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Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL SCOTTIS11 ACADEMIY FAINTING, SCULPTURE, AN-D ARCHITECCTURE. !I THE TWENTY-EIGIITI A-NNUA-L EXHIBITIOYN of is OiPEN IJAILY n the GALLERIES. ROYAL LNSTflaruyoN Ruin ine Ciuik A. I ji i-i.m tS.. srid 1 WILL, 431052N ~ATURDANY THE cOn- MAY. Adnmis'oni -Utine Shlling~. Cstalngnles, cdii EVEN.ING EXIIBrITIN_ (wil:xfro- evr till Ten o'Cinrk. Admission, Gd; Chl;dr'OU under twe-lve years, Half ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT 71 WATErLOO STmcExT, ON' W'DNESDAY, 3D MAY, AT TwVEI.vE O'CLOCK. PUBLIC SALE oi. SUIPERPIOR HOUSE FURNITURE, CHIOICE ENG RAVINGS, TlEA AND COFFEE CHINA, CIIYS'TAL, STON EWARIE, NAPERY, BLANKETS, &c. lESSltS. CAMPBELL & CO. will Sell, by Auction, nas .I1Jabove, Superior HOUSE FURNITURE, nearly new. T IN DINING ROOM, One Spanish Mahogany l)inimig Table, on Pillar and Claw, f Richly Carved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G L 1 N C A R T H-l O U SE Mtilliken Park Station. TO BE LET, iliBE ll 0 U S E at present possessed by Mrs. Barclay. TApply to White & Gairdner. COUNTRY RESIDENCE IN AYRSHIRE TO LET, FURNISHIEl). tHE .MANSION HOUSE of IKENNOX, within Three T Miles of the Stewarton Railway Station. There is ample accommodation for a large Faniily-suitablc Stabling, and (ffices, Carden, Lawn, and Policies; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. SESSION 1853-54. T18T MAY, 1854, BAN SATURDAY the ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION of 0 PItIZES was made in the COstMONa HAIAL of the COLLIGE, by the PsRINCIAL and Pitorrssons, in presence of a numerous Meeting of the University, with many Reverend and respect- able Gentlemen of the City and Neighbourhood. UNIV ERSITY PRIZES. TIIEOLOGY. TIlE UNIVERSITY SILVER MEDAL. For the best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M. JOHN MORRISON'S PUBLIC SALES. OR Particulars of the numerous Extensive SALES con- _ dueted by Mu. JOHN MORRISON, AUCTIONEER, 11 Virginia Street, see Page 7th of this Paper. SALES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, OR TRADE STOCKS, W ILL DE CONDUCTED ON THE PREMISES, OR 1N THE V GALLERY OF THlE SUnscRlrEns, DURING THlE ENSUING SEASON, FOR A MODERATE COMMISSION, Which will include all Charges. C. R7. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £20. THE Party who called at 10 Argyll Street on the Evening T of Friday last, to procure change of a 'J'wenty-Pound I Note, will please return the excess of Five Pounds given in I mistake, so as to prevent further trouble. 10 Argyll Street, Glasgow, 29th April, 1854. OST, on Monday Evening, a C0OL.D SIGNET RING .. with Crest engraved oni it. Whoever will bring the same to Nr. A. Currie, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH VESTINGS or NElV PATTERNS Made inftsshionable style at Dawlson & Macnicol's, Clothiers and Skirt jllerchants, 50 Buchanma Street. A. B-Mr. Daicon has just returuned to Town, having plrheasecl a most extensive Stoc7; of 1estings, T'ouiscirlys, andl Susiniiier Coatinigs, the very pick of the market, and the choicest things which ?? or Paris can miroduce. REMOVAL AND SALE OF 'T'IM PlnSimrr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S ULPHATE of AMMONIA. T FITW4T& 9f MQPA, BLOOD MlANURE. GROUND GYPSUM. And varlous other artificial Manures on Sale by Jandilands Chemical Worjs. JOHN MILLER & Co. (Town Office, Crown Court.) Aberdeen, March, 1854. ANTED to BORROW, on the Sccurity of the Harbour of W Fraserburgb, £8000, in Sums above £200. Application to be made to LEwIS CIIALMERS, Advocate, Pra- merburgh, Chairman of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nitro-Phosphate, or Blood Xanure. D Cargo of the PATENT NITRO-PHOSPHATE MANURE Ahaving now arrived at Aberdeen, parties can bo supplied from the Wareheuses there, by application to Mr SBEED, 44, 3farisobal Street, Aberdeen; and those who cannot conveniently tend to Town, may have their quantity at HINTORE and PORT- ]EBHINSTONE, by applying to the Agents of the Lime Corn- panics; also, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Shooting Grounds, Aberdeenslhine. To be Let, for the ensuing Season, or longer, as may be aggreed ois, privilege of S H 0 0 T I N G on the Hills of TOWIE, which are very oxtensive, and .us'eally well stocked with osse sad ether Game. P1Y to Messrs LU.MSDEN &i ROSERYSON, Union Terrace, Shares of Ship for Sable. 1rn will be exposed to Public Sale, within the LEMiON TREE TevEas, Aberdeen, upon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHARLES CATTANACHE & CO., 132i UNION STREET, 1321 QUPPLY GENTLEMEN'S DRESS in every Department, on k:7 moderate terms, and of the most approved style of fashion, eombined with durability. Their Patont Apparatus for Measur- Ing the Human Figure and Draughting Garmcnts onables thom to produce a fit superior to that by any system, and to effect a considerable saving in producing the Garment. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMIpOTANT AND EXTENSIVE DISPLENISH SALE OF CATTLE, HORSES, FARMING UTENSILS, &e. &e., AT SEAFIELD, NEAR CULLEN. Upon FtIDAY, the 5th day of May next, there will be Sold, by Public Boup, at the Farm of Sealleld, SWE Valuable and Extensive Stock of CATTLE, HORSES, ' ud IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY upon said Farm, the property of Alexandor Fraser, Esq., Cashier, Chllen House, vi.:Cattle. g Milk cows, ...