Advertisements & Notices

... 4w Par'ies answerilladvertintentel in the Me~roleY tire ?? attend to the following eXplnanatiofls: - 1Apply at the AMor ry-office melusan that pmn op~ci~4tiC5 mus ho ded at our office. F] -draO jmu'ft lh te adnubr] ?4s~oceuty~ofitt,I ha apiat tiU ( t neb~~e t109po aiF Addin n [O~Plnr*y.i -'tra.l ApplifiltiOntsnotja Onformy `ith~t iiedir ctons can-r noot be attended to. go ?? 0i BE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '5 .OYAL' QE2EW&E, LONDONLO'W n1-fJ moil UNRIVALLED -HA-S I f the purposesl pf~ EXTENSIYE- JO4ECILPBLCT , r. mediite application dsould be- made for: NONA1'PrT 0I 'e PRIATED SPAOES FOI ADV1TBRTIE1MENTS W to a C.W. DE BERNARDY, Sole ?? to the Contraetors, 9 ' NORTHUMBERLAND STBEET, fSTUAND, Y LONDON. e O A L S.-NOTICE.-M erohaatg, Shp I± Owners, &c., are informed they ean get a regular g supply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *gts, b ?? HALLAM, AUOTIONRRR and APPRAISER, w e HOUSE and ESTATE AGENT, Tarleton-street, Church- jtreet, adjoining the York Hotel. The above COMMNISSION SALEROOMS aire NOW OPEN FOR, THE SALE OF FURNITURE, and other PRO PE117 Y, by PUBLIC AUCTION. Parties wishing to dispose of licit froperty are requested to apply at once to the Auctioneer, tbust it May be included Iin next Tuesday's sale. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALMON, One Shilling per l~b. TROUT, 6d tc Sd per lb. PLAICE, 11-d to 2d per lb. HADDOCK, 3d to 4d per lb. SOLE, Is to 2s per pair. FIJNO-N HADDIE, 3,d to 'Id per lb. SHRIMPS, 6d per quart. A GOOD SUPPLY DAILY, AT The Belfast Joilnt.Stock Fishing Company's Esta~blishment, 26, -BRIDGE STREET. leg90 O N S A LE. 18 TONS GENUINTE WHITE PAINT, PURi CEASED prior to the advance in Price ALSO, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE PUBLIC TESTIMONIAL to tbo ME3MORY of the LATE FRANCS 01S URT, AT Jo afVWs Rsq. - 5 00 i opIbtt etheete, Urd W& etpark 5 0 . - - 00 fleary Wilnfot, EB. D). Sitw6iri . - 0 0 W. I - .5 00 }Robt.Bromly . 5 00 WM Mundy, REq. ai r.WW. lth% a 30 M.P. - - -5 00 Iv.Iobt, Geal .. 3a 0 Chas Clarke, sq. . 5 0 0 Arthurllhmrgaid,Tq. 3 3 0 Was. EvMS, Esq. . 5 0 0 cha. Mies . 3 0 0 John Radford, Esq. - 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M R. & MRS. BOYLE, (FROIC LONDON,) T E& C H E R S OF THE PIANO-FORTE, TITALIANI and ENGLISH SINGING. No. 34, UpDEI; ARTITL11 SuEErrT. 169S EDUCATION IN GERM/1ANY. THIRTY GUINEAS PER ANNUM. A IMEIBER OF THE UINIVERSITY OF A Berlin and the late Foreign Master of the Roval College, Dungannon, has a Vacancy for Two Boarders, to join Three others. They will, in every respect, be regarded as Members ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ATRE -ROYALO DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Friday), the 28thofMy the ?? Will chlnmetce with the Tragedy of RICHARD III. Richard III,HMrKing; Edrl of Riihmond, Mr~paucofort; Queen Elizabetbh Mrs Billington ; Laedy Anre,.miss Bellair. To conclude with the Drama of THE SEA OF ICE; OBn THE PlRAYERt OF TuE NtRECKIDr AND THE GOLD SEEKER OF aSEXICO. Carlog,Mr King; Captain de Lascours, Mr Rickards; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTRAIT OF THE VICAR Op PORTsMOUTH. 1 l 3T B. NEWLAND, 116,- HIGH-STREET, has otl W ,just published an admirab'o PORTRAIT of the ?? REV. J. P. M1C.GHIE, Vicar of Portsmouth, from a Al Collodion Portrait, by, MT. C. BARRER, of Gosport. It is fei Lithographed, in a very superior style, by MIessrs. DAY, and Soas, Lithographers to* the Queen; and a more fol faithful likeness of the Reverend and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 311jaity of R. L. ro;sty:n WRliMlii1Sm Mzalh1ieltey, 2te~ I LIE friends and well wrishers of the anciont I-House | of 13 norn 1lil intellI DIXEING to2:ether at the CoM+e~c~l,7 IIocEL, P`rtIMorimadoc, on TuIsiSD Y, the ~30til iast , (instead or Monday, the 29th, as pteviouslv advertised) to Celebrate the CO iNIG of AGE 6E1l 1. L. MiOSTYN WILLIA-MS BULKELEY, Esq. NATHANI EL MATIlEW, Esq., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Notice to Advertisers, Agente, and Coprcspondent8. To prevent disappointment, it is necessary that all adver. tisements and other communications should be sent to us as early in the week as possible; and it is particularly requested that all communications be legibly written. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thE DEPTHS of the 1I By the Author and Composer of What are the Wild Waves sayitg ? A themne in which loveliness is combined with grandeur. This elegant duet, moreover, unites philosophy with its senltinsent. Nearly eight miles have been reached with the seuondig lne-stilt there are depths unfathomable, here sO sweetly sung.-London: ROBERT COCKS and CO., New Burlington ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P.QRTuUEUSE ANNUITIES, 1844i.-, The TWENTIETH HALF-YEARLY INSTALMENT, due qen tile Ist December, 1852, -vill be PAI D on rhursdey, the, 1st June-next, and every' following Monday and Thursday, between tile h..r.o Eleven and Two. The Coupons to be left for examine.- tion clear days previo.s to tetyet G. C. X. D BRITO,PlFianicia Agent. Finsbury Chambers, May 25, 1851. DORTUGUESE DIVIDENDS ...