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Advertisements & Notices

... The ?? FREIGHT to BOSTO andI HwyTOREKi 1G SIX PQUNDS per Tisn,MjsMeaemqnI. Until further notice, CARGO fe, the .RTRaMM~towiUl The'~ R reeei'd-d on anid after Nine o'ceoek, morning, of SAtruitVTg P515V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... er- d~'P1B*iU.L ib a Lt A M SKS ?? rsn'ua t ,h MvUNINO He r aLurLnsic, B n ollowingEvBng, ad( re- fermAsnce. fh Qureyps eenococ;t ommnce at QuarterICO ley NB.A AYPRO ACEo M'lAY next, the oth ?? Ice- a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On SeATeRPAY EvENIINe NEXT, the 7th Insttat MIS a, LYN WILL RRAD SIIAXSPRARE`8 TRAGEDY Or .OTHELLO. To commence at Eight O'clock. AdmissIon: Body, 3d.; Side Galleries, Od.; R~eerved Seals, is. Prograi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . 1HOMAS'S (ONEWAiT 1 oiw te ,PQP, WITH Big 0'.v7 UNRIVALIED BAND OFs 7' SIXTY- PERFOR*Mk.R1j EVERY EVENING, 'Commencing at Half-past SYeCn.-Admissioii, ls.; *3oxes, 2.. See advertisement In anotherpa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LINS ULIj &A, - 9 . ~~fafn ..----- Second Edition Revised. Piteide Chesbire. nags aud i isanohestor; GEORGE SIMMOS, St. Ann's Square. Mr. S. E. ADOPTED BY COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION.- New Edition. ~HE HON. HORACE MANN'S E D rICA- PAR: TjTIONAL TOUR IN FRANCE, GERMANY, GREAT X dig BRITAIN. ice, with Preface and Notee. by W. B. HoDoSON, LL.D. rae( are a Price Os. lId. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *; NS1[IT' PtABYTE3RIAN C HURCH..-The. i-,;, leWMl:Uk OBAIIAM, of Livi'1166,: whi Vreaoh l.n i3 EVENrNG; in GREENHEYS CAPEL SCHOOL, Coup- lsn-etieet, . rvier at half-past seven. ; MAS-,JHESTER-SCiU;NDAYlQOiUNION, - ,.Uof the WiOilr Ooiree ofLECTURE wiU be doliveoedTO.MORROW Evening, at haln Cast soven o'elock, ] the Roby 'Shoolr'oomr bythe. Rev.,Wi[LIAM GRAHAM, of rLiverpool. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTI8IIMS- XIS consequtence of thy entire repeal of the Advertisemenlt Duty, UtoProstrietori of the MANCTI5CSTRR EXAMINE It ACD T~Enses'have adopte 'a Scale of Chargei for Slort Aflflottnlemento,which gives MOI to that claos of advertisers the benefit of considerably more than the amount of duty repealed. The lowest price for the shortest advertjccsneott baal hitherlo been Three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .prlsanswering adtertisementis In the Keroury, are reustdh attend to the following explallatiovsa 'ApYat the Meronry-office, means that personali ?? be made at our office. .'AdIlreea= [.eepiltal lett ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? F v - - 31;' - TO SUBS01UHlMS0 SAN.4P.yTI$k.. ?? In consequence of the Ionolin id North-westori Railroad being blocked up with snow, the south mail, which should have reached Liverpoolon Wednesday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A TURDAY, ZEV1KAN -CIONCEDRT8 CONCISRT-UALL ~~W SNSET 'ro-wolisow Xvaxiss (Saturday), the Tth Instant W LtY! iW t SH1ARSPEARE'S TRAGEDY Op OTHELLO. TO Commence ait Eight o'clock., Ildintission: BoY. 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? oWr`NE OR s o RAESjx P'OUNDSl -per Toli Measucniemet. recelveil on and 2itcrlinuam o~cl-jek,. morning, of SATUAI)AU' piiotVIO 1o SAiLINA, 1uslenet of on Mondays, net heretofore. 'li'reig ~rlbtOP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DV ORDER OP WE5 EXECUTORS. HOUJSEHOLD) FUstNITU7RF, sto,1l Lib~rary of Books, and other ?? Georgce-oquaro. BY MESSRlS. TITUS. WINSTANLEY & SONS, This Day (Friday), the Oth itssalat, at Eleven o'clook ...