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Advertisements & Notices

... tblicationo+% B LACKWOOD's MAGAZINE, for APRIL 1,854. No. ?? Price 2a. 6d. CONTENTS. The Commercial Results of a War with Russia The Puppets of all Nations .The Quiet Heart. Part V. Chronological Curiosities-What shall we Collect? The Reform Bills of 1852 and 1864 The Blue Books and the Eastern Question Life in the Sahara The Cost of the Coalition Ministry. WILLAM BLACKWOOD & SoNs, Edinburgh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S OMNAMBIULE SPIRITUALISTE.-Madame 1 TALBERT, do Paris, CONSULTATIONS sur toutes sortes de maladies physiques et morales, do onze . cisq heures. Elle a I'honneur de prdveiir, aussi, qu'elle se rendra au domicile deo per- sonnes qui le ddsireront.-No. 14, Maddox-street, Regent-street. ZI¶HE LATEST DISCOVERY T IN ELECTAICITY. ELECTRICITY is VITALITY, and when communicated in mild but continuous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BONNIE BESSIE GRAY, the new Scotch Ballad sung by Miss Poole; Kitty Tyreell, the new irish Ballad sung by Mr Geage and bh Mr leffler, 2,. esebl, post ?? are the two most succes-fsl songs of the Seas s ? U qs i(ssinably Bnnie Beasie Gray and Kitty Tyrrell, Pp the A,,thor and C- mpo er of Jeasnetle and Jeunont. The sale Of these mongs is alres v c unted h thou onds. London: Charles Jefferyo,,21 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N O'fICE.-AFRICA.-ForPORT PHILLIP andll SYDNE;Y-This augnifcent first-olas ship, 1,400 tons rell . w 5;er ?? by L- 0. NEIL, now o01 her second voyage toll a ,Erajii, gocs into the river on londay, April 3, has still seaom. edatisa for a few pass~engers tn saloon. s econd cabin, on deek, and otetniediate (9 feet high.) Rates £45, £ 25, £tS.-Apply to wii. .IAM jAl~ltN.T sod Co. iS. Philpot-lane, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWE LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.- ' CAPITAL-TWO MILLIONS.-Office, 26, Mar- bet-street, Manchester; London Office, 2, King-street, Cheapside; Liverpool Office, 3, High-street, and 5, Ex- change-street, East; Glasgow Office, 101, Miller-street; Greenock Office, Mansion House. LIFE DEPARTMENT. The LIFE BONUSES accrue from EIGHTY PER CENT of the profits being laid aside to form a Bonus Tund, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED, in a Village, within a few miles of Bicester (the north side preferred),-A small COTTAGE RESIDENCE, with not less than five bed roolus; a Garden iidispeasible.-Address, stating particulars, rent required, &c., to IM.M., Journal Office, Oxford. SCHOOLMISTRESS AND PORTER W)ANTED. ?? UNVION. r'PHE Board of Guardians of this Union will, at their A J.eeting on Wedncsday the 5th day of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;el -1 Ir. &.Lady, in tie Country, wishes to ENxAGE TWO oi ,..Y VUNG' V-OMEN, due as -good P L A1 N is- COOK, the other as- HOUSEMAID:and PARLOUR y- MAID,'who can-work well at her needle. Sr- Strict enquiries will be made into-their characters. to No objection would be made to Soldiers' Wives, ey. whose husbands -are gone on Foreign Service, if they ag can produce good recommendations. ' Apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -1ONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL, CHE ETH-AU HILL.~-A DISCOURSE, TO-MORROW EVENINGI by ~,the Rev. J. LOCKWOOD, B.A. onl The Christiat , Vie of W~ar.` NROSV EN(R,-STRLET UHAPEL, PICCA- DGLAL1IY.-TO.M OR1ROW (Suniay), April 2nd, Rev. JOHN .HOPKI.'S 0! Radcliffe,,wdl l'REIR ,Citeoriiing end evening. PARIK C-HAPEL, CHEETN-ATM HILL ROAD. TO-MORROW (Sunday), the Rev. W. PALMER will ~PREACRL in the Morning, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... China, Dinner, Dessert, Breakfast, AND TEA SERVICES, WITH ORNAMENTS IN G;REAT VARIETY, BERLIN AND OTIER WOOLS, I, ALL SHADES, -ndat rMr/ REDEUCED PRICES, AR5 Now vu' SALE AT Wim. Everett's Estoblishinent, Tavern St., To be Disposed of, ,First-rate BUSINESS in tile China, Glass, Fancy A anid Berlin Wool OnsincSs. Also, a CALIFORNIA ALLOTMENT, No. 31. Apply, W. Everett, Tavern. street, Ipswvich. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A I~R9O LivanComreswAl~t'2 P ?? mH Boito& -DfIagi't, ef htn ider-Lyne, ?? 81 165i To PROJESSOM' HOLw,sY-DDAE Sj j-1 ;have milldh piessure I handing to you a testimonial of the effilY of yMI lMIedcines, AAperson in th negbhbuthbod with Whom I sm W vell ^acquanted was afi~cted for at ldng time wiith vio'elt eple ?? pains~h in he stomlach and liver, arising from irequent coldis, slmells of paint ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. EICtIARD) ALLEN'S HALL AND GALLERIES, 28, L'Oese& JL~Sarkvilk-citsY, contiflue to be supplied with a large assort. bfent of lReady-08mei, Clothfilg. First style. Beet materials. (0wi t'A PE tL-Purohaaer* may delect -from the largest JM ock of Roost Papers, at MAURICE BROOKe' Wholeoale and Reteil Warehouse, itS, bliddk Abbey streed, Dublin, OURT LAMPS.-The largeet and cheapest St8 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. We regret that we 1'annot give 3i. Reboul a reference to the number of the Examiner in which the article appeared to which his letter reters. ...