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Advertisements & Notices

... LINS ULIj &A, - 9 . ~~fafn ..----- Second Edition Revised. Piteide Chesbire. nags aud i isanohestor; GEORGE SIMMOS, St. Ann's Square. Mr. S. E. ADOPTED BY COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION.- New Edition. ~HE HON. HORACE MANN'S E D rICA- PAR: TjTIONAL TOUR IN FRANCE, GERMANY, GREAT X dig BRITAIN. ice, with Preface and Notee. by W. B. HoDoSON, LL.D. rae( are a Price Os. lId. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *; NS1[IT' PtABYTE3RIAN C HURCH..-The. i-,;, leWMl:Uk OBAIIAM, of Livi'1166,: whi Vreaoh l.n i3 EVENrNG; in GREENHEYS CAPEL SCHOOL, Coup- lsn-etieet, . rvier at half-past seven. ; MAS-,JHESTER-SCiU;NDAYlQOiUNION, - ,.Uof the WiOilr Ooiree ofLECTURE wiU be doliveoedTO.MORROW Evening, at haln Cast soven o'elock, ] the Roby 'Shoolr'oomr bythe. Rev.,Wi[LIAM GRAHAM, of rLiverpool. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTI8IIMS- XIS consequtence of thy entire repeal of the Advertisemenlt Duty, UtoProstrietori of the MANCTI5CSTRR EXAMINE It ACD T~Enses'have adopte 'a Scale of Chargei for Slort Aflflottnlemento,which gives MOI to that claos of advertisers the benefit of considerably more than the amount of duty repealed. The lowest price for the shortest advertjccsneott baal hitherlo been Three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GR.08mvrY`N, STEET.CHAPL-PIC CA- TO-MORROW (Susdade January 8th), Morning acnd NOTT ILL N~PEDENT CHAPEL. K~o.Moa~ow~s~,~,SERSo IntheMorigby HALLY.~C~s~tona fte eac sericeta efraY the aurrent ~T. PETEAS CHURCH.-FULL CATHE. P')DIIAI, SERVICS1i ON SUNDAY NEXT (Jan. 8), 1814.- TWO SRR).!ONS will be preached, and collecitions made after each -towards defraylosg the expenses of the choir; that in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVIEHi'I8EHIS BE biN elnsequeneeoof the cntiro repeal of the A,' vertinamrlrit Diltty, thePr0Prieti3Orf the I ~ocsRtEAMINER AND 'mliMs hove adopted a Settle of Charges for Short Anionuctflmoita, whicirl gives to that cdoss of otlvertisers the benefit of oortishloralbly more then the amount of duty repoedlad. Thle loweot price for the abot test advertieonroint ]tioo hitoerto been Vliree ...

Advertisements & Notices

... impartment%. ANDSOM & comfortable First-floor APART- iIMEINTS, at No. 3, Vernon-street, Camp-street, Broughtoti.- OB LET, Three HOUSES, in ChathtlRmst-a'id' M~bEur Terraoe: rent, £14.-Apply at 77, chatbalm-st. - F1nO BE LET or' SOLD, the HOUSE, 61, Upper} A. Brook-atrast.-For particulars, apply to W.V.'ILKINSON WEHITAKER, 3-2, St. Ann.stroet, 7j1O BE LET, an excellent Detached HOUSE, 1 AL with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It I. U .1 4 LU rA. ±4 J AC OB CASPER'S SUPERFINE DRESS SUIT, £3. 3s. 779, MARKBT-STREET W ILLIAM HIL'S MARBLE W() RKS, 20, DAVID.STREET, PORTLAND-STREET. A Large STOCK of MARBLE and STONE CHIMNEYPIECES aylw on hand. , A R B L E A N D S TO N E 0/CH' I Ml N E Y P I E C E S, Of various Designs, at No. 20, bAVID.STREET, POR LAND-STREET. ' , DAPER HANGINGS, 3, Deansgate (Old C Eureh £nd).-W. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'With despatch. S, For CONSTANTINOPLE, The new AI1 and coppered British Brig MARCO POLO, M5. CRE DI E, Meeter. She is of 200 tons register; anti having partofercroeged will meet vith early despatch.-For freight apply to . SCHLESINGER & WILKIN, Brunswick Buildings, Liverpool. ---------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~fr Now Loading in Prince's D)ock, IiverPOOL. TO PARTIES PROCEEDING TO MJELBOURNE, VICTORIA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in' EOPLE'S LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY.- Li. Establishoid to netionaille the Equitable Provident Institu. cc tion, a Si=Brueifit Society, upon the lire assurance principle.- EL. Ma`chester Office 811, King-Ietroot,opposito the 'rown Hall], where Bfall information may he obtained. It. W. SMILES, Agent. St AMLYENDOWM,'ENT LIFE ASSURANCE is IL ANDANNUITY SOCIETY, I1i,,Chatbam Placee, Black- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANC HESTER ANTI-SLAVERY UNION.- MThe Rey. F. HEMMIING will dleliver a LECTURE, 1On U Slavery, in the Schoolroom of thle United Presbyterian Cleepei, El Coaplatnd street, on the evening of Wednesday the l1th hiet, at rat 'half-past seven o'clock. ~1ALFORD MVECH~ANICS' ISIUIN Vs, GiAEAT GEO1RGE.STREUET.-OPENING LECTURE,- NC The Opening Lecture, on Self-Education (unavoidably post-- poned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fEAFNESS.M . . haswoib juin.. Broadet nerRoohdale,ha bea pefeclY ure ofa Srius case of deaf- nesa, by Mr. S. E.- SMT, 1 tori.CS-ta Manchester. Consultatiofl B1t al;Sn Ay RKERtSI A ROAL IFANT' PESERVATIVE. MOTHES cel at yur Drggist's, and pur. Jim ~ hsa~tlefhahv T IS THE BEST MEDICINE INTH WOL FO IFAT AN YON CHILDREN for the prevento n oeo hs IODR incident to INFANTSafrigISATRLE NCN VULSIONS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVER T'5 En1 4. Im( IN nonsequeone of tbo entire repeal of the Advertisement Duty, th, theProprietorsoftlei Moatrccte EX ANI Trin s hose 12 adopted a Scale of Charge3 for Slort Antiouncernent,,wbicb gives set to that class of advertisers tho benefit of considerably more than the amoant of duty rppeialevd. The lowe st price for the shortest advertisement has hitherto been Threc Shillinsij ...