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Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. i[ k ICHARDALLEN'S HALL AND GALLEAMS, 25, LOWr&l kts'4 contines to be supplied with a large assort- bent of Ready-made Clothing. Fiest etyle. Best materials, URNITURE.-P. BROWNE'S Waoreroom Wa5cnarsntaltly i supplied with New and Secondhand Furniture. from the mansion to the cottageotr6, .Bec.1,or'swal. O) 003 PAPERt.-Purobasers may selec t from the largest JIj stock of Room Papere, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL SCOTTIS11 ACADEMIY FAINTING, SCULPTURE, AN-D ARCHITECCTURE. !I THE TWENTY-EIGIITI A-NNUA-L EXHIBITIOYN of is OiPEN IJAILY n the GALLERIES. ROYAL LNSTflaruyoN Ruin ine Ciuik A. I ji i-i.m tS.. srid 1 WILL, 431052N ~ATURDANY THE cOn- MAY. Adnmis'oni -Utine Shlling~. Cstalngnles, cdii EVEN.ING EXIIBrITIN_ (wil:xfro- evr till Ten o'Cinrk. Admission, Gd; Chl;dr'OU under twe-lve years, Half ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? day' MayA i r In r t a sttreent goods only; the 0rttilh poer- EaI6600N, A 1. 413 tons regweter, loading in the LcA!!lD li re*, iy to SJAMES, THOMSON and Co., 6, 13illitr-s1azre. .ll n MIMAL STEAMRSMIP for AUSTRAMAii I Vj1 s' t 1854-The masaficent screw steamsbip LADTY tsff l1, another o tefine fleet belonging to the Generil Stcam ShipPinzr Company, will be despatched with her Mt. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hi p MAIf SrlEAM SHIP fer AUSTRALIA, June 4, TSh4c11ll magnificent SCREW STEAM-9HIP ~pY NI 300 o5n, anotber of the tine fleet belonging OCELnc '1 'ta Shippig Com panpyl, will be deseatched I er 3sj ils for Adelaide, P'O~ct Ph~ip,' ?? b ller iFlaJt 3 ' .t Tiis truly noble ship has maintained tbe4thlof`J lnne`rapid sailinF and punctuality ; and is a btll broputittin furkrapidoyailino ,ir' to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. SESSION 1853-54. T18T MAY, 1854, BAN SATURDAY the ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION of 0 PItIZES was made in the COstMONa HAIAL of the COLLIGE, by the PsRINCIAL and Pitorrssons, in presence of a numerous Meeting of the University, with many Reverend and respect- able Gentlemen of the City and Neighbourhood. UNIV ERSITY PRIZES. TIIEOLOGY. TIlE UNIVERSITY SILVER MEDAL. For the best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M. JOHN MORRISON'S PUBLIC SALES. OR Particulars of the numerous Extensive SALES con- _ dueted by Mu. JOHN MORRISON, AUCTIONEER, 11 Virginia Street, see Page 7th of this Paper. SALES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, OR TRADE STOCKS, W ILL DE CONDUCTED ON THE PREMISES, OR 1N THE V GALLERY OF THlE SUnscRlrEns, DURING THlE ENSUING SEASON, FOR A MODERATE COMMISSION, Which will include all Charges. C. R7. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT 71 WATErLOO STmcExT, ON' W'DNESDAY, 3D MAY, AT TwVEI.vE O'CLOCK. PUBLIC SALE oi. SUIPERPIOR HOUSE FURNITURE, CHIOICE ENG RAVINGS, TlEA AND COFFEE CHINA, CIIYS'TAL, STON EWARIE, NAPERY, BLANKETS, &c. lESSltS. CAMPBELL & CO. will Sell, by Auction, nas .I1Jabove, Superior HOUSE FURNITURE, nearly new. T IN DINING ROOM, One Spanish Mahogany l)inimig Table, on Pillar and Claw, f Richly Carved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY, Exeter Hall.: Corrercraou-Mr. COSTA. I. 01i FRI11AY week. 12th of May, will be repeated Veethoven's tab GRAND SERVICEinD. PrinclipalVocalists :-MalaameClsraNovello, the fdjss iothy, r. Siss Reevs, ?? Fmnes; with Orchestra of tiet nearly700 petormes.-Ticets, s., Os, andlos. lid, each, or Sub- hot scriptons On, Twoor Thre Guinas perannum, at the SocletY's An Offie, o. , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £20. THE Party who called at 10 Argyll Street on the Evening T of Friday last, to procure change of a 'J'wenty-Pound I Note, will please return the excess of Five Pounds given in I mistake, so as to prevent further trouble. 10 Argyll Street, Glasgow, 29th April, 1854. OST, on Monday Evening, a C0OL.D SIGNET RING .. with Crest engraved oni it. Whoever will bring the same to Nr. A. Currie, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THHE ROYAL EXCHANGE VAULTS.- T Alltopp's or Bass's East India Ale, imperial quarts, 7a.; pintl, 4., half-pints, 2s. 3d.; Dublin Stout, same prices; Lojndon Porter q 4 is.; pints, 2a. d.; half.pints, ls 6d.; London -tor~ q s- 8; pints, 4s -d.; ball-plits, 2a 64d. The ?? quality o0 Spirits ?? or Brown BrandT f3.. Gin, iss; Rum, l6a. per gallion. SHERRY and PORT, in imperial plats, f'lo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G L 1 N C A R T H-l O U SE Mtilliken Park Station. TO BE LET, iliBE ll 0 U S E at present possessed by Mrs. Barclay. TApply to White & Gairdner. COUNTRY RESIDENCE IN AYRSHIRE TO LET, FURNISHIEl). tHE .MANSION HOUSE of IKENNOX, within Three T Miles of the Stewarton Railway Station. There is ample accommodation for a large Faniily-suitablc Stabling, and (ffices, Carden, Lawn, and Policies; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JIUST PUBLISHED, the ROUTES to AUS- TRALIA, considered in reference to Commercial and Postal Interests, with a Map and Distance Tables, explanatory of Routes. Price Is.; per post, Is. Gd. London: EDWARD STANFORD, Colonial Bookseller, d, Charing-cross. ( ANADA: Its present Condition Prospects, J and Resources, fully described for tihe information of in. tending Einlgrarnte, by William Hutton, a ...