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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... 7HEATRE ROYAL,, DRURY-LANi.--, T By desire of families of distinction a MO RNING PERFOBM- ANCE of the wonderful' CRINESE MAilCIANg will take place ?? next, April 5, the only one that cin be givrn-pre- Pi-ul to their leaving London.-Doors open at Half-past One. To commenci at Twoo'clock precisely. Children and schools ad- mitted on this occasion to the boxes, pit, and lower gallery at half- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ol-N1A._NOTICE to PASSENGERS.- ,Ij~i! IAD'Y FITZHE RmERT has TIREE CABINS 1be) P W ll sail on Wednesday, the 12th instant.- ,AGELo) soil , Co. 6, Billiter-bquare, gelits for the i - hnal Iro or packet shrs.. INDIA CHINA. and AUSTRALIA, iT 51Mt rNISSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAMI NAVI. -Te steaers, carrying her Majesty's mails and Ifs tir; 1OiuSouthaPton for the unrdermetationed ports, i YoN MARS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T.OUISIANA STATE BONDS.-Tbe DIVI- L DEND WARRANTS, falling due on the 1st of May next, on the LOUISIANA STATE BONDS issued in favour of the SECOND MUNICIPALITY of NEW QRL&ANS will be PAID on that or any succeeding day (Taesday and Friday excepted), be- tween the hours of Ten and Two, at th9 Counting-house of BARING BROTHERS rand CO., 8, Bilshopsgate-strcet Within; where Lists may, as usual, be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S OMNAMBIULE SPIRITUALISTE.-Madame 1 TALBERT, do Paris, CONSULTATIONS sur toutes sortes de maladies physiques et morales, do onze . cisq heures. Elle a I'honneur de prdveiir, aussi, qu'elle se rendra au domicile deo per- sonnes qui le ddsireront.-No. 14, Maddox-street, Regent-street. ZIĀ¶HE LATEST DISCOVERY T IN ELECTAICITY. ELECTRICITY is VITALITY, and when communicated in mild but continuous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N A UPAOKICET S SEIPS.-The following -British e ?? will be despatchcd with the owvirers' ridsrvoace of the days to be hereafter declared for Tos. To Sail. ?? ior ?? a i Jne. I o re .1 e ?? j.. 402 E ?? of July. Crr1- n . (* ( srowtc shutin) l 4 95 DittoDitto. ' ot - .; p c:;; assersr taken byv each ship, ahn soip t oost ft i~ ccmi'e argoesoc care engo aged, early application s frr va- e, ortsr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEMSNeT.] TRE AUTHORITY for the OBSERVANCE, OF GOOD FRIDAY. .-4 - It is so universally admitted, as to render the production of proof unnecesaary, that our Blessed Lord was raised fromn the dead on the' first day of the week; and it is as universally admitted that while on earth he himself declared, Mat. 12-40, For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AM to AUST1'?ALIA. - TEst, GENERAL ? SCREW STEAM SIIIPI'ING COMPANY'S SCRE?V STEAM L\D JOCELYN, I.S00 loots, El. E. l3ort? Commander, will ?lltl' Ut?anspton Dr l'(tRT PHILLLP and SYDNEY with ? from s ott Setrdtsy, the 4th Juno next. Her aeuodtrtions are of a very superior character, and her cables are Cr' Ill ?? with every requisite far the ?? frciglrt ?rrd paors0 apply at the Offices of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA,: COVENT-GARDEN. Second Appearance of lMdlle. ORUVELLI. ~T-MORROW, Saturday, April 29, will be performed (for the secend time this CrueaslIq~nsInioperaseeria, OTELLO. Desdemona, Ildile. Sophie Crvli(irsecend appearance at the Royal Italian Opera); E~niia, dll Coti; tello, Sig. Tasneberlik; Rodrigo, Sig. Stigelli; Elmiro, Sig. Tagliaco; Doge, Sig. Polomnii; and lago, Big. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AU1CTIO.N . f Freehold Building Ground, necar the Brielayecrh'Arr , Kent-road, in the parish of St. George thle M.rtyr, S'w' M ESSRS. DRIVER are instructed to Ot gS to PUBLIC COMPETITION, at the Auctle, Tuesday, Mlay 16, at Twelve, in One or moore toa I PLOT of FREEHOLD BUILDING GROUJND, lapI-tat\ I'e' containing abmut half an acre, most eligibly itens, Clarence-road and Corribnry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO MARINERS. ISTOL CHANNEL, AVON LIGHT HOUSE. BRISTOL TBINITY-.HOUSE, LOSDON, ArIL 25,1854. TICE is hereby given, thitt, on anxd after the lo~th d*of May, 1854, a RED LIGHT will be exhibited 1 bove ?? House, to mark the entrasico of the Svoatch. aid tuat, by keeping the samx in sight, vessels will eut*r the f'er xia. e deepest water. r 5'ir ,5t t) c dee~e~t By order. J. HERBERT, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to .AUSThALIA.The GENERAL Zpt?w STEAM SI tIPPiNG COMPANY'S SCREW STEAM ?J AC1' JOCELYN, 1,800 tone, 0. E. IliaD Conimanter, will L 80???eispWfl for PORT PHILLiP end SYDNEY with ? Sonelly, the 4th Julio next. Nor occommodatiofls N0t ?orosrO of a very superior ebaracter, and her cabiciS are 1ot?P? with every req Waite for the voyage.-FOC freight ?pp1Y at the offices of the Company, I, AdelaldO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t^oRPORITION of MONTrREAL SIX PER ti CENT. CONSOLID-4TED LOAN.-Notice Is hereby given, that the COUPON9 for the HAItF*YEAR'S INTEREST, due on tho 3st tiny next, on tbe CITY of h{ONTIIEAL BpNDS, will be PAID at the Commercial. Bank of London, Lothbury, on end after the to.dateted Apet 15, 1854. p, O L1t klIA1KN OPEB.R A, : . COVIINT.GARDE. ' On Tiesday next, Aprill~S, will be produced (tor the ...