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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. STANFORD'S EMICRANT GUIDES. Now ready, price Is. each ; per post, Is. 6d., ANADA: its presetit Condition, Prospects, and Itesources, fully described for the information of intending Emigrants. By WILLIAM1HU¶TON, a Resident Agriculturist in that Colony for the last twenty years. With a Map, showing the Railways. AnSsTRALIA, as a Field for Capital, Skill, and Labour, with useful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~E MRuISb OP ANGLUESA. Y Th n ?? rae Prico os d.) of ENTLEY'S MISCELLANY B Contains P oORTRIAIT rnd lME.MO1IR Of the MAI1Q1IS of ANQLESEA. Rtichar~d ben~tley, New Burlington-I1trect. PUNCH, No. 673, for JUNE 3, Contains: The B.Ilack Chssher-The Boys and the Laim,,,;_Ruslslan Cookery- ?? Justicoc-Punch at the Play-Te total Tenderness-Tight Lachin_ in thc Armsy-Ty- ography %alf-sas Over-Our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF DISEASED STOMACH IN EXETER - B\ER. LAMSB has Again the pleasing task of recording his successful treatment of this subtly disease. The patient ?? BrannalO, aged. 8, daughter of Mr. WiWIlEn Brannarm, tailor, of 5, Trinityastreet, Southernhay; Eieter. About twelve months ago, her health began to decline; under symptoins of Indigestion-the least ool4 brought on a cough, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j. O b har 'a te ?? before John yrrelllEsq.,3dO of the Couwty Court of . Devonshire; hlden at Exeter, onthe, 91th djy of June next, at 10o'dClock in the ?? precisely : WILIA.M RwEED BOABlD,- late of Pinhoe, in the County of Devon, dealer in batter, ol'e e, and eggs previously of Clyst Honiton, Devon, out of business formerly of Dymond's Farm, Farringdon,Deren, dairy. man; and before then of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVANTAGEIOUS CONCERN. TO TALLcOW 'CHAN.I)LERS. I O:ib ^'DISPOiED ' IOF, through the death of the Proprietor,e A . W. NORRIS:H, the I * BUSINESS OF A TALLOW CHANDLER, which lhas been-very successfully carried on for' a number of years, together with the excellent Utensils, good as new, Furnaces, Dipping Mould,, Press (by Northam,) Crane, Arms; &c., on the newest principles, being recently ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is Published, Price Is Od., or sent, on reeeipt of 24 Postage Stamps. ON Thront Deafness from Cold, Influenza, Scarlatina, Stomach Derangement, &oc., through the intervention of the Mucous Membrane, by James Yearsley,Esq., Surgeon tothe Metropolitan EarInfirmary, Saockville-street; Aural Surgeon to her late Majesty, the Queen Dowager, and inventor of the Artifiesal Tympa- num.-London. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r OOKING-GLASSES. -The COMMERCIAL JLi PLATE GLASS COMPANY, manager, CHARLES fa'LXAN, 78, 79, and #0, Fleet-street, and 165, Oxfard-street (nrte the naee and the numbers), very respectfully invite the Nobility, the Publ and the Trade, to inspect their extensive and magnificent stock ek CHIMNEY. CONSOLE, and PIER GLASSES, framedin every vaxtet' of style; console, contre, and pier tabes solid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... li (YAL ACADEMY of ARTS, Trafalgar-squnre. I R OThe VXIlIBIlION of the Royal Acaleuly is NON OPEiN.| Adaision (:rom S o'clock till 7), is. Catalogue, Is. JOHIN PlAESCOTT KNiGHT, R.A., Secretary. ORTICULTURAL SOCIETY of LON\DON. 1 The QUEEN having been graciously p'eased to ntur, SM r- uay, June 10, as the day on which her M1;jesty will open the Cot Paiace, Notico id berebygiven that ttbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HF MAIL STEAM-SHIP fer AUSTRALIA, Juine 4, 1554-The magnificent SCREW STEAM.-SHP yJ OlELYN, 1,800 tons, another of the fine fleet belonging e General Screw Steam Shipping Company, wvill bo despatched ber Majesty's Mails for Adelaide, Port Phillip, and Sydney, Ilc4thofJuno next. This truly noble ship hae maintained di-ll ?? for rapid sailing and punctuality ; and is a ,ship tothe Argo, which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bTO l e LET, Furnished, with Immediate T Possession, an excellent retired FAMILY PES1DENCE, called S SVILLY, standing in a Lawn about I acres, in the immediate Neighbourhood of ed Devonport If preferred the Furniture , be taken at a Valuation. To view, &o., apply at the I tes oi Mr, FOOT, Solicitor, Devonport. Devonport, 20th May, 1804. I SO'UT'H OF DEVON, ON THE DART. I 0 be LET, a splendid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,It ClAw DS. i;,) WJti a LU AAlAlN'~ hIALL AND UALLEHIES, 2s, Lower . b Snc/ S uie-itreet, continue to be supplied witl a large assort- aunt or ?? Clothiung First Style. BePt material . F )1 good and cheap STATIONERY try CHARLES U. V WOGAN'0S, a, Upper &edlvlle-stred, third door abeve Noelsond Pillar. Irt Licensed to Sell Stamps. ]IOOM PA1ER.-Purobasers may eeleot from the largest JII stock of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, EtnxraRaoI, 4TIT MAY 1854. tj1HE COURT or DIRECTORS of the ROYAL B'ABN of T SCOTLAND Give Notice. That a GENERAL COUR Ir ofPROiP'IIETORS will b- held at their (OFFE in, E;dinburgh on TvEsDAY. the 6tIh dli' of.June next, at Two ?? After- nroor, pursuant to the Charter. JAMES WRIGIIT. Secy. EDI'NB URGHI G AS LIGHT COMPANY. Notesrc is lIrltasi' Crlsy T~hat the ANN;UALr ...