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Glasgow Herald



Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... IN th Advertisement in l1crald of 22d lay, of the STOCK of lIOSIElcY, &e, belonging to the 'Irust Estate of A. (iow, the No. was inserted fromm Directory, and by maistake, vnd ought to have been No. 225, in place, of 213. ROBERT CURLE. Ct)NSCIEN(CE: MIONEY. pl W sT C. S. received from A. B. C., on Blonday last, Two W .} @ Pounds sterling. 2d June, 1854. NOTICE. TF DOUGLAS CAM PB3ELL, Sailor, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ TILE FOLL O TITIMY AD A IDT 7TISEAI!EN;TS ]JI, C//7 US TOO LL'TEe FOR IIYSAI/'TION 17 QU1A FIRS2ST EDITION:- it lOUND, on the Night of thc 27th of May list, in Cathcart l A Pr1asd, a Black and White Spotted CARRIA GE J)OG. n If not Claimcd within Eight Days, will bh Sold to defray *'expenseg. ?? Southern Police Office, Portland Street. ?? TOLEN or STRAYED, i Wn New Myvnd, a WVhitc DOG r- S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO 13E SOLD, BY PUBLIC ROUP, (7/ ?? 1rrCeti~iS/ dii~sposC of by Pritc Bargaij,( Cmi 1yelibesday the 21stfday of Jutie, 1854, at Two o'clock P.M., within the Royal Exchiilrei Sldo Rooms, Glasgow, ]11. I I, LLA of AUC1 IN 1) UIRRAUIl anud the VI LL A of T UlEND) REACHI, pleasantly situated at the Northl Cud of tile. Itlallwoodl, Ditoon, vith upwards of One Acre of Ground ttallhed. In thle Villa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CltRYSTON AND CADDER ACGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. TIIE Partics vwho were AwardeLd PlIZES at the S1OW, T on the 8th curoilIt, are requested to call at the ?? a 's .IEAD IXN, Stirlinig Sti-et, GlaSgowV, (11 Wedlnesdth the 2Stlt culrrecnt, at One o'clock lu . whell the Prize-monley will be paid. JOHN M. 11LL, Secy. 41 West George Strect, } Glasgow, l7th Junc, 1854. SIGIETHILL CEMETERY. rpI E PI.J3LICia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARRIAGE PRESENTATION BIBLES, .1 CHURCH SERVICES, PRAYER BOOKS, &c.,in r endless varicty, bound in the most reclerchg styles, and taste- fully Mounted witil, Rims, Clasp, &c., in rich Genoa Velvet, C may always be had at the GRIEA'T BIBLE EMPORIUM, W. It. M'PHUN'S, 84 AlGYLL STRtET. Now Publishud, Price 5s. Gd., T II E N E W D I R E C T O R Y. nJHE Public is respectfully informed that the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TILE FOLL 0VIATG ADVETT8EM1lENTE, PrEAcillE]) US 'O10 LA TE FOBl IMSEPiTION I1N 0 U!? FLST EDIY'ION:- 1 OST, on Wednesday Evening, a Large GOLD SEAL, L iwith White Stone, and Crest Wvith initials J. \V. engraved. Any one returning samie to Mr. Macluec, Tobacconist, 4 1 Queen Strcet, will be Rewarded. i WITATCH FOUND, in the Establishment of Messrs. Wim. R Rutherford & Son. The Owner may have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE A N Excellent CORNERt TENREENT, in Bath Street.- ?? Apply, for particulars, to J ames Ritchie, Writer, 13 Moore Place. c. Glasgow, 1.5th June, 1854. COAST VILLA FOR SALE. I A LARGE and Comnmodious Self-Contained HOUSE, built , hist year, entirely of Freestone, well-finished and ready for occupation, ?? Dining Rilom, Droaing I ottr, Par- lour, and Five Bid Moms, Seullery, Scsullirig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLLIERY FOR SALE NEAR BAILLIESTON. I nHIE SALE of this COLLIElRY, advertised for 21st curt., is in the meantime POSTPONED. ARCHD. LIVINGSTON, Writer. T OST, oiu Saturday Night last, a ONE-POUND NOTE. L T Anyone having found the same, by returning it to 66 Argyll Street, Glasgov, will bo Handsomely Rewarded. T OST, on the Afternoon of MIonday last, a Dark Brindled L BULL DOG; white breast, ...