Advertisements & Notices

... NORTH DEVON. b CIRCULATION OF NEWSPAPERS. 0 lMPORTANT TO ADN 'ITISERS. TREIVEWASS 'EXETER F4YiNG POST. 0 1851-lOOO. 185-ilO,)OO. 858_,110,000. . NORTH DETION JOU.RXAL. - 1851-52,300. 1852-53,500. I853-55,000. SQUA E, BARNSTAPLE. TRY MARSH'S WINES & SPIRITS. The I c cheapest and best that can be produced. I Ri5H STtEET, BARNSTAPLE, JOHN HARRIS EGS to inform his Friends that he is now r D IN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C R Ds. ICH-ARID ALLEN'S HALL AND GALLERIEE, 25, Lower SackI-el se-se, continue to be supplied with a large dsoort- ment of Ready-made Clothing. First style. Beet materials. F OR good and cheap STATIONERY try CHARLES H. FW0GAN'S, B. Upper SacoWe-s-ee, third door above Nelson's Pillar, moa Lceon ged to Sell Stamps. MODE RATEUR LAMPS.-.The lags and cheapest Stock m inwrelad. ThoseLamps ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE bEW EDITION II ON NIsEVOUS MD GENERATLVE DISES8ECS. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price Is., or in a sealed envelope, free by post, for 18 Postage Stamps. J EMALTH ANJI HAPPINESS, the means by U.. which they may be obtained, a medical work on the indrmities of youth and maturity, and diseases of the gene- rative system, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DA i~LjW4! PASSENGERS' oMI ituio rs JAJ.Tickets; of InSurance - gainst AILWAY , om ACCIDENTS for th8 3ourney, on paymeitont 1d. 2d.&or . T sd 3d. by.euqniribg'tif the Plookiag_ Clerks,'at:all the pnii of Fl5 id coia :.1ailway SStiions,, when they ake A.-ERIlway sio* e nTibket.' '%iLwAX'P, ASSEIGnE5s Ahi1WllOi .Omcl, 3, vees) o h. Om Bsoijx STszET, LosnoNr. , , -41n. WILhIAM . . . IAN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Third Edition-Just published, price Us., by pet free, 6s. d., A N TRUE and FALSE SPERTElATORRMElA ; ' mvith a View to the Correction Of Wide-spread Errors In relation to the Treatment and Cure of the Impuissant and Sexual HypochoD drisec. Trauslate4 from tha German of Dr. PICKFORD. To 'itL is added an Essay on Sexual Debilifits, by the Editor. ' Ti;s volunio is well calculated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W. BROCK & CO., to announce the REVTURlN of Mr. BROcES B Efrom LONDON, with the LATEST NOVELTIES IN DRESS, and which have been selected by him during the last few days. An early inspection is invited. 177 and 178, FORE-STREET, EXETER. 7 HE ?? of CLERICAL GENTLEMEN T is ?? solicited to I H. G. F O R C E'S T Stock of BLACK and MIX VENETIAN and CIR- OSSIAN CLOTHS for Paleiots, FROCK-COSTS,, dc.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LLINOIS BONDS.-Notice is hereby given, that the DIVIDEND arising out of the C.ilections of the Mlille Tax, prior to the 31it Dec'nbcr last. will be PAID by Messrs. Matheson an-l Co.. onl the SrERLING CA.NAL BONDS, in the following proportiole viz. V On £100 Bonds, 1Ss. 2d. On £223 Bonds, 4;s. lid. The holders will On £300 Bonds, 5se. (id. The holders w- have to present the Half-yearly Coupons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ad G~sICULTUBAL IMPLEMENTS W; n. DRAY and Co , Engineers, doe., are the Agents for all the Celebrated ?? Makers.-Wml Daiei and Co, Swan Lane London.; 0 LENFIELD PATENT STARCH, (Used LAx in Her Majesty's Laundry). WOTHERSPOOS'S Machine-made CONFECTIONERY, MARMALAIDE, JAMS, JEL- LIES, &c., (which gained the Prize Medal of 1851,) may be bad of all Grocers; Wholesale of WOTHER- SPOON, MACKAY, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FUNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED -By F Eseertors and bereaved Relatives of deceased noblemen, gentle. men, tradesmen, and others, sending in the first instance to SHIL. LIBEER'S ESTABLISHLMENT, CITY-ROAD, near Finsbury-sqnare, or No. 12, North-street, Quadrant, Brighton, instead of employing their upholsterer, ar the nearest undertaker, who, not possesing the needful requirements, resort to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rr le LET, UNFURNISHED, a genteel Family r ' Rs-idence, I inhoe, Exeter, BEACON COTTAGE, three sitting, six bed rooms, and every eon- ini rce. with garden, coach-house, and three-stall stable. The lw se is eituated on an eminence, commanding a ?? and extensiveview,not to be surpassedin ',lttunidl. and a very healthy spot, about two miles from Aptl: te (lifford Shirrifl', Fsq,, Pinhoe. To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR~NIA -NtOTICE to PASSENGERS.-- 'he Ship LADY FIlTZl4RBERT' his THREE CABINS still bC e sP ill ash on Wednoeday tho 12th ?? to t ?? AGOtEON eud Col , 6, Billiter-.quare, agents for the Original JuoorniaM Lire ot Packet Ships. AD Djt'ct, the beautitul fast sailing ship jy . 5 ~Nt ON. A 1, 4i3 ton'^ register. CHARLES GcltlBBLE, Xm BAdr iag intheLojdoflnDioks, will havedeapaveh, having ,u, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Until fute oie h Ai fFE~ to1 BOSTON The 1B Wil be £4 per Tonl, and, to Nl,:%N YORK 6Rr oo Until further itotire, C~lItGO for till STEAMMR Willi be rlg recive o sut fte 'iis @ock mrning, of SATURDAYS Frolgi ?? o on an ?? ~cOk ?? as heretofore. ?? PRVOVn TiO AII,.0 cmiatiuwad to size. 8 up Fr~eight ?? Wone PARCELS for ditroreit Ioi~enite nd ale up in The It Singe P,.sCO.nddee~tii o Oe prtyor ...