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Advertisements & Notices

... MANN, SIMPSON & BYARS, as requested, have to acknowledge receipt of 21s., as conscience money, from a party unkoown. L0ST, on Sabbath Morning, 26th March, between Spring- field Ferry and West Bath Street, a GOLD RING, with TWO GOLD SEALS and a GOLD KEY attached. Whoever returns the amine to Mr. Robert ChIystal, Grocer, 1 Charing Cross, will be Rewarded. STOLEN, from 94 Montrose Street, a few ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SESSION 1854. 1XETER IALL FAMILYIIOTEL, 375 Straiml,Lond~on, R ?? l covniently situated for Gientlenmen attending Parliamentary inquiries, Rlailway Committees, Courts of - Law, &c., and in close proximity to thle Theatr-es and most of the objects of interest. Bekatl. d,2;Dnr,2.Sop, I Fish, or Confectioncry, Gd. extra. lied Itooins, 2s. ;Dralwing Rtooms, 3s. Gd., .5s. ; Attendance, 1s. ; a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET, AT BRIDGE OF ALLAN, HIANDSOMELY FURNISHIED, uiE ?? DOOR FLATr of Sydenhiam houase and T lrdn It conisists of 1)ining,DIra'ving Room, ?? large Iled Roomns Baths, KMitchenl, Sculler3, Lardr Stable, ?? House, if required. Thr ?? le Itdde d %tooni in the 'I ing for Maid Ser-vants, and one over Stable for Groom. South exposiure, well sheltered, and very conventient 0 to P'Sst-office and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUNLOP STREET. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MISS HELEN FAUCIT, Arid Last Night of her Enggnement. rf1IIS EVENING, FR ID A Y, lI0T1 MARCH, 1854, T N G J 0 IH N. To conclude with T I E T R A G E D Y Q U E E N, In both of which PieceS Miss FAUCIT will applar. Boxes 4s.; Stalls 3s.; Pit 2s.; Lower Gal. Is.: Upper Gal. 6d. THEATRE ROYAL, DUNLOP STREET. lvR. P RI E'S 3BEN EFIT, WEDNESDAY, 15TII ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ALL THE COUNTRY! TIHE WIZARD'S E P El C I A L T1 R A I N, TO ABERDEEN, On Wednesday March 5th. * GRAND SPECIAL MORNING PERFORMANTCE. embra PROFESSOR ANDERSON this 3 EC'S to inform his Friends and the Inhabitants of HInair olggB -llircscrdine O'Neil, B.mehory, Lumpllanan, and la I tSerachau, and thoir neighbourlhoods, that he has made point, arlanigements with the Doesido Railway ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nT Sorts of EARLY 1'OTATOES for Seed; GREEN pE gAI-, al CABBAGXE PLANTS of Sorts, to be had at Wo0OSlDE G.ARDESS. J A N E B O YD. l^lIS Vessel will Sail for QUEBEC, on WED- T NESDAY the 12th April. Applicatiofs for Cabin Passagos only, to be i nmado to Captain II. GANSON, or I A EsCO GEO. THOMPSON, Jun. & Co. I Aberdees, 10th February, 1S54. f narque Berbi.e for Quebec. TiHIS Vessel will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -BlS MARRIAGE AND FOREIGN OUTFITS, f~ AD IES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING, FgT ROBES, HOODS, suckr CLOAKS. BAl3Y LINEN, lS CoApLETE SETS, OR OTHERWISE, AT James Littlejohn's, and GlovCr to ttie Qeicn, 155, Union Street, Aberdeen. ~~ Cheap Oil Cake. AL'A T0 of BROKEN CAKE to bo SOLD CHEAP at H ALEX. VWALLACE'S 55, Georg Street, Abordoon. To the Trade. JAMES AIKEN, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. Samples ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN HARBOUR. S AT PROVOST BLAIMI'S, QUAY, Q IOUYDS ON THE I'CZJ's, And Patent Slip, TO B3E LET. FRIDAY die0 loth day of March ctitrrnt, at Two o'clock afteriloll, there will be exposed to be Let, by Public lioup, sithin tile CouaT-HousE of AlsEnDEEN, on Leases of Threo Years from and after the Ist day of June uext, ,ELIME SHEDS, situated at Provost Blaikie's Quay, EdnOd GMOUNDS on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE, FOILOJL 1YKG AD VERlTISEDIENTS REACHED US TOO LA2TE FOIR 11'ETI'V IY I-AT OUVR FIRST EDITION:- 1OUND, on Tuesday Afternoon, a TERRIER DOG. If 1 not claimed in eight days, will be Sold. Apply to James Brown, 43 Montrose Street. ed A3 UNG GENTLEMAN, 24 Years of Age, w hoas had t- 11- 8 Years' Experience as a Book-keeper, is desirous for an ENGAG Eh'MEN'I', in the nbovecapaeitywityth some ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL. First Appearance of the Favourite Comedian. MIR 1. WEBB. who is engaged for a few Nights. This Present Evening, MONDAY, March 27, 1854, The Performances will commence with THIE RAG PICKER OF PARISI To conclude with WHISKY AND WATER. I R WILLIAM HOWARD begs to announce that ha N intends giving a CONCERT in the QUEEN STREET HALL, on TiWEDNESDAY EVENING NEXST, the 29th Instant. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTIS1H RIGHTS ASSOCIATI0N. I The Public are respectfully invited to send their NAMIFS fi ENROLMENT to the Ofiee of the Association, No. 4 ST ANDge' SqUAREF, Edinburgh. Subscription ?? FIvEI SnrLna1nGS. FRED. I-T. CARTER.? JAMES GRANT, j1 JointSees. ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY OF pjAIN.TING, SCUl.PTTURE, AND ARCMITE.CTURI:E- *fl EI TWENT'Y-EIGHTH EXHIBITION of the 1 ACADEMY for the WORKS of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAN AMISSING. l :ET his Home, on Thursday last, 9th March, an OLD L . MAN, aged 65; was last seen in lianmilton that night; had a when he left home n laound Cloth lint, Striped Sbhoting Coat, t Moleskin Trousers, Strcng Shoes, and all Apron round his body; I bas a Mark on his cheek Tielow the left cye. I Any information concerning hihn will be thankfully received 1 by U'alter M'Allister 76 ...