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Advertisements & Notices

... DEVON AND EXETER HORSE BAZAAR, AND VETERINARY INFIRMARY. It _rl t 0 be SOLD by Auction, AL- by MR. JOHN WARE, at Messrs ROOKES', late ROGERS' DEVON AND EXETER HORSE BAZAAR, on FawDAY next, the 16th of JuNE, 1884, at 12 O'clock precisely. LoT 1.-A handsome well.bred Setter, 18 months old, just out of the breaker's hands. '2.-Pilot, a large sized Black Newfouidland. A capital yard dog, also good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ch e LE or SOLD, with Immediate Tpcossession, LONGBROOK HOUSE, Plympton, T cr plyouthb, Devon. It is a convenient Fam1ilY ridearc, with a productive walled Garden, Coach IIcoUse and Stables. S Rent very moderate. SE For viewing the same apply to Mr. Chops, Carpenter, the plvrmpton, and for particulars to WM. BAKER, Esqr., 21v Newton Abbot. _ H 1 ( be LET from Midsummer next to Be( J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... opr. SYDNEY (assisted passages, if required),jJ t ?? ?? oak-built Indisman, LORD HUN- l0O D 6i tons, to load in the London Docks, 'will be despatched ,th Eligible persons who arc unable to defray the entire B5tnae(Rlooge money in England map Arrange to make a poer t S , abe in the ?? particulars on appllatinn, en. l fioetwo stamps, to HALL, BROT21ERS, and Co., 3, Leadenhall- i lE SOVEREIGN of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUAD ORIAN FOREIGN DEBT,-A MEET- i ISof the IOLDERS of CO OMBIAN BONDS will be B t LondolTavern, onl Friday, the M2d ilst., at Twvo k ,rcistIY.for the itirpoer of eossiderogL the prcset posl- tion clofl} rcthe i ยข1lienht if the Ri ltc of tbe Ecu adur, and of a~dopting !sucii iii s inl reliitio thereto ais ?? he coosidered pedint. N r. 'Ilittta ivill be prosent at the Meeting. PALi'ItED GOl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CRYSTAL PALACE. I STATIONERY AND FANCY GMODS COCTRT. Just published, price 3S, G., 20. VIEW of the CRYSTAIL PALACE, 0-A fvermine No. ilofa ?? ?? h RIOR and INTERIOR, emubracing Ofl the'V arous Crts, Ear- dns, Fountains.& Soue of the ast rious courte, on ar large scale, by BAXTER, the 1yVIII beexcuteon a v Colour Picture Printing. .n-o n aeteo i Extract froin the Daily Nxer.,,,..he1,84- e lx ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. THOMAS UNION. HE Board of Guardians of this Union, T are desirous of receiving TENDERS for the supply of BEsT FINE BREAD, for the whole of the parishes in the Union, and BUST FINE FAoMU, for the Union Work- house, from the 22nd day of Jun to the 29th day of SEPTEMrER 1854. Tenders must be sent to us, free of expense, on or before Thursday, the 15th day of June, and must eont- tain the name ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H OTEL DE BAVIERE, MUNICH.-PAUL d * AM MON. managing director, respectfully informs British and American travellers wh, intend to visit Munich during the Great in. dustrial Exhibition of the United German Commercial League, that the PREMISES of the Hotel havebeen extensitely ENLARSIBD, and that an ?? spaclocs house adjoining the Hotel has also been furnished with every possible attention to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~T~A M IPfor AUSTRALIA, M iK Tite niagttificeiit SCRLW STEAM ShI]IP 4 Li ceicet oODALL, asotlier of thle fine Ll~.thVIuicral Screvv Steam Shipping Companly, ~e lajiii'sY Malls for A.'elaide, t'ort as1w4th .0 ogust next. T'Ehs fine vessel has r Artctofrr wich has made the quickest iasi ltp to thits time. TIhe Calcutta has ?? tied fre'it England soid Cal. rie ailieg situ) steaming qualities, it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... her t as o ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, GAS-FIT- TERS, &c.-C. F. BIELEFELD begs to call the a'tcttion jlice of tile above to his extensive STOCK of PAPIER AIACHIE vilceCENTRE FLOWERS and VENTILATORS, a tnriff of which may be bad, containhig nearly three hundred designs, price Ss. od. eke -T he Works, 15, Wellington-street North, Strand. ittle 117 LEUOHARS, having completed the alter- live TV * ation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIR ARCHIBALD ALISON'S NEW HISTORY. This Day is Published, price l6s., T HE Third Volume of the HISTORY OF T EUROPE, from the Fall of Napoleon to the &ccession of Louis Napoleon. By Sir AsOraOeA -LsolN, Bart., D.C.L CONTUNTS OF THIS VOLThI-E: Asia Minor, Greece, Turkey, in 1821.-The Greek Revolution, Battle of Navarino, and Establishment of Greek Independence.-The War between Russia and Turkey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N ORTH DEVON. CIRCULATION OF NEWSPAPERS. The Retinus for the last Three Years, are as follows: EXETER FLYING POST ?? 330,000. NORTH DEVON JOURNAL ?? 160,000. ?? . - . TE' 1 A AVAD UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF BARNSTAPLE. A BAZAAR will be held at the ASSEMBLY AI ROOMS, BARNSTAPLE, in aid of the Repair Funds of Holy Trinity and St. Mary Magdalen Churches, ziB whatever day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -1 - I I ?? . . -J Td, HOUSANDS ot CURES are affected b J. T theuse otj AILL AHMED'S.,TREASURES. ie incontrovertible evidence of their marvellous effects magy be lsa4s ~aandl the original teetimionials seen at thei Central Depot. ALI AHMED'S ANTIB3ILIOUS PILL-This is a purely vegetable, comoun, onsituin an agreeable Medicine, and an effectual 0. remedy, in cawes of Indigestion, and Bilioue ...