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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRHE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Monday), January. 2d, 1854, parformancee will commence with JANE SHORE. Dumont, Mr King; Lord Hastings, Mr Vining; Jane Shore, Mrs Hudson Kirby; Alioia, Miss Bellair. I . To conclude with the New Christmas Co6i!9,P IItnae entitled BATTLEDOOR AND, SHUTTLECOCK; oR, HARLEQUIN KING NUTCRACKER AND 4Tlst INFANTRY ENCAMPMENT ON Toy ISLAND I Heriequin, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION I! ON NERVOUS AND GENEBATIVE DISEASES. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price la., or in a aealed Envelope, free by Poet, for 18 Postage Stamps. EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY HWhlaH THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Miedical Work on the infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. J _ , ?? i)ICHARD ALLEN'S ElL &GAYLUms,28,Lr. I o R &okiiUk-*e, continue to be supplied with a large as- who cortmeent of ready-msdoclothing. Ert style. Best materialo. Wad fl A S FITTINGS ;=Larg Stock just Fore Xrived at GREGG & SONS China, Glas, Earthenware, n Lamp and Gas Fitting Kstablabhment, 18, up. Vi els r BR Y B KELLS Boots of Home Manufacture, spec T a at 21s. per pair. Lsdle' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... delle *1 .. t; o 9 A.N@, 11 to 4, EDt Dll the evenig o2Mon; deys, % e .n EdayF and lrtlduge trom 10 Qit Ter.rng-lli[edicll Jnd Surgbl Adviol and liledieloe (com- pornded by o LiconthteApoth) for J{IT1D SEX1L .or it m the b city . ?? 4hdedA w - , .. ?? eenselti by btler (m i er pripfea sa. A FT GS. -Larg Stock jujt sr- ilve a GREB}GIG & SON'S China, GlIN, artheawari, amp p a nd Gs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... liEALU 11-L N0Z% ?? ON NEBVOU8 AND GENERATIVE DI2tHAsEs. Just Publisbed, 20th Thousand. illuatratea With Colou k Engravings, Price ls., or in a saled Envelope, free Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. EALTH AMD HAPPINESS, THE MECANS WhICH THEY MAY BE OBTAiNOLrD, a Medical Work the Infirnmitiis of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of t4 Generativa System, with observations 'on the treatment ; Nervoun ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE 1ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Tuesday), January 3d, 1854, performances will commence with the comed) of CHARLES THE TWELFTH. Charles XlI., Mr King; Adam Brock, Mr dranby; Triptolernus Muddlewerk, Mr Wigan; Endiga, Miss Lanza; Ulrica, Mra Bromley. I To conclude iith the New Christmas Comic Pantomime, entitled ' BATTLEDOOR AND SHUTTLECOCK; OR, HARLEQuiN KIsG NUTCRACKER AND THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fHATRELROYAL4 DUBLIN.' JUVENILE NIGHT. On THIS EVENING (Wedfasday), Jan. 4, for thebcon- venience of persona residing at a distance, and the Juvenile brathtes of familles, the performances will comnmonce at Seved o'Clck, aud be to aranged that the T Pantomime will terminate about a Quarter-past Ten; when will be perfotMsE the Farco of 'THE SPOILED CHILD. Little Pickle, Miss Stundere. After ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS4' ?? - - l moval~ ?? o; She deesd, Ite I myh I . hI rd no tnblwih se aglor oerteiladrgt z-ll yocrh, nd o p ton iw day wu vs 1~ RICHARBD IALLE4SHA&& (Liwfui,8,Lr.P sortuwitof r~edy.-nm e!lq , mit a*7lM Bost mtaterials. wG ITTRIGHT, BROT FMAaUACTURER a 7 F OP CHILDRE N'NS OACY4 AD BOYw' EATS, tD Z8, DA7 E.STUEET, (opposite Geore'lstreet.) iGA i . 6. . . _ . . RGG'& SON'S h s, Iiatw of, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION1 1 ' I i ON NkmRvo0us MeD ?? DtisS3cS.rai I .tst-Publidlied,' 20th'Thoushaud. 111tustrated with ;Colourea Engravineg, Price Is., or lin'a seealed Envelope5 free by. jPot, for 18 Postage'Stamps. - r H l ALI MND, HAPPINESS v' mamss, BY W1 illlCH{T~ a ?? isx OBTAIIED, a' Medical Work dno .it e Infirmities of Youth.and Maturity, and Diseases of the - teieratve 'Sytem; 'lth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Thursday), January 5, the per- performances will commence with the Operatic Drama of 1 ROB ROY. T Rob Roy, Mr King; Frasois Oebeld~iston, Mraigh;. , Na~or Gaibraith, Mr Derand; Diana Veron, Miss Lauzi, G H~elen Macrgregor, Mfrs Kirby. -L To conclude with, the Mew Christmas Comic Pantomime, C entitle4 D BATTLEDOOR AND SHUJTTLECOCK; OR, HARLEquiN KING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABOLMTON OF TUlE ADVERTISEMENT DUTY. The Bill for abolishing the Advertisement Duty is now law. Hinieorith Do Xduty 3will be levied for the insertion of an advertisement in a newspaper or in any other publication. 'The repeal of this tax is a concession to the retail trading-the shopkeeping.class-and to that large industrious class. who earn their bread by work- ing for others-s tutors, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITIONI I ON NERVOUS AND GENEBATIVE DISEASES Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price 1s. or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. 12 EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY .1.L vwHICH THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the ...