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Advertisements & Notices

... DARK CHAPEL, CHEE T HAM HILL ROAD., .5 TO-MORROW (Sunday), %be Rev. J. LOCKWOOD, %A.&. *ill PREACH in the morniog, and the ROY. J. MUNOASTEII in alI ibe evening. Ott Cl O± VENORux-c iiEET CHAPEL, PIGUA;~ S G I)LLY.-TO-HORROW (Sunday), April 16th, the 11ev. - PATRIK TI1 _80SN, M. A. of Ciacthern. will PEC.f In themornin~gntbalfpest ten, aiml in theevening at lf-oer ix. PRIXITIVE METHOD1ST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE KING'S ROOMS, SOUTHSEA BEACH. I y 11OLLINGSWORTH has the honour it 3L2, 11!ice biS ROONIS are open forthe Winter HO- BATHS in constant readiness. NAVAL EDUCATION. I GENTLEMEN are prepared for the i , Navy, Rist India Company's Naval Service, Mr. THOMAS EASTAN, R.N. I e Yeari N`aval Instructor of H.M.S. Excellent.) coirse of Instruction comprises Arithmetic, l er, Geometry, Trigonometry, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ra ; Knoiurante Tompanioe%. Ch AT INAL PrROVIDENTI N I NSTITUTIONJ 48, GRACEClHURCH-STREET, LONDON. .MUTUAL ASSURANCOEON1IVES, ANNIJITIES, &c- - DIRECTORS. hl Chnirman-Samn8elHBsharst Lucas, Esq. Dsputj Chairmanec-Charles Luahington. Es. John tredbury, Edq.. Charles Gilpin, Esq. ai ThmsCdatle, ES. Robert . Olbrn, REsq. W Miller 1hrlisty, Esq. Robert Inyham, h eq MP. tic Edward Crowleyplsq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C IRCULAR NOTES or LETTERS of CREDIT, so exceedingly convenient tothe tourist and man orbbsiness, in lotes of £10 and £3 each, payable without deduction at all the prinotplcitiesof the oontinentof Europe. the colonies, Madeira, AmerZca, &o., at the Bullion and Banking Offie. 10, Loutbard-street. ADAM SPIELMANN and Co. iJRENCH RAILWAY COUPONS of all kinds, _r now' due, are PAID, on presentation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE B RPI S TOL 'ME RC UBY's IslIVR TItOUSAN.D- is r INRED ae a lMOST The MIERCURY,(price 6d.) Is,5 'dcnMOBe INFUENIA ADERISING.M IM Its Weekly LUENTIAL AD3eVeRthose of any other Paper in tbe West of England or bout ale' The ME, RCURY and SUPPLEMENT Contain Seventiy.Two OoIunns., , WA1ITE, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, *a6,F'ROG.LANiR, Bottom of Phrk-etreet, Bristol; .t, W. begs to return his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XF ORD..-WANTED, .t SMALL E[OUSE, onseniently fitted. Neighbourhood of.the Observa- tory preferred. Early possession required. Address, stating- rent, &e., to IT. R. B., Journal-Office, Oxford. 9 THOMAS BLISS, GirGenral Railway Carrier, ES'IRE S respectfully to inform his friends and .L the public generally that he has relinquished the Carrying Trade to this town (from and after,this day), in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t^oRPORITION of MONTrREAL SIX PER ti CENT. CONSOLID-4TED LOAN.-Notice Is hereby given, that the COUPON9 for the HAItF*YEAR'S INTEREST, due on tho 3st tiny next, on tbe CITY of h{ONTIIEAL BpNDS, will be PAID at the Commercial. Bank of London, Lothbury, on end after the to.dateted Apet 15, 1854. p, O L1t klIA1KN OPEB.R A, : . COVIINT.GARDE. ' On Tiesday next, Aprill~S, will be produced (tor the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIHOUS E TO BE LET, in Wilberforce Terrace- VT ( A~.Rent, X24.-Apply to Mr. DUES BjkHY, 63. Stratfor R icad. rf0 BE LET TREHUSES, iIMeNurl & N Terrace, Chathism-street, Chorlton-oi.MedlO~APYa 7 T BE LE, a om odiotis T HihrOrtoMera, hr i~lol~elook, at the low ford at retof £28-Apply at 130. Apply TO BE LEl' at Urnti GENIL T H IOUSE aud LAND. wit orh ,detached Stable, arid B coatch-houise -Apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Al 1NA BRIDGE CHURCH BUILDING I t COl Ionhas fcr its object to vaise £2000 in 100 1 2O a share, aud to obtain through the Cased comfort in the Churches in C two Suvices on Sandavr. i -J- G. J. ILA;, ?? Vi tcotia ord 86~pli5rsd~ae.'I AML LV C H. ;D C,\II'G o. AGE e, L R. I, M. W'ILLIANIS ! ' DI-OLK'LEY, ESQUIRE. 1V 'ricetsls and well-wiahers of Sir RICHAkRD kf ,L IKLLsE~Y, Bait., and the ?? of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?TEA3? to AUSTRALIA. -The GENERAL ?sCREW STEAM SHIPPING COMPANY'S SCREW STEAM ? LADY JOCELYN, 1,800 ions, 0. E. BIRD Coinusandet, will ?0?5oullisniptofl for PORT PHILLIP and SYDNEY with 1l.tI.'s nialls on Sunday, the 4tIl Juiie next. Her ?? ? 7ssoengero5re of a very superior oliaroctor, and her cabins ltd fully tarnished with every requisite for the ?? freight ?oci passage apply at the offices ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION II ON NZEBVOUS AND GENEBATInV DIOEASES. Jest Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price Is., or in a sealed enrelope, free by PGst, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH ANI) HAPPINESS, the means by 1I which they may be obtained, a medical work on the Infirmlties of youth end ?? and diseases of tbre gene- rative system, -with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U. =_ - __ _ _ .1 137, QUEEN'STREET, PORTSEA. y T GORE begs to announce his return from Town, *h U.'havingpurehased a ?? of French is and English MILLINERY & TRIMMED BONNETS FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS & RIBBONS of every description and Novelty of the Season. Also a Magnificent Stock of Black and Coloured Moire Antique, Glace Silks, Gros Royal, and Mourning MANTLES, of the, newest Style of ...