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Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ALL THE COUNTRY! TIHE WIZARD'S E P El C I A L T1 R A I N, TO ABERDEEN, On Wednesday March 5th. * GRAND SPECIAL MORNING PERFORMANTCE. embra PROFESSOR ANDERSON this 3 EC'S to inform his Friends and the Inhabitants of HInair olggB -llircscrdine O'Neil, B.mehory, Lumpllanan, and la I tSerachau, and thoir neighbourlhoods, that he has made point, arlanigements with the Doesido Railway ...

Advertisements & Notices

... First Spring Ship for Quobec. uHE Fine Fast-Sailing Copper-Fastened Barque TL and regular Trader, B R BE I C E, A 1, 400 Tons Register, JAMrES ELLIOT, Commander, is ev on the Berth, and will sail for the above Port on SATTJR DOTth th April. The Berbice has excellent accommodation both for Cabin soda Steerage Passesgers, and will be found a very desirable con- -the Vessel being well known in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE 0F Silk Mercery and Drapery Goods. E ARIA uext week the SUBSCRIBER wvill commence SE LLING OFF his present STOCK at groatlylRleceed Pi-ices. GEORGE SUTHERLAND, Ist Marcb, 1854. 149, Union Street. THIS EVENING. C OURSE of LECTURES on POPERY, under the auspices of the ABERDOEN RnFroAaTION SOCIETY, to be delivered is gELVILLE CHURCH. LECTURE XII. The Effects of Popery on National Liberty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - CS edicinal a COD LIVERt OILI, from Newvfou ndlland, 9easOn 185:3, sold by P.- WILLIAhlSON & SON, 141, inDSret; Bottles at is., 2s., 2s. 6el-, and by the Gallon. ron ALberdeen Railway Company. oTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tie next HALF-YEAR. N Ty ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the ABER. 1TE R, AILWAY COMPANY will be held in RADLEY'S D Nebrldoo Stret, London, on WEDNESDAY tho 15th d0 r March next ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Desirable Cottage, 6, MOUNT STREET, ROSEllOUNT, TO BE SOLD. jHIS COTTAGE, with large GARDEN and others, as former- T ly advertised, will bh Sold, by Public Roup, (if not previous- ly disposed of by private bargain), within thio Offce of Messrs YEATS & FLOCI;HART, Advocates, 84, King Street, upon FRIDAy r the 3d day of March next, at 2 o'clock aftornoon. Upset Price Reduced to £280. t Farther ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. C All Communications, and articles of Intelligenco, intended for C publication, require to be authenticated by tho name and C address of the writer. Uniess this is attended to, Corres- t pondents may rest assured that no attention wvill be paid to their communications. nf-, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QcOT'T!ISI RIGHTIS ASSOCIATIO.N.1 Thet Publilic are respectfulls- invited In sen~d their NAM]ES for ENROLMENT to the Office of the Associatioan, No. 4 ST ANRWSQCARF, Edinburgh. Subscription ?? SHILLINGS. FRED. II1. CARTER JAMES GRANT,! J int Sees. Edinburgh, 2d February 1854. HIEi COUIRT of DIRECTORS, of -he ROYAL B3ANX JT SOEAN)gv NtcThat a GEN-ERAL COURT of pRtoliIETVORS vwill he held at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET, AT BRIDGE OF ALLAN, HIANDSOMELY FURNISHIED, uiE ?? DOOR FLATr of Sydenhiam houase and T lrdn It conisists of 1)ining,DIra'ving Room, ?? large Iled Roomns Baths, KMitchenl, Sculler3, Lardr Stable, ?? House, if required. Thr ?? le Itdde d %tooni in the 'I ing for Maid Ser-vants, and one over Stable for Groom. South exposiure, well sheltered, and very conventient 0 to P'Sst-office and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIME FOLL OWLiNG ADTEl7[T ,SEAIEN-T8 RiEAMIED l US TOO LAT FOl' IFYSERTION iN OUR FIR1ST' EIDITION:- OST, o W ednesday, Alircil 1, a WHIITrE BITCH of La Bull and Terrier B3reed, small size, and is deaf. Any n person retariliag the sanim to Ilil. David Fleming, 37 high Strect, will be rowarded. l OST, a BLACK-FACED WETHER SHEEP, betwcen 1.a the Cattle MAarket ad Glasgow Slaughter l-ouse, marked ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWO POUNDS LOST. LOST, this Forenoon, between Stockwell Street and Yir- I L ginia Street, TWO ONE POl.NI) NOTE:S. Wb'hoevcr returns the above to Calitaill Smart, Central Police 13 Olfie, will be rewarded. Ei Mlareh Ist, 1854. DOG LOST. rISSING, since WReflnesday evenin, tbe22d February, I 1Al a Blackand Tan KING CIA CHALES' SPANIEL DOU. Hnd on a Silvor-mnounted Collar, with the Owner's nilme ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERUVIAN GUANO. [TlIE Subseribers are nowi discliiirging a Cargo of Genuine ( IpElu V IAN GOVE RN'M lENT (; UANO, cX STArELY, direct from the Chiticha Islands, which they will Sell oi reasonable terms. FOWLER & WRIGHlT, Seedsmen and Nurserymen. 101 Uinion Street, ( Glasgow, l7th Feb., 1854. f SEED BEANS-FEEDING STUFFS. On Sale, by the Subscriber, at moderate prices, AST COUNTIUY SEED BEANS; as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUNLOP STREET. MiISS IIELEN FAU( IT'S ENGAGEMENT. T HIS EVENING, F It I D A Y, 3d M A R C II, 1854, TIIE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. Lady Teazle by ?? ?? Miss HELEN FAUCIT, To concludewith TIHE LITTLE JOCKEY. Boxes 4s.; Stalls 3is.; Pit 2s.; Lower Gal, Is.; Upper GIl. Gd. To-Morrow, Saturday, MACBETH. Lady Msebeth by ?? .. Miss 1LEN FAUCIT Macbeth, ?? Mr. Gi.ovI. I Macdluff, ?? Mr. ...