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Advertisements & Notices

... TIHE BEAIZ) QUESTION. A FEW G E N T L E Ml E N, ?? to discontinue the AUnmoeaning, Trolublesome, and P'ainful Oporatioui of, SHAVING, would be glad to receive the Addresses of any Parties willing to favour stuchi a change. ab Addressed-J. ?? AV., Herald Oflice. _ _ _ _ _ ?? ?? M1 A N Sl 1 S S I N G. 1\ E EFT Hlomo on the 4th inst.; Was last seon on the Evening Sa Lj ot same dav at the Foot of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. H E Subscriber, JOHN MVELROY, Contractor and I Builder in Glasgow, and at Roseneath, has CEASED to be a PARTNER of thle KILCREGGAN & LOCIIGOIL STEAM-BOAT COMPANY; or to have any INTEREST in the ARDENTINNY STEAMER. JOHN M'ELROY. WILLIAM CRtAIG, 36 St.Vincecnt Place, Glasgow,Witness. WILLIAM MACILEUIE, of same place,'Vitness. Glasgow, Deeeinber 23, 1853. NOTI CE. T HE Subscribers having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N NiW \VP :I BOOKS. pLEASANAT READING F On rTH YOUNG, 1lmo., 2s. Gd. DrDr. JANII MI.)N'S S'IIlIPTURE ROEADINGS ruit YOUNG PERSONS, feael. 8v., cloth, co. s.( ILLUSTRA'rTEI 1 SiTORY OF' TH E CRUISADES. ly 51AJQI' P IO 'lETIIt, crown 8 8v., 5o. Cloth, .i CYCL0PA'AfA OF LI'ERA RY A NNI SCIENTI FIC pr AN ECO'IT1. Edited by Wi VI.I.Al 1 )crowIIn 8cv. ris, Cloth. HORACEI MITrn 250 Il ul'IIATIONS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THlE FIOLLOiING D E( ISILNT lEA CHED - US TOO LATE- /,OlOBI.'IT IN OUR ?? fANTED for tbU raer 1 ti ine.t, Six ?? Apply' personallly at Johit C31ttiti'si, 177 Coweaddaiis Street, a0 Ologow. lath January 18541. VXAN LD a O NGM N to 'iau rdeni aaud Cllect Apply by letter, addreeoed V. M,, So. 1001., Herald 001ce. cal ow, GSIlt Janiuaty t8,54 0 I LLIN.ERI-VA NTED, Ifit thie Country, nitl Exicli. 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL ESTATE IN STIRLINGSNIRE. r ll, LANDS of FANK ERTON, advertised for Sale ol I W ednesday the 1thll ilistailt, IIAVIC To-Day BEEN l)ISPOSLED OF BY1 PR IlVATE BARGAIN. E,,dinburghl, 3d January, 1854. 1E Tn in !r. D. Black's, 120 GallosYgate Street, oo 'Iuesday 1 the 27th Decembter last, a Small P'ARCEL. The ownier may bave it by applying and paying expenses. OlXND) a large POINTiRiz. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLASGOW CORPOIRATIO N WATERWORKS BILL. OPPOSITvOm IN PARMIIAENITT1 Timrm E r;TRN.ON' OF TnE llB.I. TO GOIIIAI.A, An OTilIImnt Ii-,ACES SOUTIH Ol' THE CIND)E. 37 THE CoMM IrTTEE appointed at a Public Aecting of the T Inhabitants of Gorbals and other lilaces, having FA I LE I) in their NEGOTIATIONS swith the TOWN COUNCIL, have now RESOiLVEDI in terms of the Rlesolutiouns passed at that Meeting, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TI1E LATE DR. WARDLAW. ( 11) the Press, and will appear in a few days, SC lFUNERIAL SERVICE8S AND) DISCOll'ltSl'S, N oceasioi of the death of' the late l1ev. WAII'II ARiD) 0 LAW, ?? by the Revs, John Broiwn, D.). ; IV. L. Alexander, D). Ediieburgh Professor`Thomson ; Revs. Nor- mian ll'Leod, and J. McllFarlane,1L.1)., Wlasgow. A. FULLA17TON & CO., 44 South Bridge, Edinburgh, and 40 Union ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE, HANDSOMELY ITTrEl-UP DRUG SHOP, in one of tin ,iisst flourishinigdistricts of Glasgow. To a young man of inoderate capital, or to a Surgeon, such anl opening sel- domn occurs. 'IlAdvertiser hlils, had the ahove Shop Four Years, and is retiring- solely on account (if his health. A pply by letter, with inme and address, to M. P. S. 20, Herald Oflic. 1)US INESS to be D)ISPOSEI-'l OF', ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGING IN ATTHOLE PLACE, FORl SALE. b. ) Public itnup, Nvithin the iloyal Exchanuge S'ale Z ilsel, oin Wednesdayl) the(' 11thl day ut Janoary ?? Il'loik Afiternoonl,Ii 1110ii 1oojleeictstilalisposed ?? Iogii C ('.,imoitdillts D ~L / GI1NG, NO. 197 VIIIL'ACti, Bathl Street, Conat~ining ~il~ling TRooiu I -ir-et IIrauili, i~llil, aid A~i-I rwing ilol, Iitli the1 parb~ - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INTIMATION. 'IF Public Salc of the COTTAGE and GARDEN, 208 1 Garnad lill, to be oil the 1ith instant, is i'oST- t PONED. Meantimc, Private )ffcrs will be ?? at the PETER BURN & CO. Glasgow, 9!h Jan., IS.c5. WATCH 'LOST. t F OST, on Tnesday night, the 3d instant, a SIIER I A WATCH, with Gold Seal, Key, and Ring; from I (lajssfold Street to SaitchielslOl Street, by Montros Street. Whoever will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MESSRS. W. & J. II. JOHNSON'S SCIENTIFIC( PUBLICATION S. Vols. 1. to V., Cloth, l'ifee l4.s, each, may nowy be had from aill Booksellers, HpI E P'RACTIICAL 1N E1CIIANIC'S~ JOURNAL, Price TI.S., Monthlly, Editod by W uta. .1 Aa JoHN SOis, Assone Itet., C. E. Ani Illustraxted hi lox ?? fthe- ftt Foe r Vlolunes, whiche~~ contaill N'inety-Two large Plabte EngraviIg's and( upwards at' S Twelve lI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF any Person knows the Address of G EORGE MtGOVRAN, 1 fromu Ballabay, County Monaghan, Ireland, they will pllease let hii know that on application to his brother, Sam. ii M'G(5owran, 72 lligh Street, M'Neillage's Land, llothesay, he will hear of something to his benefit. OST, onl Monday, 9th January, betveen three and four o'clockafternoon, it CANARY lliRI), from 13 Shuttle d Street. Whoever ...