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Advertisements & Notices

... 1gSB.R IS;TO L M. EIP;CtI1R Y-'vs r i.RCU TiONw, 17 EVS THOUSAND FIFE HUNDRSD PER WanE. I IFl ERCURY (Price 5d.) Is Meeoogised as -a MOST V Tbe NI1AL-ADVERTISING' ME 11UB, Its Weekly L OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROSS AND CO., SHIRT COLLAR MAKERS, OUITFITTERS, bc., 227, HIGH STREET,t A E enabled from their long experience to 1 A afford every information Relative to Ladies' and Gentlemen's Outfits to India and the Colonies. Goods packed and forwarded free of charge, either by Overland A Route or Long Sea Voyage. Insurances effected and every trouble undertaken. Shirts of the most durable materials and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUND, a Liver-Colour Pointer DOG. The F Owner can have it by paying the ?? to W. ROGERS,BolermakerMoorields. Ifnotownediaashort time it will be Sold, this being the second advertisement. -d 2 ER MAJESTY's GAOL, BRISTOL. :t TENDERS FOR.-N&AT. Persons willing toupply the Gaol and House of Correction, for Three or Slx M eonths, from the 12th April next, with MEAT, to consist of Shifts and Chucks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH. PRSCoS 2S. 8d HT Patroni~ed ll her Majesty, the Qtseen, and hu Royael High. T. ness Prince 1lbert. ?? 18 R. HOWARD'S PATENT W H I TE U 1V1 SUCCED&NEUM, for filling Decayed Teeth, bow T ever large the cavity, even if the Tooth is broke down to the (t Gums. It is superi r to anything ever before used, as it Is tb 'placed in the tooth in a soft state, without any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fANKERS, MERCHANTS, and OTHERE, B)are strongly recommended to use TARLING'E METALLIC INK, which is prepared expressly for Stee Manufactured by H. 3. TARINors, and sold by PARSONO FLETcHutS, & Co., 2Z3, Broad-street, London. May behat in 6d., I s., I s. Odl., & 2g. bottles,of jitze, WbeatowPollatil Roberts, lIM, High street., Exeter; Westoott, Dawlish Croydon, Teignmouth; Crook, Cbudleigla; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO 1ILLINERS AND OTHERS. rp0 be LET. at LADY.DAY next, the UPPER- T PART of the HOUSE, No. 14, HIG1H-STIREET, EXETBR. consisting of a Show-room, an Ante-room, and several Bed-rooms, with the use of the Kitchen if required. Apply to Mr. TROBRIDGE, 15, St. David's Hill. 0 be LET, with immediate possession, a T HOUSE and SHOP in aneligible situation for bnsifless. The Shop bas a handsome Plate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. 3, COTH A tPLAOE 'mJESSRS. FARGUS & SONS will SELL by AUCTION, on tbe 'reines , oiTUESDAY, thi All the excellent IOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Din idem, ]Xs 'ea, and otoerCHINA, (UT GLASS, Afine-tone 5leta3re ?A50.FORTh, 'bY BrO55fiwOOd. Ildence, No. 8,- T iLACO near Eighbnry Chapel, ~ 9 Ktugsdowil: Compridndrab dmaslc: curtains, with couch to matab I exaellent m ogany chalYe' d sofa in hai f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTH DEVON. A 3AZAAR ill be held at the ASSEMRLY -i3- ROOMS, BAENSTAPLE, in aid oi the Repair .bds of Holy Trinity and St. Mary Magdalen Cburohes, ?? whatever day bhall be fixed for the opening of .the 'Lorth Devon Railway. :L H. ROXBURGH, Incumbent of Holy Trinity. YAMES PYCROFT. Incumbent of St. Mary Magdalen. Marnstaple, March 4th, 1864. INSTOW, NORTH DEVON. 'J'0 be -SOLD, by Auction, at S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. MR. R. FORCE, formerly Clerk and Collector in the FLYING POST OFFICE, being no longer connected therewith, it is respectfully requested that All Accounts be paid to Mi. WM. VICKERS, his Successor. DEVON COUNTY LUNATIC ASYLUM. ENDEEIS are required for suplyng the DEVON 1TCOUNTY LUNATIC ASY UI with the under. mentioned ARTICLES, in such quantities as maybe required from the 1st day of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Inuuance e ompait SCOTJFISH WIDOWS' FU ND 7 WmInstitutedA.. 1 18. O .OnEICEiBUG 8, ST.~llH NI- ST-S4AUA1RE.-~ gESD i JOH N MA >CKENZE, E M anager , WM LILDSA, SID8Y'eretary. s MDCLIFT'ONC HONORARY- OkRD. . eore orfgesgbh EHqa Tu Rige, Sundon-leroase, andftonl | 01 GeBowcFr6 i B ,Esq Cii tons. hta gJdacQ n w yte, Es, liEsq. . ClfoF ClLES TADDY, Solicitor, Shat nnonCourt, Co on-street. GEO. S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,OEN5QAP liso 'AU r, BATH, , . ,u ;6eEN-8qV~s9Bg~tF AAD 81iSS TtIh - Lower Ilxes ?? * TWvo ?? * , (wallery .. . .. SzxvaE;S~l* F ..Pri vate {Bo xes.Ft TMeD SiPEC an',qxGoaA j aecommodation and conveatene of tboPublic, iat HOLESGRQVtAs, BQOKSELLER.DRAWBRiDGE.. . , ; n ,j N ' Mac *t! ,. !, ?? * *11Wil be performed y2f p i Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.. **r. G. Mavmaa. First Actor Mr. WAV13 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i~tuattonl gan ged. Si'UATIoN. W~nted, ns y UTLE or. .JTEA VELLI~TG SERVANTS by a steady Mao. who has Nred iu tlrst-rate.families, and Xan be wll recobsmnendgV-. lfetters, pre-paid. addressed B B. Bristol 35rOUIrY.Olfioe. will. te~ive r~rompl attention. , . [b, Q-TUAxIC6. Vaittcd2t b~y uth ...