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Advertisements & Notices

... - AMPHITHEATRE, NICOLSON STREET. I A GRAtND MII)-DAY PEiR.FORMXANCE will take place OD MONDAY, Jan. 2- Doors open at 12 o'clock, and the Perfurmances to, commence at halfpast 12. This Morning, MONDAY, January 2, 1854, The PerfHrmances will commence with THE RENDEDZVOUS! To conclude with t THE PANTOMIME! This present Evening, MIO NDAY, January 2, 1854, The Perrormances will cmmence with SIXTEEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIHE BEAIZ) QUESTION. A FEW G E N T L E Ml E N, ?? to discontinue the AUnmoeaning, Trolublesome, and P'ainful Oporatioui of, SHAVING, would be glad to receive the Addresses of any Parties willing to favour stuchi a change. ab Addressed-J. ?? AV., Herald Oflice. _ _ _ _ _ ?? ?? M1 A N Sl 1 S S I N G. 1\ E EFT Hlomo on the 4th inst.; Was last seon on the Evening Sa Lj ot same dav at the Foot of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! L2~~~[DvERTISEMENT.a TORBAN-EHILL COAL. To TnEb EDIToS OF THE CALEDONS'? MSERCUCRtY Sin.-ln your paper of this date you permit A-- - to insert a lengthened critique on my brief remarks on the report of the proceedings of the Royal Society, wbich ap- peared in your paper of the Iqtlh Suffer me to offer some observations in reply. A-- B-- seems to admit that be was the author of the notice on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WELLINGTON AND NELSON nICTCRES 1 R IlITL, PR1reTSnLnZt TO THE QUzzW,. 07 P6ana SrtvET. respectfully intimates tam. in consequence of tse great antratcion .f these Pictures theEsmbnblitmit; WI~l. BE KEPT OPEN THIS 1AY. BOsaLD OF MuAX;TFcrTu-s,. Fdinburgh, 23d December 1853. rlHE, PICTUIRE G ALLERY tof Se ROyAL INSTIT1rUnO will 1 be Si ECIALLY 4JPENED t2l r CHRIST.MAS TIME. frolm TU&SD.,Y Whe ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. H E Subscriber, JOHN MVELROY, Contractor and I Builder in Glasgow, and at Roseneath, has CEASED to be a PARTNER of thle KILCREGGAN & LOCIIGOIL STEAM-BOAT COMPANY; or to have any INTEREST in the ARDENTINNY STEAMER. JOHN M'ELROY. WILLIAM CRtAIG, 36 St.Vincecnt Place, Glasgow,Witness. WILLIAM MACILEUIE, of same place,'Vitness. Glasgow, Deeeinber 23, 1853. NOTI CE. T HE Subscribers having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N NiW \VP :I BOOKS. pLEASANAT READING F On rTH YOUNG, 1lmo., 2s. Gd. DrDr. JANII MI.)N'S S'IIlIPTURE ROEADINGS ruit YOUNG PERSONS, feael. 8v., cloth, co. s.( ILLUSTRA'rTEI 1 SiTORY OF' TH E CRUISADES. ly 51AJQI' P IO 'lETIIt, crown 8 8v., 5o. Cloth, .i CYCL0PA'AfA OF LI'ERA RY A NNI SCIENTI FIC pr AN ECO'IT1. Edited by Wi VI.I.Al 1 )crowIIn 8cv. ris, Cloth. HORACEI MITrn 250 Il ul'IIATIONS, ...

Goods Department

... Goods will be forwarded the Trains leaving Aberdeen at 11, A.M. and 4, p.m.; and from Banchory, the Trains leaving at 12.30, p.m. and 5.30, p.m. Cattle are forwarded conditionally on the Company being able to provide the necessary supply of wagons, and according to priority of date. Parties having Goods forward will please give information at the Manager’s Office, 24, Adclphi Court, where ...

Large Piece of G-round and Houses for Sale

... To be Sold, within the Office of Alexander Henderson, Advocate, 26, St. Nicholas Street, Aberdeen, on Tuesday the 10th January, 1854, at Two o’clock. P.M., (if not previously disposed of by private bargain), THAT large Piece of GROUND, and HOUSES thereon, at 92 and 94 Loch Street, Aberdeen, extending in breadth to that Street about 94 feet, and backwards therefrom of the same breadth, nearly ...


... A Painter in Persia. The Quiet Heart.—Part 11. Dives. The English at Home—By a Frenchman Abroad. The Past and Future of China. The Last Fruit off an Old Tree. The Beverages we Infuse. The Aberdeen Cabinet. 11. THE JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE, and the TRANSACTIONS of the HIGHLAND and AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY of SCOTLAND. No. XLIIL, price 35., comprising an account of Bell’s Reaping-Machine,” by the ...

will P °d for sale, on Wednesday the 18th day of January, 1854, X TIMBER, discharged Jane jfflgW-.h- Feet YELLOW

... PINE. RED PINE. *°o BLACK BIRCH. „ OCK ELM. W willtal. WHITE OAK. • lve Place on the Links, at Eleven o’clock fore- Quebec Timber ' GEO. THOMPSON, Jun,, & CO Oin,, JOHN BARNETT, Auctioneer. > - Jackets for Australia. succeed » . TRE MELBOURNE” AND VAROON.' Melbourne and Sydney, T0 SUIT SIUPPERS. l’ Beautiful Clipper Rirque, , _ “OPHIK,” 1 1, Tons Register, 700 Tons Burthen, John Smith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EASTt- INDIA Ilors~E, 30th December 1,'53. 'rsirE C(NICT o~f IDIRECTORiS i' rile EAST .NoD1IA O)I P,; NY II- lien-tvj gi ?? ?? that rhio ItATE 'I.,II i:NCIIAN(;E at ?? they wvill reto--ive CASH flir BHILS ~zj JItEN;AL and MAJ)RAS will, from) thte Jresprnt date, and I',101 fiiv~fhrr ithte e s 2,,. 1d. the C-mipany's Rulpee, and fur rlill on BMBAY 2s. >1d. the Cornpany's Rupeite. JAMES', C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THlE FIOLLOiING D E( ISILNT lEA CHED - US TOO LATE- /,OlOBI.'IT IN OUR ?? fANTED for tbU raer 1 ti ine.t, Six ?? Apply' personallly at Johit C31ttiti'si, 177 Coweaddaiis Street, a0 Ologow. lath January 18541. VXAN LD a O NGM N to 'iau rdeni aaud Cllect Apply by letter, addreeoed V. M,, So. 1001., Herald 001ce. cal ow, GSIlt Janiuaty t8,54 0 I LLIN.ERI-VA NTED, Ifit thie Country, nitl Exicli. 0 ...