Advertisements & Notices

... . 1HOMAS'S (ONEWAiT 1 oiw te ,PQP, WITH Big 0'.v7 UNRIVALIED BAND OFs 7' SIXTY- PERFOR*Mk.R1j EVERY EVENING, 'Commencing at Half-past SYeCn.-Admissioii, ls.; *3oxes, 2.. See advertisement In anotherpa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. LEE WATER, SEWAGE AND, NAVIGATION COMPANY. This day is published, A PRACTICAL ESSAY on the WATER ASUPPLY of the Northern, North-Eastern, and Eaistern Dis- tricts of the Metropolis ; comprising the districts supplied iroms tho ?? by the New River and East London Water Companies; showing the recent parliamentary operations. the failure ot the plan proposed in the session of 1853 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE 1ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Tuesday), January 3d, 1854, performances will commence with the comed) of CHARLES THE TWELFTH. Charles XlI., Mr King; Adam Brock, Mr dranby; Triptolernus Muddlewerk, Mr Wigan; Endiga, Miss Lanza; Ulrica, Mra Bromley. I To conclude iith the New Christmas Comic Pantomime, entitled ' BATTLEDOOR AND SHUTTLECOCK; OR, HARLEQuiN KIsG NUTCRACKER AND THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : Im~ra ?? ,:oD S mE~l~ ?? lao i ?? (=7;Lsue Mt. U. xT. SMT.TI ?? , . 5_aF ?? tg~t$fm t ?? ?? V S - :Es.* ?? w P th MI 6 o~Y7lo,m, 9fr I W 3b: po3~ ?? WAlla¢* udiv1 .;0 _ V:^ AR 1__',DRL~B5 ?? oae'si-'. o' ?? s~~~ ~~ vwa pU*y>.- a4 p1i. I vk~ 1 1 e~5d ll;B~l-O dl ?? ^h-4 ?? M.abe. ls ?? ^X8 gom 1thiw lL ' e ALRT ~MtB MONTie' ?? *^ ?? __ Uft=Wd~~e- ?? ?? Ves al~a te~o4 ?? DulW.;i ?? - 4 _K JeA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HiATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- TH Lsee, Nr. E. T. SMITH.Grand MORNING PERFORM- ANCE of the PANTOMIME, TO-MORROW, Wednesday, Jan. 4.- Extraordinary Sucacss of the grand paittomure of hAXL1QUIN KING HUMMING TOP.-At the desire of numerous families of dIstinction, the Morning Performances will take place on Wednses- day next, January 4, and every Wednesday, at Two o'clock in Ihe afternoon. Children ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LINS ULIj &A, - 9 . ~~fafn ..----- Second Edition Revised. Piteide Chesbire. nags aud i isanohestor; GEORGE SIMMOS, St. Ann's Square. Mr. S. E. ADOPTED BY COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION.- New Edition. ~HE HON. HORACE MANN'S E D rICA- PAR: TjTIONAL TOUR IN FRANCE, GERMANY, GREAT X dig BRITAIN. ice, with Preface and Notee. by W. B. HoDoSON, LL.D. rae( are a Price Os. lId. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Snow Repeller, a good warm Over-Coat1 For l0s 66, At the PANTEORNETHECA, I Blankets, Shirts, Boots, lAnnl. )VttOLI ' sALF N0 ~ Flanel. z .ar ;I I Shoe s. ?? small Wares, : A., iBbonnes, 2.6, Tbos I Uimbrellas, C~I e L a ces, Corsets. 13 Ir- ?? nltviers. I pr:ats, 1 - ~i e y, Br 0us'o, C'E1Coes, Gloves, Combs, N 0 T I C I. TN- OF TCE iL INCLEME'NCY ot Elle o- ~ t l.ti' ?? as; ztiti'e hi. Sn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *; NS1[IT' PtABYTE3RIAN C HURCH..-The. i-,;, leWMl:Uk OBAIIAM, of Livi'1166,: whi Vreaoh l.n i3 EVENrNG; in GREENHEYS CAPEL SCHOOL, Coup- lsn-etieet, . rvier at half-past seven. ; MAS-,JHESTER-SCiU;NDAYlQOiUNION, - ,.Uof the WiOilr Ooiree ofLECTURE wiU be doliveoedTO.MORROW Evening, at haln Cast soven o'elock, ] the Roby 'Shoolr'oomr bythe. Rev.,Wi[LIAM GRAHAM, of rLiverpool. ...

Goods Department

... Goods will be forwarded the Trains leaving Aberdeen at 11, A.M. and 4, p.m.; and from Banchory, the Trains leaving at 12.30, p.m. and 5.30, p.m. Cattle are forwarded conditionally on the Company being able to provide the necessary supply of wagons, and according to priority of date. Parties having Goods forward will please give information at the Manager’s Office, 24, Adclphi Court, where ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTI8IIMS- XIS consequtence of thy entire repeal of the Advertisemenlt Duty, UtoProstrietori of the MANCTI5CSTRR EXAMINE It ACD T~Enses'have adopte 'a Scale of Chargei for Slort Aflflottnlemento,which gives MOI to that claos of advertisers the benefit of considerably more than the amount of duty repealed. The lowest price for the shortest advertjccsneott baal hitherlo been Three ...


... The Trietlt Xcituny stales that the British diplomatic Teheran has renewed relations with the Persian government; hut this, especially considering the source whence it emanates, greatly needs confirmation. A private letter from St. Petersburg, of the 19lb lint., asserts positively that the exchange of ratifications of the treaty, odensive and defensive, between the Shah ot Persia and Russia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? A! ,IM, a t ; ?? tht Cs. 11. piten, ano 531 ?? ,ee th .. ?? SllteADofO . OU, Mr ?? Mir, , b Lr R alfo4 ! t e i IW ~ X0 ; > I gig stG'_A OL E ?? ataran e 'I ?? &3i dID5AN `dn~apSK1e i~ftie 1 1Ha mertiq Kiel ~ oee Pi. nd ZElieXIslig~f/EU£ Tt~dayf io3~P s IAND , , ; 4s.H - X ksXYEI~s:$^rt~i.:F.Ythtrheolw th netts' ~ ~ ~ se. Ato or fr e poyer tfs,1- ,1 t f oo1 im angperlodwbls4ry 'a ~t 1*4 ...