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Advertisements & Notices

... INt conseclenoce of the entire repeal of the Advertisement Duty- thel'roprieaorilefthEl Moocis.STE R EXA3,11t'itttAWD TiIlas have edopted a Soalc of Charges for Short AfltaOifememnts,cehiol givesn to Idiat class of advertleers the beneflit Of coosiderably mere than I the amount of duty recpealed. The 10owEet price for the ehor1tent montI advertisement bee hitherto been Three BIhilltiwqt end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ('ONGREGATI1ONAL CHAPE LCHEETHAM C HLL.--ANNIVERSARY SERMIONS.-TO MOR1ROW,L ~aly 23rd, TWO SERMNONS will be preatbed in the above piece fou of woveblp One in the morning, at haalf-past ten o'clock, by thre lIes. ROIIERT SELKIRK SCOTT, IlA. utinieter of the Untijed - Presbyterian Church, Greenheys; Sad the other in the evening, I1 at half-paetstix, by the 11ev. JONATH&N SUTCLIFFE, F.S.A-P of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW ZEALAND (Embarking passengers at Plymouth and Gravesend), FOR CA'NTERBURY, WELLINGTON, & NEW PLYMOUTH. The magniflcent frigate-built Ship, ROYAL STUART, A 1 13 years, 837 tons register, 1,S00 tons burthlle, I& B. HI. GOnLE, Commander, This aplen'did full-pocp vessel, so colebrated for her rapid pas- saehas unrivalled sceommoodation for passengers. Her lofty 'tween decks (8 feet high) wilt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN. lurS. ROEBUCK, Milliner and Dress Maker, No. 7 iLL New Market-street, Blackburn, is in want OUT DOOR APPRENTICES. MUSICAL EDUCATION. T ROILEY, MUS. DOC., Organist of the Parish J~. Church, Blackburn, begs to inform hsis pupils and the inhabitants of Blackburn, &c., that he RESUMES his Professional Duties on LMONDAY, the 24th of July, 1854. Terms may be known on application at Da. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. MARY'S CHURCH AND SCHOOLS. T o-MORROW (Sunday, 23rd July, 1854), TWO T ;SERMONS will be preached (if God permit) in St. Mary's Church, by the REV. JAMES PARKER, M.A., ncumbent of Thornton, Yorkshire, formerly Incumbent of St. Mary's; after which collections will be made to defray the current expenses of the Church, and of the Sunday, Infant, and Night Schools, for the last eighteen months. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... boev 8*8 d ah n I hlsl gngi b8dsre-iepo ~sr.Rie an o O 9nvrsre vls ogdC.6,laoe~t e. S SodrtianMnhse yMgr.MtesedadRbrs o IMrealc aasWolyG aktsre.L .Bon ce ohmaSrnsagadBogto.T .Kr bms,8 te Loea ogae hse od sho:W.B~ok hmsF~ Efnfrttet n tGornr8reycot ia:JmsMr a~let hnit ~re l~..~vrol .@ oeoeitBl an hl3l n ealptn odcn edr .Prds-tr ste tad7,LnoRodondorfo Senorsre;Je Md y iraeeit ,Ml tgt onro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... forN SATURDAY NEXT, DOBSON ANDv ?? J Booksellers 23,Fishergateo Prestonw ha. the mew eitionof Gy MANNERING, at 1s. Gd.. They .. have on hand WAVEILEY, at Is. d, and can supply a all the other volumes of the WAVERLEY NOVELS on r the day of publication. D SUPERB CRYSTAL SUGAR, EQUAL to the very best Lamp for Preserving Straw- s J.LJ berries and other tender fruits, 5d. per lb. . Also, pure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~rHE Largest and Cheapest STOCK oIf CHIMNEY LOOKING-GLASSoto odnwl T be found at H. WHAITE'S FINE ART GALLERY, Didgeestreet, Manchester. TOHN BRUNT'S WHOLESALE and RETAIL CIGAR. and TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, 8, Hunts Banc, adjoining the palatine Hotel,anud24, Lower Isloly stecet ,Mancliester. V HE Largest SHOWROOM1 aiid best-assorted STOCK of Drawing and Dining Room GiRATES, T FENDERS, FIRE-IRONS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORIESPONDENTS. . Jane.--By railwav. The lines by J. 5D. are declined.; A Foal.-It ic not the quickest paesage. Vivat Regina.-We do-not understaiid your letter. The lines On the Departure of the Scots Greys are declined. W. A. R.-lVe cannot answer your question. Refer to the One who has been tsken in wishes to caution the public ageinit the mock auctionis now being carried ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wllt fuu-ther notice, the RATE Of FREIGHT to. BOSTON a will ho Z4 per Ton, and to NEW YORK £6 per Ton. a Until furthor notice, CARGO for the STEAMERS will ?? received on and after Niba o'clock, morning, of SAT11RDAYBI pRVIUST SiL~sinted fonModys, as heretofore. I Froiht i5 ar~ls 5. ach endupwrds acordng o sze. Tb FA~tELSfor iffrentCenignso, ollctedandtoad ?? D BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i-y. IIELSINGFORS AND SWEABOBA. 'l be di SI lat With the Livwpoid icvry of TEiS DAY, July25, 2i 'Pt is presented, Gratis, Lte ps A PANORAMIC VIEW OF HELSINGIFORS di iL, AND Ol he THE FORTRESSES OF SWEABORG, r ed a he From photographs by Mr.V. Wright, Helsingfors; Is te and lithographed by Messrs. Maolure, Maodonaild, o n- and Maogregor, lithographers to the Queen. D .es ad On the receipt of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... publict Aw ottmenta. eP OOLOGI0AL GARDENS, LIVERPOOL. 6* Mr. JOHN ATKINS, Lessee, a, West Derby-road. GALA DAYS; IM&OKAT WRbNOSDAY, TttibAY, .TUF~dDAV, TRIDAY. Continuid attlaction and great Stccess or the EQUESTRIAN COMPANY, who will Plnr~rani some Wesraerfisl YRATZJ 0 HoeSMASHiP.-' Oroe to the Ciruas Fitrr NICOLO DEULIN. ilnjis.ILLI adi blo apilh linan Act called tl 0 DOU1uiM pg~tCHE, 1)1 ...