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Glasgow Herald



Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... 1011ACCONIST STOCI aned FITTINGS, with SET'of SIHOP and 'lRtlM ISES, of that old-ostablished Businiess, littel carried il by the duceased Johin W ii lliamson, No. 43 Georgc Square, fth iSALE, by Private BIargain. Apply to Walter Murriay, Grocer, 47 George Square, Glasgow. 26;th MaIy, 1854. TO AVWORKIN( JEWELLERS. A WELL-ESTABLISIIHED BUSINESS is at present for A SALE, in one of the best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OST, on Mloniday last, by a Widow Woman, between the 1`1 Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Stationi and thel High streIt, or somewhere in tile 'lown, a l'arcel contanitting TWV EN TY-TIIREEIi PC)OUNDS) ill Bank Notes. Any person havi lu found tilc Cine, on delivering theni to Alr. Thominas Mdann, Stationer, Wilson Street, shall receive £i5 Reward. 14th June, 1854. OST, on Thursday Forenoon, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANARK S1 IRE. MINERAL FIELD TO LET. rfroiF (OAT- ih the ESTATE of S T. E N O CI I's or ri tSN()Ct) SIS)D, intihe Parish of Botihwell, conteidn- ;l, 500 imperial Acres, or thereby, is to be LET, in such por- listts as mllay be agreed oil. T'IIe ('Cal, as ascertained by a bore, is of the best description, *,d *kll the seanis of tihe Alotnklland District have been tib'tld in tile ?? do, ?? Ell ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FFICE FOR PATENTS OF I N V E N T I O N S, 0; 80 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW. Mr. TELFORD, for many years Patent Agent in Edin- burgh, has, at the instance of numerous Clients and Friends in Glasgow and neighbourhood, OPENED an OFFICE at 80 BUCHANAN STREET, for procuring British and Foreign Patents, and thc transaction of all business appertaining thereto. T EW GERMAN BOOKS.-Nolte's, Tunfzig Jabre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC SALE TO-DAY OF G It 0 C E 1 I'S U T F N S I L S, 200 LBS. CONGO U TEAS, &C., &C. There will be Sold, by Au ution, at No. I 1 Virginia Street, To-Day (Friday) the 30ti J one c3rrelnt, at T1welve o'clock o exact, T HE Whole STOCK of CI ()CER'S UTENSILS, GROO- T CERES, &et forwarded for Sale, including Beamas, . Scaes, Weights, Weighing Machine, Canisters, Show Boxes, Scoops, Russian Bowls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, U'OURt TENEMENTS of DWELLING HOUSES and V slloPS, recently erected in 1;1 to 71 Richard Street, Alulerston-iitll Gas, ~Water, and Water Closets-of One ^Oll ald Kitch1en. The llouses have been lately Painted ,is1 l'ileretl, andl thc Rents ale very nioderate. pl~lt ?? L-indsay, House Factor, 17 Iligh Street. ELIGlILE INVVESTMENT AT PARKIlEAD, 'RICEI £1200. FOR SALE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rr FEU, G IR 0 U N D very suitable for Public Works. T Apply to John Steuart, Writer, Polloksbaws. GROUND TO FEU AT LARGS. BOUT THREE ACRES to the South of Largs.-Apply A to Wim. J. Carswvell, 133 St. Vincent Street. TO FEU, AT OLD CATHCART, AoRa.EAm.Y TO A PLAN PREPARED, II ,AT PIECE of GROUND lying iminediately to the I south of Old Cathcart. It is beattifully situated adjoin- ing the river, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF Mrs. ANDREW KEiLY, who formerly livcld in No, 32 Dunlop Street, vil! send her address to D~r. M'tLiinonit, 15 Ledbury Terrace, i1(yswiater, London, she will TO NEXT OF KIN. THE Legal Reprcsentative of MARY OSBURN, daughter dr 1 of RlnLrT Ostiuic, Manufactarer, and MAny FEssE, his _ \Vife, born -t Glasgow, Sept. 27, 1773. The said Mary 1 Osbarn wits married, firstly, to John Sword, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FOLL 0 WIF1TG AD VETTSEMRNTS BBA CEEDJ US TO O LA TE FOR I.YSEI TIO1N I.Ar o U FIRST V EDITTON:- pl PARTNERSHIP. b THE Junior Partner of a Sewed Muslin Ilouse in Town T would be glad to Treat with a PARTY to take the plce of a retiring Senior Partner. The Business has been Estab-. lished for some years, and to an energetic person, possessed of r a moderate Capital, this would be found a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. N T I M A T I O N IS HEREBY GIVEN that MRs. . LILLIAS.: MAY SOMERVILLE of ]Broadfield, Heir at 5 of Entail in possession of the Lands and Estate of Broadfleld tl f and others, lying in the Parish of Kilmalcolm and Shire of 01 e Bnfrew, anid Spouse of Samuel If{endorson May Somerville, _ ..Esquire, residing at 13 Connaught Terrace, }Iyde Park, Lon- don, and the said SAMUEL HENDERSON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. SCOTTISI PROVIDENT INSTITUTION is the s, ri oly Office w vhichl combines the advantage of partieipation j lit in tile Whole Pr(ofits, with inloderatc, Pretiturs. The Premiums are its low9 as those of the iton-partici/1ating II :e, scale of the P'rophrietary Companies. They admit of being so, it a- not only vith safety, but with ample reversion of Profits to the IPoliey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDENTURE FORMS FOR APPHENTICES. F.DUNCAN', EsuORAVrit, Sidney Court, 62 Argyll ]DO SreetGlasgow, bogs, to intimante, hie has introduced an iew feature in drawing up Indentures for Apprentices. l1e bas prepared a Lithographed Form suitable to all Trades, & C., -which any person iiiy- till up, with dates, ?? And thereby prevent Lawyer's Fees, and almost (lie whole trouble and ex- pense ...