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Glasgow Herald




Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... FFICE FOR PATENTS OF I N V E N T I O N S, 0; 80 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW. Mr. TELFORD, for many years Patent Agent in Edin- burgh, has, at the instance of numerous Clients and Friends in Glasgow and neighbourhood, OPENED an OFFICE at 80 BUCHANAN STREET, for procuring British and Foreign Patents, and thc transaction of all business appertaining thereto. T EW GERMAN BOOKS.-Nolte's, Tunfzig Jabre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE, FOLLOIVNDG 4DVrERTYSJLAIEJ1E ?? iAOCIED US POO , AYITE FOR INVSEITIONV fIT OUR 1'18T EDITION:- TFE.D., fro' London C. V., will oblige by cailling at 31 l1 Argyll Sircet, fhr a RECEI'T for tue 11MONEY eu- trusted to his care by (E. S. oln or about the 24th of May lest. Glasgow, June 10, 1S54. L OST, abont Eight Days shicc, a Small 'JTERRIER Brown L Bl'l'ClII, answers to the name. of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE A N Excellent CORNERt TENREENT, in Bath Street.- ?? Apply, for particulars, to J ames Ritchie, Writer, 13 Moore Place. c. Glasgow, 1.5th June, 1854. COAST VILLA FOR SALE. I A LARGE and Comnmodious Self-Contained HOUSE, built , hist year, entirely of Freestone, well-finished and ready for occupation, ?? Dining Rilom, Droaing I ottr, Par- lour, and Five Bid Moms, Seullery, Scsullirig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLLIERY FOR SALE NEAR BAILLIESTON. I nHIE SALE of this COLLIElRY, advertised for 21st curt., is in the meantime POSTPONED. ARCHD. LIVINGSTON, Writer. T OST, oiu Saturday Night last, a ONE-POUND NOTE. L T Anyone having found the same, by returning it to 66 Argyll Street, Glasgov, will bo Handsomely Rewarded. T OST, on the Afternoon of MIonday last, a Dark Brindled L BULL DOG; white breast, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Z D A Y S A T T H E C O A S T. The first of tle Series will appear in To-Morrow's CITIZEN. THE GLASGOW EXAMINER, AND CRYSTAL t PALACE. GRATIS ILlUiSTRATED SIUPPLEMENT, of Four A lt Royal I'ages (24 Columniis), will be given with the EN,- t nlplne ot' SA'l'TURIDAY, 17tb (TO-M1ORItow). The SUPPLEMENT will be illn.trated with Mr. DonrulNa- TON'S extelior view of the CIlYS'AL, PALACIE, SYDEN- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OST, on Mloniday last, by a Widow Woman, between the 1`1 Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Stationi and thel High streIt, or somewhere in tile 'lown, a l'arcel contanitting TWV EN TY-TIIREEIi PC)OUNDS) ill Bank Notes. Any person havi lu found tilc Cine, on delivering theni to Alr. Thominas Mdann, Stationer, Wilson Street, shall receive £i5 Reward. 14th June, 1854. OST, on Thursday Forenoon, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TILE FOLL 0VIATG ADVETT8EM1lENTE, PrEAcillE]) US 'O10 LA TE FOBl IMSEPiTION I1N 0 U!? FLST EDIY'ION:- 1 OST, on Wednesday Evening, a Large GOLD SEAL, L iwith White Stone, and Crest Wvith initials J. \V. engraved. Any one returning samie to Mr. Macluec, Tobacconist, 4 1 Queen Strcet, will be Rewarded. i WITATCH FOUND, in the Establishment of Messrs. Wim. R Rutherford & Son. The Owner may have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1011ACCONIST STOCI aned FITTINGS, with SET'of SIHOP and 'lRtlM ISES, of that old-ostablished Businiess, littel carried il by the duceased Johin W ii lliamson, No. 43 Georgc Square, fth iSALE, by Private BIargain. Apply to Walter Murriay, Grocer, 47 George Square, Glasgow. 26;th MaIy, 1854. TO AVWORKIN( JEWELLERS. A WELL-ESTABLISIIHED BUSINESS is at present for A SALE, in one of the best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOUGLAS CAMPBELL. IT DOUGLAS CAM PI13LL, son of Hlume Campbell, born at Castlemilk Lodge, in the parish of Saint Mungo, county hI of Diinfries, Scotland, and who sailed from Liverpool in a kI vessel bound for Africa, will apply to the Publishers of the Liverpool _rcreun ry, he will HEAR of SOMETHING to his ADVANTAGE. Liccrpool ?? Office, June 23, IS54. b OST, this Forenoon, in Buchanan, George ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CltRYSTON AND CADDER ACGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. TIIE Partics vwho were AwardeLd PlIZES at the S1OW, T on the 8th curoilIt, are requested to call at the ?? a 's .IEAD IXN, Stirlinig Sti-et, GlaSgowV, (11 Wedlnesdth the 2Stlt culrrecnt, at One o'clock lu . whell the Prize-monley will be paid. JOHN M. 11LL, Secy. 41 West George Strect, } Glasgow, l7th Junc, 1854. SIGIETHILL CEMETERY. rpI E PI.J3LICia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDENTURE FORMS FOR APPRENTICES, F. DUNCAN, ENGRAVER, Sidney Court, G2 Argyll J. Street, Glasgow, begs to intimato, lie has introduced a new feature in drawing up Indentures for Apprentices. He bas prepared a Lithographed Form suitable to all Trades and Professions, which any person may fill up, with dates, &c., and thereby prevent Lawyer's Fees, and almost the whole trouble and expense ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (;ONT I XIUA'I'TIO N, G RE 1 A T S A I, 1, B Y A U C T I O N. N G L I S 11 A N I) F O l E, r G X C 11 I N A, Cl, YSTAL A IN I) ST'uNE\IVARE, oN TlE PREMISES OF TIILE lATE FIRM OF STUART & 11I.ItSIALL, 31 BUCHIANAN STREE', (101i Pvbe.o/' o/f ls iqeve.U) WEDNESDAY, TlIIUItSDAY, AND FRIDAY, 1I4T. 15TIHll, AND ?? JIUiNE, Ar TI!I.V;. O'iJ.OCK5, Beisn the Tlird I'crlioa of thisE Jtensive Stock. ...