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Manchester, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... EAFNESS.-A Youth in the employ of fr. DDodd, 123, Oxtford Road, who bad been afflicted with deaf. neas and noises in the head for seven years, has been cuedb Mr. S. E. SMITH, 38, Princess-atreet, Mancheater, aedi Consultalion, I1I to 5 daily; Sundny, I I to I. Oft RHEUMATISM, FEVERS, COUGHS winter months, a moro sauayrmdycno reresorted to or one that has effected more extraordinary cures, than ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVER rrt3SERS. IN consequence of the entire repeal of the Advertisementputy, tbeProprietorsoftbe MAIANCHESTER EXAcc 7NsRac nDT .wn have O adopted a Soale of Charges for Short Announcementesvbioh givee to that c'as3 of advertisers the benefit of considerably more than the amount of duty repealed. The lowest price for the shortest in advertisement has hitherto been 'T'hree Shrillings anid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-IG HT. -AMANCHIESTER SACRED- THARMONIC UNION. -MECHANICS' INSTiTU'rION1 COOPER-STREET.-Solection from JUDAS MIACCARE USh and MISCELLANEOUS SELECTION of SACRED MUSIC, to commence at halflpaat soven-Principal Voealiets, Mliss 5NHItT- it HAM, Mrs. BRLOOKE, Mtr. NETHIERNWOOD, aud Mr. MELLOR. 2 Tickets, Is. 6id. Is. and 6d. at the mnuajoseflera'. and at the institu.t tDn.. J. DUFFIELD, Hort. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K NOTT MAILL INDEPENDENT CHAPEL.-- tleRv. J. R&WLINSON, of Choltenham, will PREACH TO-MORBROW and the two following Sabbaths.-No collention. dat rROSVENORMTREET CHAPEL, PICCA- of. 'IW DILI,Y.-The Rev. JAM~ES BRUCE, of Bamford, will Uts PREAC H TO-MOIIROW (Sunday), February 12th, morning end Pn' evening.. CRO SS-TRE C IP-Subject of LEC- C TUBE TO-ORROW (Suday)Everl Feb.12 84 by the Rev.J. G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrO ADOVEETISER.S. I In conseqjuence of the entire repeal of the Advertisemenet Duty %be~roprietorsofthl IiMANC It STEO, EXo6INF.RANete Tim Ho hve, *dopted a Scale of Churgee for Short Announcements, which givee the to that rclai of advertisere the benefit of considerably more than Afte tUaS amounit of duty repealed. The lowest price for the shortest proc aftertiserment lius hitherto been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'go t BO. - I gpartmcllt0 TIFANDSOME & conmfortable First-floorAPAR'T- t.L I)iENTS, at No. ', Verion-satreO, Camp strect, Broughto~l fOWDON.--TO BE LET, a HOUSE, nearthe Churoh, vitih gouLb aspect.-Aplly to AMr. WELLS, Bowdofl -DOWDON.-TO BE LET, a HOUSE, onl Rose Hill: rent 5H guirjeas.-ApPly to SHAP & ,COTT, 6, Mark et street. T OBE LET, thle H-lO US E, 2ii, Islillgtoll street, ,. SElfard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1rUSBAND'S NEW PATENT HATS KEEP THE HEAD COOL AND SAVE THE HAIR. s5, Market-street, and 11, Oldham-streat, Works. Parsonage, 1tanehester. IUSBAND'S NEW PATENT HATS CANNOT HURT THE FOREHEAD. H .J,35, Market-street, and 11, Oldham.street, Works: Parsonage, Manchester. I[ USBAND'S NEW PATENT HATS RAVE THEIR EXTERIOR SECURED FROM GREASE. 35, MarketLstreet, and 11, Oldham.gtreet. Works: Parsonage, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D IEAFNESS.-T0 Mr. S. E- SNITTh, U Princess-street, Maincheeter.-Sir,-Wvith '38irli you, that the extreme deafness with whichi I wlao~iR beau removed under your treatment. W he fhcts. 3. WHARtION, Greet Geoarge-street W lb Mr. Smith's hours of consultation, 11 toI al; od~ 4 4 U HOUND, for the Relief and Cr fCuh a 4 Aathmae, snd all Dieeaees of the Chea anlug.U5~CZa 2is an herb which has ever ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'vo bc Ai et, T ~ANDSO.ME &Comfortable First-floor APART- r J ML NTS a ,t Brouet.Cm sret I isghton WO GCnteme may have a Comforittabsle BEDl- TROOM and use of at fARLOUR, at it, Goro-strest, Piece- f dilly. Terms 7s. per weiek. ENTEEL APARTMIENTS1, rolsis-isig of GD1AWINO ROOM and DINING IIOOM, with T'wo or- Three lied.-lroms, and Si tetrair- Iitcebln. frequtirell,'l'O lBE LET], F] either ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRST PACKET- FOR NEW YORK. 'io sail on the 21st instant, V Tibe magnificent firet-olass Packet-Bhip Tubi ARCOLE, Boot I WtV, C. LEWIS., Commander; purp A 1, coppered and copper-fastened; Rubt Temporarily removed from the Marseilles and New York Line of Packets. Has room for a fevw cabin and sooond-oabin passengers, at moderate rates. The recherche style in which the cabins of - this beautiful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SEC URITY TO EMPLOYERS.--TIMES LIFE AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, '20, Princiess.street. TIMES FIR~E ASSURANCE COMAPANY.- x TIMES PLATE GLASS ASSURANCE FROM( TACCIDENTALBREAKAGE-2O, Princese.street, Man. Cebster. . JAM ES URBIDGE , Seeretary. du] -On p ULATE, GLASS WINDOWS.-Insurance of the do( _rabove from Accidental Breao1riges, Stc. may be effected at the- TIMES FIRE AND PLATE GLASS ASSURANCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. IN eonsequenoe of the entire repeal of the AdvertisementtDuty, theproprietorsOftho MANCHESTER EXAMNxBeANI)TimE'S have adopted a Scaleof Chargoes for ShortAnnountoements5,hich gives _ to that elas3 of advertisers the benefit of considerably more than the amount of duty repealed. The lowest price for the shorteet _ advertisement bus hitherto been Three Shillinrgs and SFixp ee ...