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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... N O'fICE.-AFRICA.-ForPORT PHILLIP andll SYDNE;Y-This augnifcent first-olas ship, 1,400 tons rell . w 5;er ?? by L- 0. NEIL, now o01 her second voyage toll a ,Erajii, gocs into the river on londay, April 3, has still seaom. edatisa for a few pass~engers tn saloon. s econd cabin, on deek, and otetniediate (9 feet high.) Rates £45, £ 25, £tS.-Apply to wii. .IAM jAl~ltN.T sod Co. iS. Philpot-lane, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IROYAL PAN~lOPTICON of SCIENCE~ anU4 ART, JWLeietear-squmse.-ThIsZNqsflru.)r.i NOW OPEN to thes public for MORNING ~AO EVENING EXHIBITION. Mrw.. W.. T. Rest, the organist to the irnatitinton., will 1&rform a selection of clls- pr selel Musle on the grand organ (built foir th oceorpeatloo IyI ess. Rill ansi Co.), at Intervals Programmes to be obtained ith At l tution. Magnificent Fountain; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . . . t . j Zbe 3htlp: Rvvjf$* ? DRU1RY LANE. ) Ta Ern~ s, LEO2QIE. Messm Elliot Gater, and Henri Draywtn Miss Lowe, Wm~a Veatherstce.-THE FEAST OF THE DRAGON,, 3and MAGICAL PERFORMANCES of the CHINESE lIROUPE.- 3 And TIAH STAR OF THE RHINE. T) I ,.aixo _Al1l IE ess ~eiln n oes Mrs Tsnciga nl.IANLAGH. M~>&esrs.GF.Vandeu~off,W. Parren )Bucketone, 'lilbury, 8r ndBogere- Mss Beynolds, rs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0D BERT REID, BI-ead and Biscuit Baker, ! Jj11 begs respectrully to 'give notice that he has REMOVED his bsinees, curried on b4y him for upwards of SO years, at 5?, d Bernard-etreet, to 55 ira the same street, three doors hearer to c tuo-ellI-Fquae; ?? ilslo that lie bas recently opened premises in a ,b. sanae way of busicees at No. 5, Craven place, Weietbou.rne terraa. T HE WLLISIA UMBRELA, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrO MERCHANTS and SHlIPPERS.-WHEELS and AXLES. Wheels constructed of timber seasoned and pre. pared to stand the effect of hot olima es. Carts, waggons, drays, hand. carts, &o., specially adapted for the colonles, &c.-At WM. DRAY and Wo.s maachinery warehouases, Swan-lane, Upper Thames-street, near London-hridge. QILENT WHEELS for Trncks and Advertising Vehicles (DAVIS'S PATENT), 5, Lyon's-inn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a.rELBOURNEPORT PHILLIP,with immediate' Iw1 despateb. the splendid new ship SUSANNE, A 1, 500 tone, $dMg at the Jetty, London-dock. This ship has all ber dead.' veirt and liquids on board, end hag room ter measurement' goods only.-APPlY to JAMES THOMSON and Co., 6, Bliter. i Moare. VORT PHILLIP (Ielbourne), to asil punctually, 2ith ApriR, having n large portion ofher cargoalreadyengaged gnecw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C ItCULAR N3OTES or LETTERS of CR}EDIT, 0o excreedingly convenient to the touriet and man of business, in note& of £10 and Xi each, payable without deduction at a'l the prrcipald cdti of the cintineut of Europe, the colonies, Miadeira, Amaica 1ike., at the Bullionand Banking Oflee. 10, Lonsbard.street. ADAM ISPIELMANN and Co. UTCH COUPONS, due 1St April, 1854, are Dnow being PAID at a high ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RiP RACER for SYDNEY direct, 1,669 tons' S ref fire respectfully it, formed that this mrag 2 tship, whi'h, from her unusual lags itude, offrra en unri taled ^ prtunity bor their comfort eind accommtSodation, ?? from GildaPeen on Sunday, the 9th of April. There are still two saloon,I ,nereen °nd nine hird cabin berths dizengacd. N.t. An esperi ,anen vill accompafny the vessel. Apply to J. G. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OlIRCULAR NOTES or LETTERS of CREDIT, EO esceediegly ?? to the tourist atd man of bhsiness, ?? £10 and £5 each, payab'e vwithout deduction at ail the 'rinciPacties of the oantinent of Europe. the colonies, Madeira, America, ac., at the Bullion and Banking Oflke. 10, L mbardstreet. ADAK SPIELMANN and Co. UTCH COUPONS, due 1st April, 1854, are D now being PAID at a high rate, at 10. Lomnbard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CHOLERA prevented by the destrnetion of all noxious Effluvfa.-CREWS'S DISINFECTING FLUID, recommendec by the College of Physicians.-The Cheapest and Strongest Chloride of Zinc. Quarts, 2s.; pints, Is.; half-pints, 6d. Sold by all Ohemists, Druggists, and Shipping Agents, and at Corn. merelel.wharf, Mlile-end, London. TIIHE CHOLERA. Its best ?? W. .L BURNETTS DISINFECTING FLUID (the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIHIRTS.- HUGHES'S ANGLO-PARISIAN, aix, 20s., 86a., and 4ls.; Boa' 18. ; and their Anglo-Parisiam Collar, 1l2. doz. only; at their mrmy and Navy, India, eadet, and General, Colonial, en Home Outfitting Warehouse, 20S Itent- tret. Coloured flannel sbirts, and the beat Scotch, W elsh, id Bal. briggankultbosiery. N.B. Aseparatedepartmentforladies cholie ready-made linen, hosiery, tnder clothing, ...