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Advertisements & Notices

... Vublic: %=msent%. * - ~s -u -- - ?? SATURDAY EVXNIN-G 00NIGRTS, C O0NOERT-HA LL, LORI) NBLBON-STR9EIU i On SATURDAY EV&NINO NsxET, the 14th Instant. ( ARlIlSTES: Mrs. SCARISBRICK, Miss WEMYSS, Miss S. WEMYSS Mr. MIRANIDA, Mr. SAQUI, and Mr. SCARISBRIOK. Violin, Mr. HENRY LAWSON. Piano-forte ?? Mr. IH. V. LEWIS. To commenee at Eight o'clock. Admission: Body, 3W.; Side Galleries, Gd. * Reserved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,.ol~~0Sfom the county SITUA N R x LECTOR. Respectable references given.-A cdrei4 i3 }, Nlercury-office. AJ .,n Cerek, se-obasbad many years' experience, isdeeirous I ei III fN(,ACIEiIENC, in Job or ?? G 19, Morcury.offieco. N M. D. tnd Surgcon, previously so employed, will TAKE A CHAltGE of all EMIGRANT VESSEL on fair terms.- Address G 12, Mercury--offic . W ANTED, a SITUATION, by i Person ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The RATE of FREIGHT to BOSTMN and NEW YORit is now SIX POUNDSlrerTon Moasuermellt. I I Until further notico, CARGO for tbe STEAMERS will be I received on and after Nine c'elock, morning, of SATtanDAYs Pl;EVIOUS TO SALLIsn, instead of on Mondays, as heretofor'. E Freight on PlI'Tecl 5s. cach, and opwards, according to size. PARCELS for different Consignees, collected and mnade np In Single ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANC HESTER ANTI-SLAVERY UNION.- MThe Rey. F. HEMMIING will dleliver a LECTURE, 1On U Slavery, in the Schoolroom of thle United Presbyterian Cleepei, El Coaplatnd street, on the evening of Wednesday the l1th hiet, at rat 'half-past seven o'clock. ~1ALFORD MVECH~ANICS' ISIUIN Vs, GiAEAT GEO1RGE.STREUET.-OPENING LECTURE,- NC The Opening Lecture, on Self-Education (unavoidably post-- poned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fEAFNESS.M . . haswoib juin.. Broadet nerRoohdale,ha bea pefeclY ure ofa Srius case of deaf- nesa, by Mr. S. E.- SMT, 1 tori.CS-ta Manchester. Consultatiofl B1t al;Sn Ay RKERtSI A ROAL IFANT' PESERVATIVE. MOTHES cel at yur Drggist's, and pur. Jim ~ hsa~tlefhahv T IS THE BEST MEDICINE INTH WOL FO IFAT AN YON CHILDREN for the prevento n oeo hs IODR incident to INFANTSafrigISATRLE NCN VULSIONS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVER T'5 En1 4. Im( IN nonsequeone of tbo entire repeal of the Advertisement Duty, th, theProprietorsoftlei Moatrccte EX ANI Trin s hose 12 adopted a Scale of Charge3 for Slort Antiouncernent,,wbicb gives set to that class of advertisers tho benefit of considerably more than the amoant of duty rppeialevd. The lowe st price for the shortest advertisement has hitherto been Threc Shillinsij ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRECKNNiLL, TU-RNR, & EONS'. O~LD YhiLWWB6ip YOi TUN eKIN. BOLE Ac¢N$d1yIN lVERPoOLI A. EOWNb, 10, Losan-r,,. MA1.BLE, W0RKS, 32, NQRT478TBXET, Ltv9arooL.-J. BRANSON begs to announc tb he has on hand a large STOCK of superior MARBLE CHIMNEY. PIECRJS In theie West desigtlmt from £2 to 25 oath.. MONUMHENTS, TOMBS, BATHS, 40.,at verylow priocs. DO YOU WANT A WBLL-PITTINGt GLOVES GO TO THOS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SATURDAY, vR9N-iN4-O'O| -R, -f; Yrs. SCARISBRICK, Miss WBNYSS, Misi S. WEMYSS, Mr. MIRANDA, Mr. SARUI, and Mr. SCARISBRICK. Violin, Mr. HENRY LAWSON. Piano-forte ?? Mr. H. V. LEWIS, To commence at Eight o'cloek. AdMission: Body, 3d.; Side Galleries, Od.; Reserved Seats, Is. Programmuss may be had at tho hall. The PUBLIC NEWSROOM 14 Open daily (Sundays excepted), AdmIssiou. Id.I FRENCiH CLASSES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The RATE of FRE101T to BOSTON and NEW YORK is now SIl POUNDS-pvrslo;KMessraeusnt,. Until further notice, CARGO for tho STEAMERS will be received on and after Ninle odlocir, moroing, of SATonDATS reiiVOUS To SAiiNO. inistead ot ei Mondays, a heretofore. Freight onl Parcels 5s. each, anti upw ads, according to size. PARCELS for different Consignees, collected and made up in Single Packages8, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w Patie anserig a~ertsemntsin the M'ecurcy~l are xeqestd t aten tothefolowng xpanations : Apl a ?? .s, een that piersonalI uI~ oppffafeamot h 01dB t ur ffie.IS. and in no other way. ?? ad Applicatiolts not in conformity with these directions can- - not be attended to. sirce '¶13lI LEI', aljert 39) RAILWAY COAL WAGGUNS.- o010cc TI Ap'vi. to 'ilb0ello Blarker, l'restuli. LEf 17, good HOUSE told ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sbaless bS attn LIBRARY of modern BOOI>S, Winstanleys Rooms, hurchcstlreet. ESSRS. THOS. WINSTANLEY & SONS MV will SELL by AUCTION, on Wednesday next, the 18th instant, Mt Eleven o'clock precisely, at their Rooms, Church- street, resmall LIBRARY of tsodern BOOKS, including many ilimutrtted works, annual publications, magazines, and miecoi- laneouts literaturo; also, several volumes of printed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gii IMPORTANT NOTICE. de is now resily, d PRINT of SNOWBALLING. -The In LIVERPOOL EXCHANGE, January 5,1854. H Iow 1many thinigs by season seasoned aro.-SlhakeT09re. By JOHN it. ISAAC, Draughltaisal, &e.02 Cale-sHOat. , Ak TABLE D'HOTE, Daily, at One, Two, hit Three, FuadFive o'loca hty MORRTSHlS MERCHANTS' DINING ROOMS, m- LANcASTER-BUILDINGS, TITiiEBARX5TRsET LsVsvOOL.. CHARGE Is. 3d. ...