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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. STANFORD'S EMICRANT GUIDES. Now ready, price Is. each ; per post, Is. 6d., ANADA: its presetit Condition, Prospects, and Itesources, fully described for the information of intending Emigrants. By WILLIAM1HU¶TON, a Resident Agriculturist in that Colony for the last twenty years. With a Map, showing the Railways. AnSsTRALIA, as a Field for Capital, Skill, and Labour, with useful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~E MRuISb OP ANGLUESA. Y Th n ?? rae Prico os d.) of ENTLEY'S MISCELLANY B Contains P oORTRIAIT rnd lME.MO1IR Of the MAI1Q1IS of ANQLESEA. Rtichar~d ben~tley, New Burlington-I1trect. PUNCH, No. 673, for JUNE 3, Contains: The B.Ilack Chssher-The Boys and the Laim,,,;_Ruslslan Cookery- ?? Justicoc-Punch at the Play-Te total Tenderness-Tight Lachin_ in thc Armsy-Ty- ography %alf-sas Over-Our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r OOKING-GLASSES. -The COMMERCIAL JLi PLATE GLASS COMPANY, manager, CHARLES fa'LXAN, 78, 79, and #0, Fleet-street, and 165, Oxfard-street (nrte the naee and the numbers), very respectfully invite the Nobility, the Publ and the Trade, to inspect their extensive and magnificent stock ek CHIMNEY. CONSOLE, and PIER GLASSES, framedin every vaxtet' of style; console, contre, and pier tabes solid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... li (YAL ACADEMY of ARTS, Trafalgar-squnre. I R OThe VXIlIBIlION of the Royal Acaleuly is NON OPEiN.| Adaision (:rom S o'clock till 7), is. Catalogue, Is. JOHIN PlAESCOTT KNiGHT, R.A., Secretary. ORTICULTURAL SOCIETY of LON\DON. 1 The QUEEN having been graciously p'eased to ntur, SM r- uay, June 10, as the day on which her M1;jesty will open the Cot Paiace, Notico id berebygiven that ttbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HF MAIL STEAM-SHIP fer AUSTRALIA, Juine 4, 1554-The magnificent SCREW STEAM.-SHP yJ OlELYN, 1,800 tons, another of the fine fleet belonging e General Screw Steam Shipping Company, wvill bo despatched ber Majesty's Mails for Adelaide, Port Phillip, and Sydney, Ilc4thofJuno next. This truly noble ship hae maintained di-ll ?? for rapid sailing and punctuality ; and is a ,ship tothe Argo, which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE NEW CRYSTAL SUMMER SHAWL.-. Elegance, combined with ecosomy, durability, and comefort. This Shawl is considered the most beautiful ever produced fir eummer - wearand well worthy of inspection. Also an immense variety oi designs from the looms of France, Germany, and Eneland, now eshi lbitingat the GREAT SHIAWL and CLOAK EMPORIUM, 171. 173, 175, Regent-s:reet, at prices varying from On' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRA LIA, &c.-The following fine first-class I sIt'S vwill beS ileprtchedduring the months of May and Jtne. Ships. Captaits. rons Destination. 13.meesterVan ee*a VnVan Euifeler ?? 525 Melbournte ne) ?? Van Loon ?? 24 Portland Bay J Cetus ?? a kbr(regailar trader) J. Andersen . 669 Sydney Cbe f. E. Cnffarena.. 27 Geelong ma.sti ?? P. ?? 36ioJaaaelro (t hera Wv. Morriss ?? 189 Cape (3, Hope Bothe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 741ATANZAS and SABANILLA .RAILROAD .LY..L SEVEN PER CENT. IONDS. -The HALF-YEARLY INTEREST on the above BONDS, duo on the 15th instant, will be PAID at the Counttng-baouseO of Mesrse. J. HENRY SCHRODERt and CO., No. 6, Lbricastreet- sioare, on that day and every succeed- ing day, b*tween thellours of Eleven and Two. The Coupons, with it list lisuimerieal order, meet be left. two clear days ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [I ER MAJESTY having graciously intinnated -LL ir intention of honouring with her pesence the OPElNINGi o1 thoe CRYSTAL PALACE , t1 SATURDIAY, the 10th of Jue th Directors beg to arnounce titut, with the exception oftbo s? pecially7 inc~ited to take part in the etrEmo~ny, none but Se e~on Ticket liolt~lrr will lW udn~tttesi. G. Gtt(5Xt. $ecretare CRY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOVEF1IG~rN of the SEAS, for SYDNEY, ni ~ n ?? lndia Dtoel.-For SYDNEY Direct, with .1. t~dat~. te clebrated clipper ship SOIVEREIGN of the~ csrgsr(flow owned by the we~l~l-town firta, Ob' , Ooelte ad Sons, of Hamburg). 'This vessel 'woe bi e M. M'IVBoson, and launched in August, 18552. She' 'ormd tie o th mot etrardinary voyages upon record, ~~apete toto e th pasag ?? in 6.5 dlays. She ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, ADELPHL-Mme. T CFLESTR (Direotre55 or this popular Establishment) begs to inferme the nobility, giontry, and the public in general that her AoinNNUAL BENEiFIT wil take place on Wednesday next, June 7, wben will be revived (for this nizht only) the celebrated drama of THE THIRST OF GOLD; or, Tke Lost Ship and the WildFlower or Mexico. W~ith the unique grandei scenic effect of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NAIII 8N BRIE.-TROUSSEAUXj¶- % lOR the RACES and SUMRIt MONTHS.- Ncw l'aletot~s Mixsd Paleto t. ,:Ik and Gasanmer Paletots, alto icoleda Paletot D'iron IunC to be a most elf ectual l protectioln against tbe duwt ap showerr ufeoumer, priceOneGelnea.- The Registered Trousers Ve' the sac-h price. Tthc n umerous ad ?? of NIlCOf .L'S REGISTE fRED 'A LETOTi (which, with the abo- e, ure kept ready ...