NEW STORY OF MODERN LIFE. =TiHE HEIRESS of SOMERTON ALIS NOW READY AT EVERY LIBRARY. Richard Bentley, New Burlington-street. he ds THE BEST NAVAL HISTORY.-ADMIRAL SIR PULTENEY s. MALCOLM. Now complete, in 6 vols. 8vo., bound, price £2 14s., 3d TAMESS NAVAL HISTORY of GREAT S, BRITAIN. ag With a Continuation of the History to the Present Time. :b Embellished with a Portrait ...