Advertisements & Notices

... ?? .Arctimt of whmill it lacy Conicerni. (,I I 1c(Ilics±1±ay fl~t, the 1.11ti iltitltitt, ait one o'clock, at .tbe Brokers' Salt l~tomn. 25, TIemlple-strrect, SF 51 BtALES Egyptianl WUC)L, dtamagad by seei water, cex 3ielita, f0u01 Alexaindria. Appily to- W. GRIE'AM H and Co.. Wool Blrokeo,Ljveripsai. IDLNBIJRGH WVOOL SALES.-The first Side 'I E fortill seson illtake iflace cal Thun rde , the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Majority of JaheI Yaasey, Esqirce, OF MAESYNEUAD)D. A PUBLIC DINN-ERb wsill takl placc athe LION H FIOTEL, Harlech, on SATTURDAY, the 15th day Iof L July inst., in celebratiol of the above event. \V. w. E. WYNNE~Y, ESQ.,M.P., President- THE HONT. T. E. Mi. LL. MOSTYN, M.P., a Vice-Prsei-lelt. Dinner on the table at five o'clock, and tickets to be had at the Bar of the Hotel. Bron Eryri, 27th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLAOCKWOOD'S MAGAZINE, for JULY, 1854. No. ?? price 28. od. CONTENTS. The Growth and Prospects of British America ?? to Eunebius-Riddles Evelyn and Pepys The Secret ?? Manor-Part II The Battle of Lepanto Clive's Dream before the Battle of Plassey The Less n God in Nature The Words of Schamyl, the Prophet The European Alliance and RussiaS William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London. sold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IEBRS: and' SON have for 25 years IMPORTED DletsTfrom J. I. FARINA his colobrated BAU-DE- COLOGNE. The duty being now reduced, the cash prices are 2s. 8d. per bottle, 15s. for. a case of six, and in wicker 4s. a~td 8s. Oxford, 102 acnd 103, High-sirca. R. U HJ{BNRY J. VIRGIN, Surgeon-Dentist, 63, Mll i High-street, Oxford. .Sv H ours of- attendance from Ten till Five daily. Terms of, Business ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [AD VERTIS;1FNIIT'.] o EXkMENTATION AT MAKllN'c-PLAOE HALL Sol ACAD)EMY, RhIPPONDEIN, NEARt H.XLNVX (Fr'oe the S'olit/r;ror Vio'iter). to We lia;'e liarea of mruch facetiousieco relative to York- I'li: shiriresciecros aurd schoolimaesters; but tirosc wiro w~ould be dijoabuoed in l theoir nihids err tire srrbject Sirr11Irri itra visit to tire estabishirereit ?? gre soricie we are rrowV writhig. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PTORY SALEOFEOLTPESHRY AND OTHER W S (In Bttle d Wo ESSRS. FARGUS & SO will SELL by AUCTION, at their Spacious OOHJo, 4,GLARE .- ?? TUESDAy N~ext. the-4th of Jl, ..blleown choice and rior 1n Bottle awd fWood, via.- y )f Pale, Golden, ?? SBRRIE -. * of Old Crusted PORT.w Years In 80ttie Dass ?? CHOIPAGNpE, ia quarts and tints. ja- . Ab89 I 3 ., pehadQuaRrter;CA, &Ad 8 Octaves of splendtd Old ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O PERA COMIQUE.-LA SIRENE.-Aulser's 1kFadmired Opera of 'La Sirene wiin positively be preduceel TFHIS EVENING (Saturday), July 1; the character of Zerlinn, by tat) Maddens M'arie Cabel.-Baxies and stalls at the box-office, and ut Mrl. the !dfitatcoll's Royal Library, 33, Old Bond-street. tict T CEUM1 THEATRE. - Mr. ALLCROFT'S Ax LY BENEFIT. WEDNESDAY. July 5, when will be presented,- by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. 'p ICilARD ALLN'S HALL 4mD GxAjeacEt, 28, Lottrc .! W1 (dontinute to be Sipplied with a large assort- Merit of Resdyomade Clothing, First style. Best materiale. F , good end oheaoe STATIOERY tr Cl1tLES H. X WOGAN'S, S. Utpper Sudrefr'Uligeefs thirld door above Nelzotri' Pillar. r;:¢ Licensed to Sell Stamps. WM uiDs.U P'Ai'it.-.lpirH may acted frormI the largeet b stock of Room Papers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SYDNEY (assisted passages, if required), ltbs well-known first-thees oak-built ludiamsan, LORI) lIN- UERFORD, 036 tons, to load in the London DoOkse,will be despattebed ,next mnecth. Eligible persons wbo are unable to defray the entire ameont of passage money in England mftV arrange, to urake a por- tion payabtie in tba ?? particulars on applicatisern, en- Closing Iwo S=1ng)8, to HALL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i)EItSONS Furnsishiing, -who consider good taste1 P durability, and economy, a desideratum, should not fail to visit this colebrnted Fuirisihirig B strsblislhmeit before decidig clsewbhere. The New Galleries aid Show Rooms aro docidedly the most extensive in London, containing an assomblage of thoe most Fashionable CABINET FURNI- TUItLH, UPIIOLSTIERY, CARtPlhTS, &c., thie whole being of a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM FRb81 HULL TO COPENHAGEN AND MEMEL (carrying Post-ocfo Letter Baegs). The Al Screw Steaner, EAGLE, B. P. BRevMht , Commander, Isitendeda to d11111fttlled from Hull on Monday eveninig, July 10 after nine o'clock. DROCWNLOW, PEARSON, & CO. P P Hull, 24th June 1854. CHEAESTANDMOST DRC OT TO ULVERSTON, 8 VVF'HVN, FUllNESS ABEAND THE LAKE DISTRICT. The w nl~kowf Steamer 5' ~~~~~~CA BIRIA,' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AILWAY PASSENGERS may obtain Tickets - of Insurance against RAILWAY ACCIDENTS for the journey, ou paymenit of Id. 2d. or 3d. by inquiring of the booking Vie, clerks, at-all the principal railway. stations, when they tabs a rail. Offi way tickot.-Rail way Pasengers Assurance Ofioe, 3 Old Broad- tal, etreat, London. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. OrIfOMERCIAL CREDIT MIUTUAL 4 A SSUR ANOE SOCIETY. ...