Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN HARBOUR. S AT PROVOST BLAIMI'S, QUAY, Q IOUYDS ON THE I'CZJ's, And Patent Slip, TO B3E LET. FRIDAY die0 loth day of March ctitrrnt, at Two o'clock afteriloll, there will be exposed to be Let, by Public lioup, sithin tile CouaT-HousE of AlsEnDEEN, on Leases of Threo Years from and after the Ist day of June uext, ,ELIME SHEDS, situated at Provost Blaikie's Quay, EdnOd GMOUNDS on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITIONII ON NERVOU AND GENERATIVE DiEASES, Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated asith Coloured Engravingo, Price is., or in a sealed envelope, free by post, for 18 Postage Stamps. EAIAl AND HAPPINESS, the means by 1 . which they may be oirtamee', a medical work on tbe itlrrmities of youth aml maturity, and diseases of the gene- rative system, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F-HRSAMF of the Rich and valuable STOCK of X SI(S. Shawls, llressesi, (Ilesk% e, belon sit to Messes 'WHITE and COMPAN4 (latis'. Geog Ie Baleyil eet Street, COMInCn'rea at It Wo'olutbis day, sad ltbeinatsolutjoy usels- urz th~it the whols. should be, DI,10 )O ihi ?? period, evry article bdabeen mairked ih~n p tngufe and reduced Im sshntace o n-hl iootgna ot. hesfirm trust thastit unneessry o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? PACETS, fr-QM J.. WNDoN16GAUsTR1AUA, esing at 1'auWtb.-ft ie PHILLIP and'SYDNEY, the -eauiulnwsiflORj I notona hurthen, T. B. VOWATT, Cainanitir,,to a*ie ~k March. To load in the Butt Tudla Doha She o nstlm- ea of 7 feettcvh t= o~and rnat WiMt of ba.Tewh Aliatioa Vill be made moes otgI appliances, she ?? aprt stm teended hr. Mmu.Chiskoboi; Bathv:n sbhaawl haroed en deck. san albbrary of. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAST D:ERGWOOT. To be SOLD by AUCTION. By Messrs. COOK, On'Thuaday, March the 30th, 185, upon the Premises, East Bergholt Heath. THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, -5 of Mrs. FENN,wbo is leaving the neighbourhood. Sale to commence at I for 2 o'clock precisely. - EASIT' BEUGKOILT. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Horses, Carts, Growing Crops, Farning Imsplements, 4- other Effects, OR IMis. MIYAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PER BOX1 TPBE astonishing success of these Pills, in the cure of T COUGHS, and the permanent relief they afford to ASTIEIMAS end SHO1TNESS of BREATH, have rarely, if ever, been equalled by any other medicine; they ingtritly afford relie to the most inveterate coughs, render the breathingeY.SY produce rest and sleep il an eminent degree, and even in the worsteases restore to perfect health and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' #~ ' AT IA .Th0e GENERAL ( -1. 10 t° PPING COMPANY'S ccleilt scre r -cTF: iE SOUl, NSOOtos*.i.IORMAj, Chu C od'treoO for lppdatl.;rt ace ci' a ver, superior twe ?? io>ns re CO..y urnished Nith every requisite wis ?? her MajeiLo~dlY' iralO1, 055 'Oneadpace, Sothe th prilv it I Ud tor .Ryea r wsill tbee i otire Queen af tile South at Mel- ofI I 1 csis ad passengers for Adelaide. wihout duiE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT-GAR- X DEN.-The Directors have the honour to announce that the SEASON will COMMENCE on Thoursiy next, March S0 (being a Subscript-ion Night in lieu of Tueeday, March 28); on MhIch occasioin will be performed Rossini's celebrated opera, GUGLIELMO TELL. Matilde, Mdlle. Maral (her first appearane in England) ; Eduige, Mdlle. Cotti; Guelioolmo Tell, Sig. Rocni,; Jememy, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE, FOILOJL 1YKG AD VERlTISEDIENTS REACHED US TOO LA2TE FOIR 11'ETI'V IY I-AT OUVR FIRST EDITION:- 1OUND, on Tuesday Afternoon, a TERRIER DOG. If 1 not claimed in eight days, will be Sold. Apply to James Brown, 43 Montrose Street. ed A3 UNG GENTLEMAN, 24 Years of Age, w hoas had t- 11- 8 Years' Experience as a Book-keeper, is desirous for an ENGAG Eh'MEN'I', in the nbovecapaeitywityth some ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOGFOiti) & AANTWIS, f AILO~iS and DRAPERS, 8, CASTLE STRiT, LE Teas and Coffees at Merchants Prices. I EAS, genuine, and of first-class quality, at 3s .ild. and Zs. per lb.; ColerEes, rich, mellow, ano strong, Is. 4d.. and Is. fid. per lb., supplied by jOSEP1H FINCRIETT, at his TI;A ESTABLISHlIMNTr, EastgateSst~reet, Clhestr,. WARRANTIED PIANO FORTES, RYA I L S' M U S I W W A R EH1 O U S E, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11 lo° YOU ,SUFFER TO$)TH ACHE ? IF SO' u = Wsa ERA7DE08 ENAM.EL, forfdiilngsdocaylng-teeth, and ~endedng them sound and painle9ss SOLD y CHEIHtH EVERY- R, price is. per packet; post free for 13 penny stanmps. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nRCY HELLEWELL begs to call the attention of d I Captains, Emigrantts, and the Public generally, to his 1.immonc STOCK of AIRPllOOF All'TICLES, conmprisintg Boats, Beds, Pillows, Swimining and Life Belts, Boat Cloaks, Life-boat Tubes, Pontoons, &c. 53, CkSTLE-STREFT, and Nos. I and 2, QUADRANT, LIME-STiREEr, LIVEilV'OOL. 8 ~~[ASDVERtTIsSEMNT . Perfect digestion and strong nerles (sithout ...