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Advertisements & Notices

... STREET. Shamrock Cottage. . ?? Mr R. Jones. Pembroke House. ?? Amos. Mrs Hall. Mioel-don. . ?? Mr Harris. Mr Tayleur, Liverpool. Mrs. Tayleur and family, do. 2 Mrs Williamson. Swiss Cottage.-Mrs. Jackson. Mr Taylor. Mrs Taylor and daughter. Edward ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALVAGE SALE FROM THE TAYLEUR. Electro Plate, Saddlery, Woollen Cloths, Ploughs, Harrows. and Iron BedsteadsReady niade Clothes, Provisions, Canvass, Quilts, and Blankets, Zincand miscellaneous Cargo, raised fromthe Wreck of the TAYLEUR. To be SOLD by AUCTION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... froth the w'eck of thb Tayleur. V0 Bp S6LD 'BY' AJOTiON (without resesve, ?? aecount of 'whou it may' concern), At the Steaml Tug Store, SIR' JOHN'S.QUAY,'on THIS DAY, the 10th Julyl 1864, all the Goode and Stores eaved from the Tayleur'np to the pr7esent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bedsteads, IReady-mnde Clotbes, Picvflodns,' Ceanvas, QiUlti' ?? 'aid tisuelloneouw-. u argo'raised from the wreek of tbe Tayleur. ?? ! ..O, BE,;SOLD BY'AUCTION, (without resarbve .,!i -or acconut'-t whb'olit nay' couteto), 'atitbe-iSteamu Tug. Stores ...

Advertisements & Notices

... who may be desirous to collect or possess WORKS site of ART of a very superior ?? to view to be o8-t hfr. tained of Mr. Tayleure, No. 2, AdelaIde-street, Strand. 0*ru BE DISPOSED OF.-TWO QUARTER T. CASKS of HARRIS and CO.'S OLD PORT WVINE, for his £0 ...