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... N NiW \VP :I BOOKS. pLEASANAT READING F On rTH YOUNG, 1lmo., 2s. Gd. DrDr. JANII MI.)N'S S'IIlIPTURE ROEADINGS ruit YOUNG PERSONS, feael. 8v., cloth, co. s.( ILLUSTRA'rTEI 1 SiTORY OF' TH E CRUISADES. ly 51AJQI' P IO 'lETIIt, crown 8 8v., 5o. Cloth, .i CYCL0PA'AfA OF LI'ERA RY A NNI SCIENTI FIC pr AN ECO'IT1. Edited by Wi VI.I.Al 1 )crowIIn 8cv. ris, Cloth. HORACEI MITrn 250 Il ul'IIATIONS, ...

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... READ THE NEW EDITION I! ON NERVOUS AND GENEBATIVE DISEASES. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price la., or in a aealed Envelope, free by Poet, for 18 Postage Stamps. EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY HWhlaH THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Miedical Work on the infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment ...

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... CARDS. J _ , ?? i)ICHARD ALLEN'S ElL &GAYLUms,28,Lr. I o R &okiiUk-*e, continue to be supplied with a large as- who cortmeent of ready-msdoclothing. Ert style. Best materialo. Wad fl A S FITTINGS ;=Larg Stock just Fore Xrived at GREGG & SONS China, Glas, Earthenware, n Lamp and Gas Fitting Kstablabhment, 18, up. Vi els r BR Y B KELLS Boots of Home Manufacture, spec T a at 21s. per pair. Lsdle' ...

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... sW~~ Ra 38. lONZiON eliud e Wi sT J4IaWq .,B ~ )ODd ThAWI Seeed iard or0tte and the ?? ma lr, ad. wl DlCNT IN31En- '*-Oq1Ube conveyeda etoo betwW t o ndon and Hlavre 4 uf~ ?? all catges W all othe quay at nase to Lonion Sirezeadki. K ame e dtJ and P mrine God ilbe e toeye btwitono aa nd er three lid;. :w to Usr. Watklnt, malway Starlon; Inflnvre. to% ilauo', Rue, *.ds~b(~fe.Byardei, AKtCflD. ...

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... E1JURNEa. gnSYDNEY.-ThI GENE- ,STEAM SHIPPING COMPANY'S BL 3CiWUS Of 2,500 Tons, JOUH VINE HALL, COon. M' iesail front Southampton on the 10th proximo. Parcel c * de ?? ?? and freight apply to the Corn- n Adelahleplace, London Bridge. 't to INDfA, viD the Cape.-The following PS o GthE NEilAL SCREW STEAM SHIPPING SpAN ~lflceavo SOUTiHAMPTON for CALCUTTA ton the of every monthi calling at ...

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... delle *1 .. t; o 9 A.N@, 11 to 4, EDt Dll the evenig o2Mon; deys, % e .n EdayF and lrtlduge trom 10 Qit Ter.rng-lli[edicll Jnd Surgbl Adviol and liledieloe (com- pornded by o LiconthteApoth) for J{IT1D SEX1L .or it m the b city . ?? 4hdedA w - , .. ?? eenselti by btler (m i er pripfea sa. A FT GS. -Larg Stock jujt sr- ilve a GREB}GIG & SON'S China, GlIN, artheawari, amp p a nd Gs ...

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... The ?? FREIGHT to BOSTO andI HwyTOREKi 1G SIX PQUNDS per Tisn,MjsMeaemqnI. Until further notice, CARGO fe, the .RTRaMM~towiUl The'~ R reeei'd-d on anid after Nine o'ceoek, morning, of SAtruitVTg P515V ...

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... er- d~'P1B*iU.L ib a Lt A M SKS ?? rsn'ua t ,h MvUNINO He r aLurLnsic, B n ollowingEvBng, ad( re- fermAsnce. fh Qureyps eenococ;t ommnce at QuarterICO ley NB.A AYPRO ACEo M'lAY next, the oth ?? Ice- a ...

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... VI'E~O*AL Ai3IM ?? tiN ?? e ?? h¢'- . Su ! 173,St175,1s$ I A1|1 himc-' 2Bts ~1AB1Y1U55suW5 Ulm 5, - Whi 9-1 ?? ?? ?? ?? chatny Iewtha hato %-Ti c Xi AY, £at 1 ze dm~ae ?? wthe a31 Jmnary; and hornil OUl eu the ale', u a w ,itf it upetty whih low rie me.d11 fixnt.#at e wn6neuer fai to'ahlse, ?? G l ;O MW Go 1'5ii '53 ei~ght, .roqud ll-v-w i 4 L i- ES ?? 2 not a . :@INENS. ioneehid inen4 :at HMf ...

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... liEALU 11-L N0Z% ?? ON NEBVOU8 AND GENERATIVE DI2tHAsEs. Just Publisbed, 20th Thousand. illuatratea With Colou k Engravings, Price ls., or in a saled Envelope, free Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. EALTH AMD HAPPINESS, THE MECANS WhICH THEY MAY BE OBTAiNOLrD, a Medical Work the Infirnmitiis of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of t4 Generativa System, with observations 'on the treatment ; Nervoun ...

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... On SeATeRPAY EvENIINe NEXT, the 7th Insttat MIS a, LYN WILL RRAD SIIAXSPRARE`8 TRAGEDY Or .OTHELLO. To commence at Eight O'clock. AdmissIon: Body, 3d.; Side Galleries, Od.; R~eerved Seals, is. Prograi ...

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... Z 1t Olt, W a a k b Z TM. comtanw. To Iceilis the Weelkdra gok~heiu ?? I by 'D alfu 17 1O. 0. 3~ fA IIs'ty':p l e S-R VB Nfi DR i tmmor Ae 1* - DZ4 ,I31 ; t M VN ;-W- I M J tonmm wO VINE HA Eutmandmu be s~lo~ogi -evrymouhIi~Xy~y~~e ?? !rt i , . , cuman tfrom, f e gb 1ad &t ?? taeg T BO . de Verde ide ?? Ifoto AA ;^tf *pfe, 'dts db. bedod tI 77ad- seO N ?? e dgem~o7 mfUoe, .,I hrlealag. FeeAVOe ...