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Advertisements & Notices

... TO A.DVIE1WI[SEltS bconlseqttaale of the entift repealt of the Advertisemen~t 035At thorroprit~toreof the MANCIARSTER EXATIINE1I AND TnaEC~ have adopted a Scale of Charges for Short Announcem~entB, which gives to that class of advertisers the benefit of considerably more than the amount of duty repealed. The lowest price for the sbor~~rte Sd'eertisement has hitherto been Three ShillittflO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S'Otirtg0. HIE Directors of: the West of England T mid South Wales District Bank are prepared to receive' Tb TENDEltS from parties desirous of CONTRACTTNG to TAKE DOWN and REMOVE the MATE RIALS of the PREMISES in CORN-STREET, opposite the Exchange, known as The Bush-Ciambers ; and also the Premises between the Bush- Chambers and the Council-Houee. Tenders must be sent in on or before the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BUILDERS. ROYAL ENGINEER OFFICE, Portsmouth '19th April, 1854. N OTICE is hereby given, that TENDERS will be, received by the Honorable Board of Ordnance, at their Office, Pall Mall, London, on Tuesday the 2nd of May next, from sueh persons -se 'may- be' willing to un'dertatke the perforinasce of the CARPENTERS and JOINER'S -WORK, 'requird 'at4WINCHESTR BARRIAC1KS, from thd 8th of 'AIyiiel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? i i:;, ,XMetlleld, ; ,* M4.idisio~efrOmi Releswurlh and Harkesto 2, TobaSOLDby AUCTION, - ~- . RO WLFS°,ETl& LENNY, ~^ Orn Monday- next. April the 24th, 1854, Bt diroctslt of Mfr. JOHN CHLA.SE, vho is rernov'i frons ms5 present sttsation, and declines farmnii bu'sness, 7 guabb A{X SEt and COLTS. JS -FAT Bl LLOHCKS;and I FAT HEIFERS, 2 Prime ;MILCH COWS. 2 1earlingE Breeding SOWV and 12 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *AIto _bl _ uttiol . EXCELLENT FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. BUCEINGHAM-PLACE,. CLIFTON. 1'ESSRS. FARGUS & SONS will SELL lltbyy AUCTION, on the Premises, on MONDAY and WE~SAY.te24th and 25t A lisat All the Handsome HOUS HOLD FURNITURE, Chine, Glass, Damask Window Curtains, and Poles; Au elegant. Walnut CHIFF6NNIEIRE, with *arble Top and Plate-ulass Bako; Capital Walnut Cabriole CHAIRS, with Settees ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WTESTMINSTER FIRE OFFICE, KING-1 IW STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. Esta-J blished 1717. 1 E 2'raslees. Robert Tabbe, Esq. Edwd. Simon Stephenson REsq. if Win, Leverton Donaldson, Esq. IJames Lockyer, Esq. a The Public are respectfully informed, that all ordinary Fire n Insurances are undertaken by this Society, at the usual tariff II rates adopted by other respectable offices, suhject to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD 0ANAL.-NOTIOE. rilJEj, WHARF -will be CLOSED on WrDNEBDAY .Lthe 26th inst., during the whole of the day. ox ford, A pril 21. ,fSIERS and SON have fr25 'yea'S TINPORTED jD C oursofaom l. FARINA hia celebrated t AU-DE. DXC from e o b COLOGNE. The duty being nlow reduced, the cash prices are 2s. 8d. per bottle, 15s. for a case of six, and in wicker ,49. and 8s. Oxford;- 102 and 103, 1Iigh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IFLEETWOOD STEAMERS.-Wednesday, X' April 26,1IS54, being appointed a Day of General Haniltia. ti on, notice is hereby given, that the Steamers between FLEET. WOOD and BELFAST, and between FLEET WOOD and PIEL, PIER, will NOT SAIL on THAT DAY. KEMP St CO. T North Lanseasice Steamn Navigation Company, Fleetwood, 17th April, 1804. To sail 25th April. - FOR BOMBAY. The splendid British-built ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F IRE at BOW.-CHAS. WM. WATERLOW 1 A: and Co. beg to thank their friends and neighbours for theirj exeitions in suppressing the fire at their factory on tke 19thinst.,and Ii inform thrir cus'omers that, although a portion of the shops were Is unfortonately destroyed, the machinery, cutting-eseds, engine-house, ai and ether outbuildings ure fortunately presesved, and they have made C nuch ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE28 ,& ~ Nm~ eie ~twemothfairio. - aine~reI ad reg to leea l~ ith a mass ofnlorma tion Calculated to enhance the persona Sih y ?? readeri~jt Q'4e~s~essblsA9~~0to.,the toilteo 2a both ?? Is. trough,allj -ooat~o 28 an envelope, for 14 postage stamps. ro teb oti a9 56n11Y~lAl0hOs, berdlesstfades, unsighlsty eking, and tootblens 30 months), result solely from the Ignoranace this little work is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FORM OF PRAYER appointed, by authority, Tfor Wednesday next, the DAY OF GENERAL Hu- MIIuATION AND PRAYER, may be had of DOBSON AND SON, Chronicle Office, 23, Fishergate, Preston. lHE MASTER SPINNERS' AND MANUFAC- T TURERS' DEFENCE FUND.-We are directed to acknowledge the receipt of continued contributions in aid of this fund, and to add, that a considerable accession of hands has been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E-ASTERN COUNTIES RAILWAY.-On 1st of May the following arrangement of Excursions froam London will come into opera-ion. FAMILY TICKETS to Yarmouth and Lowestoft available I for Tweotr-eight dlys. Farosa First-class, 32s Second-claso, 25 I with a Ticket for one Member of each Family to travel to and t fro at greatly reduced fares. An EXCURSION from London at iy3o p.m every Wednesday and ...