Advertisements & Notices

... - AMPHITHEATRE, NICOLSON STREET. I A GRAtND MII)-DAY PEiR.FORMXANCE will take place OD MONDAY, Jan. 2- Doors open at 12 o'clock, and the Perfurmances to, commence at halfpast 12. This Morning, MONDAY, January 2, 1854, The PerfHrmances will commence with THE RENDEDZVOUS! To conclude with t THE PANTOMIME! This present Evening, MIO NDAY, January 2, 1854, The Perrormances will cmmence with SIXTEEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINANCIAL COMMISSN.- TeAMENT e f the DIVIDENDS of the THREE PR CENT COSOLDATED and DEFERRED FOREIGN STOCKS, diW ?? is ntwlltk ie at the o01550 of the COM, ?? wlnwlil he k bereeeived .mn the jet of February next. tsinjn mentof the Coupons of the Three Cnte Debt, the Comrnirsin Will draw bills at 30 days ' eight On the Dirc ro the Sinking Fund at Madrid. .ied JOSE BOIBRAjO. 44 Culnulm3street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO FAMILIES FURNISHING. I JAMES GIRDWOOD EGS TOINFOR TIHE NOBILITY, GEN- TRY, and the Public, that he has made large additions to his Stock during the last week, having re- ceived all th.elate -N'ovelties of the Season. The Stock consists of the following:- CARPETS. EAST INDIA, marie at the famous M%~anufactorv of Masuipaumin sizes varying from 12 feet 3 inches by 16 feet to IS fee; by '27 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIHE BEAIZ) QUESTION. A FEW G E N T L E Ml E N, ?? to discontinue the AUnmoeaning, Trolublesome, and P'ainful Oporatioui of, SHAVING, would be glad to receive the Addresses of any Parties willing to favour stuchi a change. ab Addressed-J. ?? AV., Herald Oflice. _ _ _ _ _ ?? ?? M1 A N Sl 1 S S I N G. 1\ E EFT Hlomo on the 4th inst.; Was last seon on the Evening Sa Lj ot same dav at the Foot of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRHE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Monday), January. 2d, 1854, parformancee will commence with JANE SHORE. Dumont, Mr King; Lord Hastings, Mr Vining; Jane Shore, Mrs Hudson Kirby; Alioia, Miss Bellair. I . To conclude with the New Christmas Co6i!9,P IItnae entitled BATTLEDOOR AND, SHUTTLECOCK; oR, HARLEQUIN KING NUTCRACKER AND 4Tlst INFANTRY ENCAMPMENT ON Toy ISLAND I Heriequin, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p, a §t J t bba 6 UAEB1 L iiiakt - ?? ug~ Tig e~#o C. BM, v Eto* MX.l , ~t~1~a~nb , e1i? ' ?? ., 3O * B % 3 96Mt84 .TS!3 ,. ?? 2 - . ld2I¢+I= Tv b WAW, i*i ;- : St thtab~y a t -ima q i j 5w'~a r p 2.a ?? :-er .~ .: : u i g . R . _.~a .h bicas , 8 a I -L al~~~nUDW'Re*~1 Wahierpr¢;Cta, aw~ l IBM1 ?? , Wa .cojw1 &r ?? BM~hW1~ 6~Are ,,the- artcle lo is : ktbslu .ulll nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! L2~~~[DvERTISEMENT.a TORBAN-EHILL COAL. To TnEb EDIToS OF THE CALEDONS'? MSERCUCRtY Sin.-ln your paper of this date you permit A-- - to insert a lengthened critique on my brief remarks on the report of the proceedings of the Royal Society, wbich ap- peared in your paper of the Iqtlh Suffer me to offer some observations in reply. A-- B-- seems to admit that be was the author of the notice on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELBOURNE and SYDNEY.-The GENE- S1.AL SCREW STEAM SHIPPING COMPANY'S 'EAMSji CEC(ESUS, of 2,500 Tone,'JOule VINSt HALL, Coin- snder will sail fro n Soutbampton on the 10th proxlmo. Parcel esy 'od ?? passage and freight apply to the Com- 03.9s o11ces, 1, Adelaide-pilaoe, London Bridge. UBST ALIA in SIXTY DAYS.-The splendid iron-screW steamer VICTORIA, 1,800 tons, 150-horso power, CUIAMPtON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' s . - ' b-i- to ~ ( , uA~$~V~I e lltU Pa. ?? ?? i~~ iM~~. £o5 : W hW 4havi ?? OL acU. _% dt 1w ilamorpb V bee Wer OPOUANEANDEtt d~~ei abK *91 ' q ,*e. 6d _ _ ?? ?? a. ?? -ue ~~ ~ta daish ?? iagtpd ,,clI be mkD 44 _ ;~~ADUAAILh tha . , ; e. ., . W A= AT ?? OP PRAW .1wbihsAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOWN H1UN T. F DOWN HiUNT WILL -MEET AT 1TT xWNARDS, on the 17Ith day of Jan' a, i S. DE LA CHEEROIS CtO5J3IxE; j. 33 ii [ Treasur(r. - T-EE PANTECHNETRECA ALMANAC? FOR THE N-ElW YEAtR 18-54. iV NOW READY FOR DEL1VERY. k>j) JL will he given away, OieaTvh, to all whon ma or sin'1 for it. JOHN G. M'GEE & CO., MEnRCIANT CLOTrI]I.IRs, 4G and 48, 1IGH1 STREET, BELF.AST. 3221 PATENT INDIA RUBBER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WELLINGTON AND NELSON nICTCRES 1 R IlITL, PR1reTSnLnZt TO THE QUzzW,. 07 P6ana SrtvET. respectfully intimates tam. in consequence of tse great antratcion .f these Pictures theEsmbnblitmit; WI~l. BE KEPT OPEN THIS 1AY. BOsaLD OF MuAX;TFcrTu-s,. Fdinburgh, 23d December 1853. rlHE, PICTUIRE G ALLERY tof Se ROyAL INSTIT1rUnO will 1 be Si ECIALLY 4JPENED t2l r CHRIST.MAS TIME. frolm TU&SD.,Y Whe ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. H E Subscriber, JOHN MVELROY, Contractor and I Builder in Glasgow, and at Roseneath, has CEASED to be a PARTNER of thle KILCREGGAN & LOCIIGOIL STEAM-BOAT COMPANY; or to have any INTEREST in the ARDENTINNY STEAMER. JOHN M'ELROY. WILLIAM CRtAIG, 36 St.Vincecnt Place, Glasgow,Witness. WILLIAM MACILEUIE, of same place,'Vitness. Glasgow, Deeeinber 23, 1853. NOTI CE. T HE Subscribers having ...