Advertisements & Notices

... Durable and Ef'eotive Roollng, AT ONE-FOURTH THE F1ICE OF SLATING. ULL particulars, and directions for the use of F. M'NEILL A F 6 &CO.S PATENT ASPHALTE, BITUMEN, and THICK DRY HAIR FELTS, with numerous Testimonials of Ten Years, for experience, may be obtained, post free, by addressing a Letter t6 po DANIEL MACANDREW, Cb 120, LOCH STREET, ABERDEEN, - AGENT FOR THE PATENTEES. BE the price of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD ABERDEEN. I A MEETING of the INHABITANTS of OLD ABERDEEN, and of the PROPRIETORS of HOUSES there, will be held TOWN-HALL, the 15th instant, at I Seven o'clock Afternoon, for the purpose of considering what ateps should be taken to vindicate the rights of the Town and Cemmunity in reference to the Supply of Water, of which they ci havebeen deprivedby the operations of the Great North of o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS & YORKSHIRE FIRE & LIFE LASSUIANCE OF'FICE. WILLIAM MORGAI, BIJLL.W IfA , BEDCLIFF-STREET, AiENT FOR BRISTOL. Since the formation of the Company a sam exceeding a Quarter of a Million Sterling has been paid, under claims for loss by kie, with constaot promptitude and I berality, and without, In any instoutl recourse being had to legal measures In defence of a claim. The Rates are the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - OR SY)NEY (asisisted pass ges, it required), iF beeltktnowa firt.elsw oak-built Indi,4man, LOR)D HUN- eRFPgD, si3 tOns, to load in the London Docks, will be despatched seat rionth. Eligible persons vwho are unable to defray the entire 55i,,at of pasi'ge money in England may arrange to make a por. .. pvable in Lite ?? narticulars on application, en- ,siOg two stamps, to IIALL, BROTHERBS, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHTO CAN DE GAY, IF AILING, OR IN BAD' H1EALTH1 They who0 veu wish lobe ebece~fslsensibie, andlhappy, should nop'~t the obvioi'scors of atteerfinit to their heaksn. They May be meces' ace? wis,: thea rose tinee, ?? the judicious use of Fore's ?? Pitls. The~l I'll.wh is Illa orate of health is no,- fiMve, cilerg s.ond fit for the booroessd !ofle. Tlhe es~c of l'aeco 11110 n t.l legte life, hot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7s. 61. eftel. e, IIORILCULTURAL SOCIETY of LONI)UN.~ 13isGrace toar Pre~tiacit has kindly directed the GIICIUNIS etuiitlS Il Octo lie OPECNED for thr'redeptitnof the Vsli- tois to thle Sociezy's 6ardensaz at the NEXT' EXHlIBITION, on ?? EI tDAY, fihe 8thl dul. Tickets are tessted at this office prc A bs, orntthe Garden, inith~ea.ternconothctbethduly,at7s. 6d~c:teh..te1 21, lhtg-int strcet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =3E RING'S RO O7IS, SOUTHSEA. I il. lOLLIINGSWORTII has thc Honour to an:uotuce a BALL wvll take place at his Rooms, f . EPNe':oEDAN, Jun, 2tih, in celebration of HER c Nj sJ;:STY S COnONATION. ?? A. C. GootSrOuGR;, 34th Regiment. Lord A. RUSSMELL, Rifl Brigade. ai IA : inLANCE, Royal Marine Artillery. l.ieuwcnuillt NEWCOxIEN, R.x., II.o.S. 'Victory. (r:iptia STHEST, Roval -Artillery. C a1it , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .isat . alledI .iotiee. ,iUM take ,in at 2. iented the la France! fter which, tation de la a. The whole (first time) a szlre. 12'. West; I-ROAD. O. COiNEStVB. ek I'll be resented Ally .,:sirs: rotter. H.oEra, O'Dan- ..ilMs . Ceei It Covely, .fl l tg dce y3rs. Cones' uiswll appear- t' t hedh oyeaTH P .,aste. Acting-saaeM.C ls~~~ey ROYAL BRITANNIA, HOXTON. Equal to any Minor Theatre. 13ielliant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G.oOeHoUSMHtOLRFUB1ITUSE. Well-built Beth Chair, 'To I E a. Zerton-terTSCS. . I Ru'E SU THOR'. WINSTANLEY & SONS This 3I ?? SELL by AUCTION, on M61nday next, the 12th loti iiiatant, at Eleven o'clock precisely, on the Premises, no.* is, (ina Xverton.te-race, the remaining genuline HOUSEHOLD FUR. co iOITURE, brilliant, and powerfuml-do.lid 6*i-octave graxad pianoe- fi'ye vle.otorlit patent, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JLI GRTIS-A RAC abu- ags Par 2e ond Women ?? ?? BOOKS, including many HAM (gratis o appdicariounO pronly SALPer atnh d CHoeA book priter SHOp; 115t,7,Park-lan-teLIvepo Liverpoly or byaleter ?? P~MIRANT'SAL GUIET A'MERrSICA- A4 Aceo ravd EllCginAme,!rica-Price of ondr & uybeo hade HAM Callers, Jarhelpalord, ?? d, ScotladoandHBo, C Shipagen ret,, ubldn-stret, JLivepol or bylteawclscg__ Nou ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. THE Forty-second ANNIVERSARY of the PRES- TTON AUXILIARY will be held on Lord's Day, June the 11th, Monday, the 12th, and Tuesday, the 13th, 1854. The following is the order of the services:- On LORD'S DAY Morning, June 11th, the Rev. WILLIAM GILL, Missionary from Rarontonga, will preach in CANNON-STREUT CHAPEL, and the Rev. G. B. KIDD, of Macclesfield, in GRIMSI&AWV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CALCUTTA. With Despatah.-F011 CALCUTTA DIRECT. To the Wi ,The epleodid frigate-built British ship, provid ANN HOLZ/.IERG, laggaj A I thirteen years, 741 tons registor, 500 51 NVILLIAS HUhtenicrtE VARsIilES, Commianader.fl &Lying in the London Docks'a - This ship has 510II poopwith snlpefl aeeoyeuo~datiou for passongoro.-Forfreightor pas~sge. apply to ]PRILLLPPSSHW& O HE,,RY5 Excane nilies ...