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... RIANTS LENT ASS]XRS. the I hcemscnwas opened by Mr. tustice Wightimac sig o usa, Mr. Justice Coleridge not arriving till After. ay wards, and business; commenced ?? morning. The, Y The6 formier oifthe'learned Judges arrived at IWAinChester Lient yriwya iiatto [Ind ~Was met At the station in.Ib~y the High Sherilff(J. J. Iv'es, Esq.) and Iris suite, and miS-, immediately proceeded, in theacso ...


... WEDNESDAY, July 19 .-Before the Mayor, J. S Sayer, B. Bramble, and J. F. Pratt, Esqrs. Solomon Hart, of College-street, Portsea, was brought up charged with threatening the life of Jacob David Davis, of the same street, and -was bound over to keep the peace for six months, himself in ten pounds a-ad one other surety in ten pounds. The recognizances were ac- cordingly entered into. Sarah Anne ...


... Tho City Quarter Sessions were held on Monday last, in the ?? P'rim Court, in the County Hall, before Mr. Sorioant Maniing, Recorder, the Mayer (I. J. Spiers, Esq.), and several of tlie Magistrates. Before the trials com- manced, the Clerk of the Peace suggested that in future it would be more convenient if the appeals were heard before the trials commenced, instead of at one o'clock, as ...


... IINQUESTS BY W. BRUNNER,, ESQ,, CORONER. MELANCHOixy DEATH OF A BOY.. Considerable (excitement fias prevatiled in the p arish of St. Ebbso during the last fortnight, in consequence of the death of a boy, named Charles FAllen, aged 13 y-ears, wbo on wedineaday, the 5ith instant, wras etngaged in a quarrel with 'sohrboy, named Thomas Stanton, when the msether of Sta'ntor?intorfercd., and struck ...


... - SE- N PETTY SESSTIONS. BUTJLINGDON DIVISION-CUointye, aIAt, Oxfords, LtI~y.8. Before the Rev. Dr. WyntGrCapt. Hamilton, J. Weylsnd, Esq., 3. H. Aslblurst, Esq., and J. S. Phillips, Esq. William Joyce was charged with not having his name on his cart, which ho was using on the turnpike road at Great Milton. The defendaut pleaded guilty, and having ponmised not to offend again, the ease was not ...


... IRVELAN~D. EXTRAORDINARY ATTEMPT AT ABDUCTION. The days of chivalry, it seems, are not yet to be classed amoong the reminisconces of Irish social bistory The spirit is still animate at its old beal-quarters-tblo far-famled' county of Tipperary-in witness whereof the reader htas only to peruse the following strange p;aragr aphl: Clownael, Si-lday Bventing.-An attempt at albhietiuin which I ...


... THE RECENT COURT MARTIAL,. I- -1 . - The sentence of the Court Martial en Ssrjeanto lir Tyoand alceand ofrpthelBonTroop' ?? ofllsog Hmorsed yntheecircumnstances of which La] wre i'porte in he ots Tl'dgreffle of last Saturdy, en ws prmlatd in this garrison on Tuesday, it having] ben onire by the Horse Guards. It was to the I be effect that the charges were proved against the prisoners - and the ...

Bankruptcy of the Contractor for the Wycombe Railway

... I Bankrupby of the Contradt0 for the 11yVombc Railzway. -EXETER COUIlT OF BAXNKRUPOTY, JuLY 6. r (Beforc Mr. Commissioner Bere.) RE WILLIAM PENISTON, RAILWAY CONTRACTou.-'The bankrupt, who was an extensive railwvay contractor,' carse - up for his last examination. The works on which he was last cngiaged were the Wy- combe branch railway, and tile Wilts, Somerset, and Wey- r mouti. railway. The ...


... | I 1|4} .A T T)1 ~ f .A XAFORD' CIRCUIT.--GLOUCESTER, JULY 21, ?? K1ity wans charged with stealing, at Bourton-on1- d( the-Water, some table-cloths and other articles, the property 1l of her master, Thomars Palmer. Neither the prosecutor nor his daughter wore present (they harving gone to Cheltenham B, on the previons evening-) when they weare required, and the ii4 easewasatastand-still. ...


... - .: . . - . , - - Th eda -Qit~jssin Ci TheG~nra Qurte Sssinsfor this County corna- V mediee& en Monday at the Cournty Hall 'Chiehester, be- Nj fore Lord Henry Cholmondely, pin.., Chairmen, and the folowig mgitrates :-The Marquis of Winchester, M . th Portal,)Jcsq., si-F., H. C. Cempton, Esq., ?? Sir Yohn wI Siuseon,Bart., Sir Raymond Jarvis,Hnt., SpencerSmith, ap Esqt. 5. T. -Waddington, ...


... ASSIZE TNTELLIGENC E. IiUCKS SUMMER ASSIZES'. Thb Conminsienu for hoj(lding thlese Asit a pndo Tlursr~day the l3th inst., Liv Mr. Justice Orcoswell. Hlis Lordslr~ arrivd from Lonro by thle one o'clock train, anti proceeded orr foo0t, aceonpianied by thle t'ricr-Slreriff, Bd. it Bans Rqfromt the Aylesbury Rtailw-ay Staltion to tire Judges' Lodgings. At three o'clock tIre, Ceninrissionl was read ...

Oxfordshire Quarter Sessions

... Oxfordshiro Quarter Sessions. Tbe Trinity Quarter Sessions fni' this County commenced on Monday last, before the Right I-Io. J. W. Henley, li.P., and the following Mragistrates- J. 11. Ashhurst, 1sq., Hlon. and Rcv. P. Bertio, Col. Bowles, A.ll. C. Blrown, Esq., Rev. R.0. Clifton, A. Duff, lsq, t.- t Col. Pano (IIigh-Sheiriff1,) if. laIl, Eal , 1l. IIHainrsley, Esq, ( C. J. B. Iflmilton, Esq., ...