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Advertisements & Notices

... BANERS, MERCHANTS, and OTHERS' are strongly recommended to use TABLINGS METALLIC INK, which is prepared expressly for Steel Pens. Manufactured by H. J. TAntaNG, and sold by PAtsoNs, FLETCHELI, & Co., 22, Broad-street, London. May behad t in 6d., Is., Is. 6d.,& 2s. bottles,of Fitze, Wheaton Pollard, E Roberts, 195, High street, Exeter; Westcott, Dawlith; Croydon,Teignmoutb; Crook, Chudleigh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATRONIZED BY THE PRINCIPAL FARMERS AND P GRAZIERS IN THE KINGDOM. rUFF'S FARMER'S FRIEND.-One dose 'i of this invaluable medioine will oure the Scoun or cSS in Lambs, Calves, Sheep, Colts, Heifers, Steers, all CatFtle vithout leaving costiveness, and given-ccoasioni- * to Feasts. whilst fattening will promote a healthy and conditiO. It will quikldy relieve and perfeotly cure tl~e Fr, Cttot Ic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LET,a HOUSE in ST. LEONARD'S T TERRACE, MOUNT RADFOQLD.-Rent £S8. Yar-Enquire at No. 28, SoUTRERNHAV. be LET, at Midsummer a small genteel I convenient Residence at Priory Place, Mint, Exeter. ApFly to Mr. EVANS, Druggist, No. 97, Fore Street. PUBLIC HOUSE. Do be LET, and entered upon immediately, '1acompaot FREE PUBLIC HOUSE, situate in one ;* the principal thoroughfares of the City of Exeter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOUND, a WATCH, wlbever can justly 'lay' claim to the same, may have it returned, by properly describing it; md rewarding'the finder, he beilg a poor lad. Apply to JAMES MIFLIN, No.' 0, Stafford- Terra,l Heavitree. MR. JAlES PARNELL MOXON, DECEASED.- A L L Persons having anv Clp~im on ?? city of Exteter, 1tote1 Keeper, deeeas~ed, a'cre rquet'ettd to send in~par~ticula4rs theteof, On or before ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WM. BROCK & CO. SE )EG to invite attention to their STOCK B OF A C A R P E T S, Ge COMPRISING: pa( VELVET PILE, Ro TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, al BRIGHT'S PATENT, pe] K I D D E R 1A I N S T E R, B DUTCH, I' STAIR CARPETS, A HEARTH RUGS, &c., &c., SI: in great variety, and from the first manufeottlrers. 17 7 AND 178, FORE STREET, EXETER. C -7~_,ffif6_ODORE JAMES, CABINETMANUFACTURER&VUPHOLSTERER, _ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXETER TOWN DUES. ro0 be LET, by Auction, at the GUILDHALL, T EXETER, on THURSDAY, the 8th day of JUNE, 1854, at 12 ?? at Noon, for a Term of Three Years from Midsummer, 1854. i All the petty Customs or Town Dues, Rates, and I Duties,payable to the Corporation of Exeter, on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, imported into all Places within the limits of the ancient Port of Exeter, except the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I WINE AXD SPIRIT CELLARS. (Opposite the 'G olden Lion Hotel,') Boutport Street, Barnstaple. BEAMISH AND CRAWFORD'S UNRIVALLED CORK PORTER. MICHAEL SNELL, (Soe Consignee for North Devon and South Wales,) B EGS to announce the Arrival of the ' Pilot,' GREENWOOD, Master, with a Cargo of the above B much-esteemed and nutritious Beverage in Kilderkins, Barrels, and Hogsheads of EXTRA AND DOUBLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O~ ?? X ?? C U R Y, B II w, E BBITJ ~ ECUYsC FIVEHU DR1 Erii WjEEK. SP ~s FIVE THlOUSAND riecognlsedrE 'Eat sOST1 SPE 'gter MERCIJSZ gt} 'EDIU; t its hekfyt -rieti ?? gre~W~8le. 8W, or Ttand SUPPLEMENT eutai 6Seventy-Two and columns. TRAP ELLs WHOLESALE D A or RFTAII, MAHiOGANY and TIMfBER YARDSr ARRs EET. Bristol (Established 1750). f ids of aahogay, in Boards, Planks, or Logs constantly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thal . . : .of t .PO TAILORS.-.Now, Ready, London- and 'thal .LParis SPRiNG and SUMMEB FASHIONS for to54, me ' comprising a large Plate of 18 Coloured Figures, two small ope i Plates o~f tree Coloured -Figures,ftr fashionable Coat Patterne, IP.d .one Vest, one Boysa Jacket, and' one Child's Dress,' vrith printed m 2is 3 e~ort explaining the whole. -Agent for Bristol: Mir.Pr i LA^VARS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ff~af-tbm ucuion. PERU1WPTORY BSALE OF- ,XCELEBNT POPT, SEURRY. AND OTHER WINES, . C( Bottle and Wood.) I 1FESSRS. FARGUS & SONS will SELL L1 by AUCTION, at their Spacious ROOM, No. 4, CLAR E-- in STREET. on MONDAY, the 22nd May, 1884. : C The followingl choice and superior iORT, SHERRY, and other WIRES .In Bottle and Wood, viz..- B Vs Dozen of Pale, Golden f and Brown SHERRIES, P ,i Dozen of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , ISAR bm Rutio , -1 WATCHET, SONERSET. TO BREWERS, MALTSTERS. & OTHERS. M~ESSRS. HAWKES & SON will SELL £T by AUCTION, on the Premises, OD WEDNESDAY, the F] I1 t day of Juno next, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, subject th ?? which will then he prodaced, di All that valuable FREEHOLD INN,. situate at WATCHET, di and well-known as the Greyhound Inn, with the Stables, Carriage-house, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V= odto to bit nett. E LODGINGS to be LET I ppohte BARROW-COURT, Five Miles from Bristol. s requiring fresh and pure air. It cannot be sur- ?? ?? tO Mr. GEORGE ALVIS, ein~, Barftl rI LAMB AND LARK INN, I REYNSEaM. to be LET, with Malthouse attaohed. The S- t Furniture, &o., would be about £1000.-Fur- pact may be had of the Proprietor, who is retiring. STON-SUPER-MARkF.-To be LET, 1 from the ...