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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISX RIGHTS ASSOCIATION. UThe Fid4it are TpelttfDtilk ?? to .send their NAMES ENROLMlENT t} the OceE Of the Association, No. 4 Sr AxDSE~W SQLAaRE, Edinburgh. SuWscription - . ErVm SrIuIaxo- FRED. H. CAPTER .Tint.Ses JAMES GRANT. 3 EDUCATION BILL. A's Agreet on at a Mefeting of Ike Mifisters and Elders. URLIC ME*TING Of the MEM0BFRS; and ATJErI RESTS Of t~e UNI'i'EI) PRESBYTER IAN CHURCH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL. Fonrth Appearance ofthe Eminent Tragedian, ISR PHELPS, Le'ssee of thl Theatre-Royal, Sadlsets'Wells. This Present Eveninot T TRDPAfAV A-ci1 to lnS. I ~~ ~ --tle-P-erformeances w~ill comamenae with THE MAN OF THE WORLD To conelude with lTHE LADY OF THE LAKE! ! GREAT DISPLAY OF NEW SILKS. lLLER a4 CO.. c GEoGaE STREET (Late Grelg Mller}, l w will Show, THIS DAY, the whole of their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *cuT' I'iItl I RIG HT S A S SOC I A TION. be Pebi> . re ?? invited to s,-nd their NAMiES g E ?? IMENT To the OIffice of the Assoc~iation, N.4S As Sa QCARS, Edinbu~rgh. Subscriptiont ?? F.v SHtLLuNes. FRED. 11. CARTER:, JonSes JAMESi GRAN-T. Jcit e BANK 4iF SC(Yl'LXI APR-L Z. 1854 ' '1'IIE u;ENE1iAIRIPITOR'S of the ?? C(YIANJ. n 2tht March 1854. having, ~n ~ F th Actif ?? a Dividend rf pr--ts n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CABYINET ANT) UPHOLSTERY FINISHTIGS, IN CARIPETS ADl) HEARTH RUGS. l)AIMASKS. CIIINTZES. PAPER HANGINGS, AND FLOORCLOTIIS, DPNING-1IOOM. IPRAWING-ROOM, LIBRARY, AND BED-ROOMI FURINITURE. T O1 N T A Y L O R & SO N, 109 PRINCES STREET, J ?? invite attention to their present STOCK. which for Variety, Extent, Qua-Llity of Material, and Modera- tion in P'rice, they are confident cannot be surpassed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qCOTTISI{ RIIGHITS ASS{OCIATION. Tire Pulblicr are respectfnlly invited to send their NAMIES f,,r ENROLMENT tor the Ofice of tlne Association, No. 4 ST ANuREV QITUAUE. s dinburgin. Subscription ?? FRED. IT. C'A RTEIR. J JA:IES (;RANT Ji nt Sees- 0 u: N Y 0 1- E D I N B U R G H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CO TISl RItIGH TS A SSOC IATI(ON. 'The Phiiic. nrl' ?? mv intiil to sind the-ir NAME f, EN; Ito -N T lii c'hc Office of the --IsnCe ialto(, YeNL(. 4 T 51tiECEhi~burgl.. Fi!F3Iit II(Al-Tie's. -- WESI~iiNBANK (IF SCOTLAXND) Or..xSnciW. 270i Mr-t1s4 Bl33RA N ?? (IFt' Thi' HI A -N K ihoS ?? )EI:)a . tITTENWEEM, in the Comnr ?? h ,4,uaC.oh m. rn. ~t Aintew X lua.. ?? nt-t oif thle j~et-t a It tand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I THEATRE-ROYAL. Seventh Appearance of the Eminent Tragedian, 3MR PHELPS. Lessen of the Theatre-Royal, SaAlers' Wells. This Present Evening, 3MONDAY, April 17, 1854, The Performances will commeune with THE ;MAN OF THE WorLD 1 To conclude with OLIV%1ER TWIST.!! OR TRIE ADVENTURESS O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C 2- - - ?? C7UTTIST1 11f GHTS ALSSOCIATION).t 1li!'tlitii Lri! respwctfal I y i nvited .n senad tie-ir N'A ,.S , : ,lMi..ENT tiy the Olf7ie of thie Asociation, No. 4 XTe .Xxti;7t ii' Scs'T ant. F.,ri m~i a-lg7b. S;Lbsiria-itau ?? 1-Mvr' Saafl.Llt4(s. F Ill-L sit. CARTT.ER. .i.t r ea- . i .JA~iF (AN j I t ecs, W-ESTTFR'i 1ANK OF' SCOTILAND,I) rla-(iicSOv, AIt r Apral 154. ΒΆ I:t',CLT of ttPr- W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIEATaE.ROYAL. ,n TRIlF RENEFIT OF MISS KICOL. This Presrot E veninz, MONDAY, April 24, IS54, The Perforrnances will commence with TIME11 WORKS WNONDERS! After which, | LITTLE TODDLEKEINS: 'To conclude with TILE DUMB RECRUIT! mjjjl, GRAND DIORA MA OF HINDOSTAN, This Sublime Exhibition, the most beautiful Diorama that has evo-r hbon exhibites. Open Daily at Two ancl Eiaht Pr.. j WATERLOO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISHE RIGHTS ASSOCIATION3. The Public are respeelfully invited to send their NAXMES i ftbr ENROLMENT to the Office of the Association, No. 4 ST ANDREW' SQUARE, Edinburgh- Subscription ?? v _ SE, s .IJN;cs. FRED. H. CARTER, e JAMES GRANT, j ('tSt REDUCTIO)N OF LICENSES i AN]) NEW PU7BLIC hYOUSE BILL 1 PUBLIC MEETING will b* held TillS El-VENmiN 24th April. in the MUSIC IH ALL. he following ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThE. L.ATE pC TES'FANTCNFEREXCE. Trhe :attsttjt'iofl i iif sater, and C'ongregri1tiiaas is eamnesf];' and ?? requpat-ta-dt t the L Riawn esalutiaiata of tale lz rota-stint Cianfi-eatee held ?? L g:- lirtl~a~satwittv U- tlaa- Scottishi ]taonintianon Society has 'already ?? a'anaiicraabta .p'nst' in connaeclaora w~cl the ?? irna of this Coni1-ru'nt'e. and as., iti ni-dr to tiae V-igorrnsn a- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C0 UN TY OF E DI N BU R G Hi. A STATED GE1NERAL MEETING of ROAD TRICS- TEES, COMlMISSIONERS of SUPPLY, and JUSTmES ,f, PEACE fur this COUNTY, will be held within the CoaTY Rloouls here, upon MIONDAr, the Ist day of May next, at One o'Clock. initetld of the usual hour of Twelve, in conse- qzuence of the Pulblic Worslhiip that forenoon. Edinburgb, April 19,. 1854. MU A C K A Y, C Ul N N I N G H ...