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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. STANFORD'S EMICRANT GUIDES. Now ready, price Is. each ; per post, Is. 6d., ANADA: its presetit Condition, Prospects, and Itesources, fully described for the information of intending Emigrants. By WILLIAM1HU¶TON, a Resident Agriculturist in that Colony for the last twenty years. With a Map, showing the Railways. AnSsTRALIA, as a Field for Capital, Skill, and Labour, with useful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO MARINERS. ]BjII.H0WS SAND,) WVEST SMIN. TRINITY HOUSE, Losiuo~s, JUiuE 22, IS54. ?? TC ~hereby giveii, that ou or about the 11,1c iieat, a SPIRAL BUOY, painted black and r jswill be placed lin seven fatbomo ait I ow - ,, on ilth cost part of thle Barrows Sand, about two N. frost the ,~aplin Light-liouse, utia about one IN..laplilil Buoy. sini ecpet 01 the position of this buoy will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E UCUADORIAN DEBT.-At a MEETING of the HOLDERS of ECUADORIAN BONDS, held at the London Tavern this day, it was agreed that Mr. 11ocatta shld return without delay to the Ecuador, to complete the ad(ustmetnt of the Foreign Debt, when the following resolution was unaei- iously possed That for the purpose of enablin'g the Committee of Spanish American Bondholders to follow up the claims of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OI UADORIAN FOaEIGN DEBT.-A MEET- i E2JING of the HOLDERS of COLOMBIAN BONDS will be beld at the London TaVorii, onl Friday, the 23d inst., at Two o'clock precisely', for thle purpose of considering the present posi- tion of the Foreign Debt of the Republic of the Ecuador, and of adlopting such incausures in relation thereto as nmsy boe consideredI expedient. Mrt. Ilocatta willtoe present at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. ECH'S SSITATS at the CRYSTAL PALACE, ?? ttS vonstilly to RECEIVE ORDERS tqd DISPOSE OF his MANUFACTURES therc.-4, Leadenhall- troot, June 10, 1854, t PENING of the CRLSTAL PALACE.- Theb Holders of Season Tickets9 are reminded of thle neces- sity of providitis themselves with one of CALLAGHAN'S CRYS- YAL PALACE PERSPECTIVE GLASSES.-These extraordinary little ghosses (introduced at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tot hoCAPE of GOOD HOPE.-In with nuerouls applications fros personise desiring c r le of food H ,ope. the Directors of the GENE- to t th SHIHIPPING C OMMP'ANY have deteraineri to ?? 14F6 SH IP CAPE OF GOOD HOPE to Table - L't rh ,.ir S , The Cape of Good Hope, i. B. B.rBX- vr*, tu t returned Irou a most euccessful v03 age ! . ?? rs tlpsigers and general cargo, is 700 tons s r pO5ev& built by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IR11 W. BURNETT'S DISINFEclTN, y I. This Val salle DEMORN-llMl :wed lel Staiitaeieoal-Y detro3's till leAU SMELLLS, ?? itself. I ta fry-e iraQ a' -liFOeecd, Ilrrvti CIILKP,~. TAGIOUS DIISEASES. Sold hi' all Chcrini-is inod Drug,,ts, and aw,, rionistreet. L~aidmeilbrid Ip. .N. B3. Loware of a olnirinom and lowalj(ot1 SALES BY AUCTION Thle late J'llke Talfrolrd's Chalcac ellt l fE~SSRS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIO§N- TIEUT.-GEN. SIR RY L NARRATIVES of PASS Sit l GZlL FRANCEfromrI799-1810. Svo.,withztild 4t ?? Bentley, publisher ill ord lhlhtd th ditri tG hetr' ly. Thi da), is Pulished, in ~ Gi DIARY KEPT DURING A YEApIg a 1 O R THE H N PR s .L~And the t c f TurkvhS By Lieut..Colonlel CAuLS' DTCAq r Richard Bent ,t MR. BANCROFT'S NE\W WOII a ~ This day, ill SvO 1 dfOL. III. of BANGCOT'S 159 h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. IN THREE POCKiET VOLUMES. Now ready, in 3 vols. fop. Svo., price 21s., rHE REV. SYDNBY SMJTH'S WORKS.- T1 A new edition, uniform with Mr. Macaulay's Essays, iln volumes for the pocket. London; Lovigman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. IN THREE POCKET VOLUMES. Now ready, in 3 vols. fcp. Svo., price 21s., IR JAMES MACKINTOSH'S MISCELLA- S NEOUS WORKS.-A new edition, uniform with Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1~CAORIAN DEBT.-At a MEETING Of E2 c the I NOLDERS of EUA`DOR-I&N BONDS, held at the I Lwidon ?? tnis day, it was egreed that Mi'. Alocittj rih~oul returnl with meit delay to the Ecuador, to complete thle adjusmet of the Fereil t Dclit, when the following ?? Wa Ulalli- monaly passed : 'Mihat for thle purpose or enabling the Committee of Spanieh Amicriean Bosnllhelders to follow op thle clainis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m HEATRE ROYAL, HAYIARKET.-Ulder - tbe PATPONAGE of AUSTRALIAN COLONISTS-On M ondly EvelilitO'uno 2C., 1854, the proceeds Nvill bo given to ASSST he IVE an FAIIAS o SOPIEPS and SAILORS engaged In the syar, uponl which occaslic Mr. Coppin. the Austra- irasan Comedian, has given his gratuitous service', and will appear antwo favouritO ehlar~acters. Tickets. claicm, and boxes can be se- rcured ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUADORIAN, DEBT.-At a MEETING of EJ4the HOLDERS Of ECUADORIAN BONDS, helil at the London Travern this dayv, it was agreed that Mr. Mocatta sosuld yeturn wvithiout delity to the Ecuadlor, to complete the itdjustmient of the Foreigna Debt, when the following resolution was nis1ani- ttiously passeds fith it fhr the pnrptiose of enahlleg the Committee to fellow up this mtoater, it sobseriptioti ba ...