Advertisements & Notices

... OR~NIA -NtOTICE to PASSENGERS.-- 'he Ship LADY FIlTZl4RBERT' his THREE CABINS still bC e sP ill ash on Wednoeday tho 12th ?? to t ?? AGOtEON eud Col , 6, Billiter-.quare, agents for the Original JuoorniaM Lire ot Packet Ships. AD Djt'ct, the beautitul fast sailing ship jy . 5 ~Nt ON. A 1, 4i3 ton'^ register. CHARLES GcltlBBLE, Xm BAdr iag intheLojdoflnDioks, will havedeapaveh, having ,u, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tblicationo+% B LACKWOOD's MAGAZINE, for APRIL 1,854. No. ?? Price 2a. 6d. CONTENTS. The Commercial Results of a War with Russia The Puppets of all Nations .The Quiet Heart. Part V. Chronological Curiosities-What shall we Collect? The Reform Bills of 1852 and 1864 The Blue Books and the Eastern Question Life in the Sahara The Cost of the Coalition Ministry. WILLAM BLACKWOOD & SoNs, Edinburgh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S EVEN. PER CENT. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS of the NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY. The NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY OFFER for SAl.E, through their authorised agents, Messr. ADAM SPIEL- MANN and co., 10, Lomnbard-street, London, thrir FIltST MWonT- GAGE BONDS, Issued for the purpose er com~pleting their additionral new line of road, nows being conatruo.ted, aud joining their old Ihne ol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7HEATRE ROYAL,, DRURY-LANi.--, T By desire of families of distinction a MO RNING PERFOBM- ANCE of the wonderful' CRINESE MAilCIANg will take place ?? next, April 5, the only one that cin be givrn-pre- Pi-ul to their leaving London.-Doors open at Half-past One. To commenci at Twoo'clock precisely. Children and schools ad- mitted on this occasion to the boxes, pit, and lower gallery at half- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ol-N1A._NOTICE to PASSENGERS.- ,Ij~i! IAD'Y FITZHE RmERT has TIREE CABINS 1be) P W ll sail on Wednesday, the 12th instant.- ,AGELo) soil , Co. 6, Billiter-bquare, gelits for the i - hnal Iro or packet shrs.. INDIA CHINA. and AUSTRALIA, iT 51Mt rNISSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAMI NAVI. -Te steaers, carrying her Majesty's mails and Ifs tir; 1OiuSouthaPton for the unrdermetationed ports, i YoN MARS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S OMNAMBIULE SPIRITUALISTE.-Madame 1 TALBERT, do Paris, CONSULTATIONS sur toutes sortes de maladies physiques et morales, do onze . cisq heures. Elle a I'honneur de prdveiir, aussi, qu'elle se rendra au domicile deo per- sonnes qui le ddsireront.-No. 14, Maddox-street, Regent-street. ZI¶HE LATEST DISCOVERY T IN ELECTAICITY. ELECTRICITY is VITALITY, and when communicated in mild but continuous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Until fute oie h Ai fFE~ to1 BOSTON The 1B Wil be £4 per Tonl, and, to Nl,:%N YORK 6Rr oo Until further itotire, C~lItGO for till STEAMMR Willi be rlg recive o sut fte 'iis @ock mrning, of SATURDAYS Frolgi ?? o on an ?? ~cOk ?? as heretofore. ?? PRVOVn TiO AII,.0 cmiatiuwad to size. 8 up Fr~eight ?? Wone PARCELS for ditroreit Ioi~enite nd ale up in The It Singe P,.sCO.nddee~tii o Oe prtyor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Barque Berbice for Quebec. H1IS Vessel will be despatched for QUEBEC, I l 01 SATURDAY the 8th April. Has room fur a fuw Cabin Passengers only. Apply to RICHARD CONNON & CO., Brokers, 58, Marisehal Street; ALEXANDER DUTI-TE, Aberdeen, March 1, 1854. Footdeo., T tIE Bar-qo 'Sir. LAWRENCE will be des. T paterecd from Aberdeen for QUEBEC, On the Tho Barque ALEXANDER HALL will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ER CHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, 10, CASTLE PLACE. TOMAs H. BRALL begs to intimate tL hat his Stocke iscomplete, and contains a great rerety of TIHE BEST GOODS FOR GENTLEMIEN'S DRESS FOR THIE SEASON. IA 2TS have been prepared for Summer, po ssessing thae com.bined propert~ies of L iqhtznese, E~legance, andG Durability. Agent fior the Sale of Lincoln and Bennett's Celebrated IHats. Eezlftst, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ATRE ROYAL, DUB LIN. On THIS EVENING (Thursday), the 6th of April,,the PelforonAnces will commence with the Opera of ARTAXERXES. Artaxerxea, Miss Lanza; Arbaces, Mr Halgb. %BRlt Divertissemaentin which Mdlie St. Louia will appar. . To befollowed-by tho Opera of .SON AND STRANGER Hernaui, Mr Hlaigh; Lisbetb, Miss Lanza. To conclude with TH9i CORSICAN BROTHERS. Mons Vablen doi Franoi, Mons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BONNIE BESSIE GRAY, the new Scotch Ballad sung by Miss Poole; Kitty Tyreell, the new irish Ballad sung by Mr Geage and bh Mr leffler, 2,. esebl, post ?? are the two most succes-fsl songs of the Seas s ? U qs i(ssinably Bnnie Beasie Gray and Kitty Tyrrell, Pp the A,,thor and C- mpo er of Jeasnetle and Jeunont. The sale Of these mongs is alres v c unted h thou onds. London: Charles Jefferyo,,21 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrO MERCHANTS and SHlIPPERS.-WHEELS and AXLES. Wheels constructed of timber seasoned and pre. pared to stand the effect of hot olima es. Carts, waggons, drays, hand. carts, &o., specially adapted for the colonles, &c.-At WM. DRAY and Wo.s maachinery warehouases, Swan-lane, Upper Thames-street, near London-hridge. QILENT WHEELS for Trncks and Advertising Vehicles (DAVIS'S PATENT), 5, Lyon's-inn ...