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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ant , lmto era.Eer . E ISSRaS. THOS. WINSTANLEY At SONS fl/ ae nstucedto BELL by AUCTMON, This Day ~ h nad''~~rw (Saturday), the,3rd Instant, tionfl olokpeisely each day on the Premises, No. atT at ~ Eorton-road. tilo valuable and, modern selee gi I~ODFRITURE, fine-toned six-octave square COL ~onoeodcase, by Dettmer an ?? a I glscletino okand otherrei the ropety re gntlean emovngdealt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... riatesastng advertisements nthe M~ercury are kqiesed o tted o he olowig xpanations:- Apl t ?? an that persootsw r Adres ca~a lttr ndnube] ercury-office -1 means that application must be made by letter, post paid, r anud in no oither way. Applications not In conformity with these directions catn. r' not be attonded to. 710 BE LEt', an excellent DWELLING HOUSE, with Garden pF T attached, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED, I t luatilon asrIlAN ~COOK. Respeft~ble charaoct Crlt be glven.-..AddtressG068,MsM*u-~rOiMCe., FiTUrION.-A Oematenu, being disengagehd ?? several T 1louro~dc ilg th day Iwbuld devot SSCA TUITION.-Addrea0 11, -IMercuy otbimt6LA j~~IT'A5N WkNT&D, by a. Ms.and Ms l Wife, to take' S ohar2p of a pi3~rit 'Vaults.-Address B!. L., 10, Coneert. ,treet, L¶'r001POI ~TAN -rED, 1. tit~ton, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - Z - X 4 Sa The splendid aD P captan J. STr;av^sT, . UbeUl W . LIVERPOOL TO SLlSO. t Z A. ROSE TuosdaY. Jal'° 16 at 1^ 1100;1. LONDONDEnnY Uonday, Jullo ? t 7 1 : BONDoNDEstRY V{ednesday, Juno 21, ^ 109 ;LONDONDERltY Uonday, Jane 20, st And from SLI(IO to LIVERPooL on the 2nd, gtb, 15tb, 2{th, ; aad29t11 Janelnstallt. FARaB: Flrst Cabin (Inoludlilg fee), 15s. r d.; Second Dltto 'ditto), t2s., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ByT MRt. THOMAS WYLIE, AN' On Tuesdav next, the 0ith ln~ttant, at Ono o'ciockc In the after- l noon ,at'llife CiarenldonflrooiOs, South .Ioltn'ercet, Liepol V subjct, to thc cliilitiott5 of bale to be then produced, inl oneTH or such iota aM n11iv to clgrced upon at the sille-leasehold Tt for a torn), of which Sixty years ntid upwards have ytto OLD comne, and are uittlpired ; sildicvt to a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mm CARLES HILL AND BO NI a E : AST INDIA PALE ALE BREWEBS, BURTON-UPON-TREiT. ggi LIVN RPOOL-1, CUMBERLAND-STREET. - NOVELTY IN KNIFEi AND FORK C iLEANERS8-S. WORTH ha5 secured by letters patent all entir ly NEW PROCESS for CLEANING KNIVES. Price - 0 eD ea~ch. Fork Cleaners 5,. 6s each; the whole of the seaoed at onle time, without the least injury to the grODdg. Boot Polishing Machines, £2 2s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WT I-NEWBROOM is open diy(SUfayepq, kAdmaalon, Id jijseI idd CLASSESa ?? Vultwlounder theri drctiohi .Ot-proftwmrL;. GuU4.Auuu LFA. The Cises for Beginners in eeea Sev bilk the mnoro Advanced 0aui at Halt-put Eigt,'5ieti ont Pneel(Vs e, r ?? Steven.e ,Ad.i!sionyte; . ,'tendeto of Xr. and . OAISB , ?? o'clock , tho FemaesIn ?? a. teael the 3 of the Hall. The Instructir usam, *W %h* ?? u ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ult - Ions-. tile SBRVANTS' LIVERIES. one Mr. B. IYAM'WS the irtnho NV E lf WAdR EH}Oi7S B. I thee Lord-street- t his for il for [BDVRTisMERNT.T Fifty years' indescribable agony from dyspepiia, nir. ousnoess, i-ba anthina, coubh, constipation, flatulenly, sIasls, ilvimcf httbe hich stomach, and voinitings, lias been rem=1oved by Du i i rry'o sneci excellent Revalenta Arabics, Food. MARLYA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARBLE and- STONE CHI-MNEYPIECES always on band; old ones Cleaned or -Repaired.; ati M i. BUEsLEM'S MarbletWorks, 127, Grosivenor-street, near All Saints Church.--The city. otnuibu seepass the works..3 PAPER~ HANGINGS, FRENCH DECORATIONS. &c. 3 and 5, DEANSGATE, Manchester.T PW. SHIERS & C05' (Decorators and Manufacturers) NEW STOCK is the most extensIve anid magnificent in the worldI T A N L E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN. THOMAS BERTWISTLE, ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR AND VALUER, (Late wiet mr. Stones, Contractor, ?? BLACKBURN. OFFICE, No. 8, ARCADE BUILDINGS, FLEMING'S-SQUARE. FPO COTTON SPINNERS & MANUFACTURERS. J-The few remaining copies of SCOTT'S TA BLES, for the use of Cotton Spinners and Ianufaeturers. are now offered at a greatly reduced price. The SLUBBING and ROVING, &e., TABLES, published at 69., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'NO hv iI'm.M In consequence of the entire repeal of the AdvartileaOoll t b uty thaeiropriabarsof the 'MANCIARTERl EXAiNiT-1 A~oa TiosOShtayC adopted a Scale of Charges forShortAnonooemen,wilioh gve to that clase of ad vertisera the benefit of eonslderably more thee the amount Of duty repealed. The lowest price for 1be Shortest advertisement has hitherto been Three Shtllintgs'a nd' Sizc ...