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Advertisements & Notices

... TWE LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.- ' CAPITAL-TWO MILLIONS.-Office, 26, Mar- bet-street, Manchester; London Office, 2, King-street, Cheapside; Liverpool Office, 3, High-street, and 5, Ex- change-street, East; Glasgow Office, 101, Miller-street; Greenock Office, Mansion House. LIFE DEPARTMENT. The LIFE BONUSES accrue from EIGHTY PER CENT of the profits being laid aside to form a Bonus Tund, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -1ONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL, CHE ETH-AU HILL.~-A DISCOURSE, TO-MORROW EVENINGI by ~,the Rev. J. LOCKWOOD, B.A. onl The Christiat , Vie of W~ar.` NROSV EN(R,-STRLET UHAPEL, PICCA- DGLAL1IY.-TO.M OR1ROW (Suniay), April 2nd, Rev. JOHN .HOPKI.'S 0! Radcliffe,,wdl l'REIR ,Citeoriiing end evening. PARIK C-HAPEL, CHEETN-ATM HILL ROAD. TO-MORROW (Sunday), the Rev. W. PALMER will ~PREACRL in the Morning, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SECURITY TO EMPLOYERS. - TIMES LIFE AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, 20, Princess-street. lie TIMES FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY.- ng T20, Prinoeessatreet. Ths IMES PLATE GLASS ASSURANCE FROM T ACCIDENTAL BREAKAGE.-20, Prinoees-street, Man-c Ol Chester. JAMES BURBIDGE, Secretary. ve- ,re EFENDER FIRE AND LIFE, 34, New Bridganstreet, Blachfriarsr London, and 4, Boulevard des Italiens, Parla.-Caplarl, Onoe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H I P P E R 8 Supplied with sles English, Fronch, or Fanoy HATS, for al climates and to any extent, by F. ROYSE (late Watling-st. , Carnarvon-st. Cheetbam Hill Rd. VORK CONFECTIONERy.-TIHOMAS WILLIAMBON. Confectioner, Dealer in Cigars, &o. 280, Deanagate, Manchester--. W.- begs respectfully to acqasint th inhabitants of this city, that he ha3 OPENED the above PREMISESwith a newv and extensive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Zo te LEt. Apartment%. p ESPECTABLE APARTMENTS, at No. 15, Jtz North street (a little aIbove Dery11'straet), Cireethani. ANDSOAl E comfortable First-flourAPARI- H MIETS, at No.3, Verno-.stroet, Camp street, Brolightonl HOUSE TO BE IET, in Wilberforce Terrace Itent, X21.-ApPly to Se. DUj.SIIERIY, S3, Stretford Road. =OBE LET, THEE HOUSES, inI Aelb6urne JTerrece ChatharnsiOiCt, chotltOtli-l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... St. James's Church, Preston. p 0MORROW, APRIL 2NlD, 1854, TWO SERMONS will be. preached in the above-named Church, after dorning and Evening Services, by the Rev. W. PRINCE, A.M., Icnmbent of St. M~ary's, Birkenhead; after each Fof which Collections will be made to meet the ordinary expenditure. T HE PRESTON WESLEYAN MISSIONARY TANNIVERSARY is fixed for the 9th, 1oth, and 11th of the present ...

Advertisements & Notices

... so 0 el,2,; DEB~ILTY, PAINS IN ;dAy MEDICAL TiAII iovrusfm of preimature 5-The-begbokok n the subjeetin any langnage.~-Mfail. .essenger be 'lead by avery one, on entering ?? * AddressgIr. LAWE, ,publilaba2, Charles-streetHetton Garden, London'. .-u b, CodHoarseness,Hopg Coug &. are narmediately relieved. by' DOWNWARD'S PECTORAL SYUP OF FRUIT. This'Medicine' is prepared ffronm the formula of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICk TO ElMIGtRANTS. ! The Undorsigned DISPAITCI Firat.0lSs SqIPS from LIVERPOOL TO NE\V YOIUII. __ WiIEiRLY. ByC 'rita WASHING(TON LIN 0'OF PACKETS -. - TO NW OLAS, WEEKLY, an1 to ST. JOHN'S, he On the Rth end 20th of each Month. daring theo qeagrm, byte ST. JOHN AND) LIVERPOOl, LINE OF PACKETS. Lsuggage of passgetgers teorid And pitt en board free of expes Bortls fir first and second ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN ADVWERTISMENTS. I I: - . , ' ' Fdptrnresf ?? .VDS1ND C. PILLING A.ND SOf,rgicA2 mptro- *m aent Makers, aind.. Mauufacturers of .Trtilssi'5sd' Aan~agies for every kind of Rupture Pessorie.s sO-BW1 yringes, Silver Nipple Tubes for Cattle, Galvanic Ma- chines, &c.5, AUNION-_STET, S,. JOuNS.a Ba0Et i v_. -Y AUTU OITYROBERT- TUW-m B3 STILL, .PFA-rrENT -SELF--ACTI146 CARD arid ROLLER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TI) ADVERiTIlSERCS 13N oon~spllttt..r of tlir entire repeal of the AdvortiserefltDirt' theProprietrsti ftbc' MIANCUF ESTE It EosAMivrR AND TiIF B. 'Sa adopted a Scalo'of Ulleeges forShortAnuoultlittnients,witilsh GivOO to that clasi of advertisers the benefit of cotnsiderabl~y okretban the amount of duty i'epealed. The loweet price for the eboitrest advertisement has hitherto been Three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -l-. IAN, Wa. 1-1E SEAT OF WAR RUSSIA AND TURKEY : AND THE BALTIO SEA. On the receipt of Six Postage gfitfip6 1 COPy of the MAP Of TjrE2 SiAT oF WAR IN RUSsIA AND TURKEY, or a MAP of Tisx BALC SEA AND COASTS, will be forwarded, along with the current number of the Mercuzry, to any address; or both Maps will be sent with the Hercury on the receipt of Seven Postage Stamps. Upwards of 50,000 of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... parties onswering advertlsemntlls In the Afercur#i are yeqneted to attend to the following explanations:- ~ pyat the Blercury-ollicol means that persona? 7tei!5c must he made at our office. 'Adres Eapialletter anti number] Mercury-office, ~cas tatappicaio must be made byi leer, post paid, Applcatonsnotinconformitty with these directions etikk- g1o tie Let. TBo D;,ET the HOUSE, fi, Bloom ...