... Education best v2o-moted by Perfect Freedo)m, siot bY State th Endowoments. Wi-tt a,iApiieidix, ?? Official ileturnsI~ of Education in 1818. 1833, and 13~51. By Edwvard Babieis, author of thle ,History of thc Cotton ge Manufacture. London John Snow, Paternoster- th~ row. Leeds: R. NesovsilO. th' The claimt advanced by Mrll. Baines in this pamphlet on i behalf of the claises on whows ...


... 1~-q Child of the nigIht: Whenc ct6int tli() , ~~Unto our sight. .iPk as the midnight, r Light as the fawn, Front whence comest tbhon- ' ' Wlfere Wert thoa born 1 I hlmaxiao I Maximo ! Indian g8d: Round thy dark form, boy, 'The worshippers trod. Say, can thy mentiory r Bring back the past; B Or is it forgot- V In oblivion east? Mazilio Mtaxino t V Idoltsed child: s Gentle and loving, hs :' ...


... I TplEr ,e BEG INN-INGS. RaESIST hlginruings I for the small Matures into the great: Nollught that is eil trifling call; Around it perils vait. Dream not. vain man, of little sins, Which thou nmavst safely hide: i~le wvho the moral victory I D:IS The lesst ofence miust chide. The meanest seed enflids the tree- The scanty rill doth rise, Till, thunmiring in its majesty, It every bound defies. ...


... Wnar turns all thoughts to the sea; the current of events again emphatically reminds us that we are a people who in peace or war work chiefly on great waters ; and the representation of our national art would be indeed imperfect if it included no fine works by our sea painters. Mr Stan- field, who is in his own way ruler of the waves, displays his mastery in three pictures which are finished ...


... 00 URAGDF. Courage !-Nothing can withstand Long a wrong'd, tmdaunted land I If the hearts within her be True unto themselves, and thee, Thou freed giant, Liberty I Oh ! no mountain-nymph art thou, When the helm is on thy brow, And the sword is in thy hand, 'Fighting for thy own good land ! Courage !-Nothing e'er withstood Freemen fighting for their good; Armed witth all their fathers' fame, ...


... FREEDOM AN]) THE RIGHT. On, onl bravo hearts, ye will not hu;, there's glory to be won; Vp withl onr Cross, undwl e c's t ie Icall better face the sun? Ye go to fight the noble fight, to teach the creed of Ruth, For Honest laws antd human caise, for Liberty and Trath. Uet British valour hell) the wrong'd to conquer and defy; Strike, strike the blow, let tyrants know that kings may reacb too ...


... FASWYION4BNELG-ENCE I ALR Jrn) ,TTU EBLB0T?~g HoTRn ?? Prdwkard ahidy[A lte anxIrenhaw, the Very Oev the Dean of AIser!6rf tli5rd Jy Y the Dean ofClonfert, ReT Mr and *Ir JAlym ?? en1 Ire Aubin, Captain Lloyd, Captain Moorei Xrs CoIiln4 aldparty of live; Mr and Mr, Shells, Mr rnd Mrs ilroxai ?? earg dl Mrs Jacksona Mr ead ?? KiolNoblo and Rarty. Mr ant ?? Hunj, Mrs Hodson and Mr W Hodson, MT ...


... I _astmn 'r 'V. R h.mul ao hsk The abf ring question of ctrsage a Is bo5fl55 nxs wion decided upor by it aving beec determinodthat hey sho cntse w to be w~rnituorn bat at te sanre tie insist. sII ta e ?? nr the b black ?? asreseed to an ex- fent weoch may eventuily'pave the wray for the rstinfrx. duction of the paletot de dame. Great latitude ie, how. ever, allowed in the form; for they may ...


... RIGHTS OF OPINION IN RussiA.-Th circulation of off books, especially on religious subjects, is frdden, and any 00 copyist would, if discovered, he condemned to most terble tb punihment; and anyone writing on .eligiouti . tenets would . probably be condemned to 4eath. Thus religious discus- sp ,jons ad religious troubles ar avoided-aJI which has not Ja prevented 'sohism from arising; but Eprope ...


... FAIgS, -1_ I . - . _ 1- - -- -- --A G i PAnsoisTowzr.-This fair took place on Friday and was largely supplied with all 6ort8 of stock (generally) of superior qualities. The demand for heifers and .ged horned cattle was unusually active and anxious. Sales were effected an early as five o'clock in the morning. The anxiety to pur- chase three year old heifers was evident from the first; the ...


... CATTLE AND CHEESE PAIRS. --- -- n- a- -2 ~t.t *L ha] MATLOeCK FAIR, MAY 9.-~At this fair, there was I above the averagec show of cattle, but in confsequence of milt the high prices asked, purchasers were not numerous, and Ku Imany remained on hand at the close of the fair; calvers at I hand were, however', in request, and in some instances heavy M prices trerd stibmitted to., Of sheep there ...


... ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA. Several things made last night at Covent-garden. a night of singular attraction. Mario made his first ap- pearancee this season, and Lablache made his first appear- ance on he boards of thistheatre. The great basso mainly couttibuted by his exertionisto sustain the fortunes of the old house, and to avert for a time the rain which at length fell upon it. That catastrophe ...