Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROYAL OPERA, DRURY-LANE. THIS EVENING hor Majesty's servants will perform (by desire) ,1ellini'5 opera,LA SON~NAgfIOULA. Amins.,Widle. Agnes Bu~ry ; LIa .mei Gne.relffenhageln: Thercst, MIne. Heinrich; Rodoipho, 8ig Arnoldii and ilvmnv, Sig. tiettmui. ETISSE N Gfallery, Is. * pit, zs. *upper boxes, 3s.: drst circle, 4s. dress efrcle, Os. Box-otfice opell froal nreail Gl Sixc d;aily, rwhere ...

Advertisements & Notices

... allipulatiou, auil fine appreciatjOn of all tbe necegeary aids, that render their porraits 60 fmmeasurably sllpe'rior to nll. I °l * otzr 2s1l.-' Tho oil autl leater colour miniatures are novel und bl iIIiaut m colour, aud, beyoled their sllperior inten3ltY, PO39ess tho3e merit3 of harmony iu toue, in the di3po3ition of their lights and 3hadess a3 well a3 deScacy, whicb ertistic ordinaryc'a3r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO be LET, permanently, or during the T summer, part of a Farm House, furnished or an- faunished, in a healthy situation and near Exetet Terms moderate. Apply to Mr. SALTER, Confectioner, High Street, Eyeter. TO be SOLD, or LET, a neat HOUSE, with a alarge Music or School Room, 40 feet long, 20 feet wide, 20 feet high, situated in Radnor-place. Apply to J. MASON, Builder, Quay, Exeter. m0 be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IJ1AYLOR & COMPANY,' T LAND, ESTATE & HOUSE AGENTS, and Agents to the ROYAL FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 31, PARK STREET, BRISTOL. [281 MERCHISTON - CASTLE SCHOOLc Conducted by Mr. GIBSON, (Formerly H. M. Inspector of Sohools for Scotland). C Assisted by Five Resident and Twelve Visiting Masters. A MIERCEI5TONCA5TLE is situated aboueta Mile and a Half t {from Edinburgh, inst part of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTad MO1ORE'S AUSTRALIAN LINE gITTg' SI It's -or SYDNEY direct, to sail Punic. I *~li o Augstcalling at Plymouth ti r,,thevj~eiiit igte-ltilt ship WATERLOO, (l~ligig toMesrs.D. nlbar and Sonls), 1goo ~, (lisilConleadcrlyitig iu the East India *ic 1'lsafull pioop, with niost excellent aceom-. ,a scer.her 'tween decks boling lofty and i~rw 1ortuility for second-cabin anid jilter- ni clcarrla exp ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TW HETRB EOY'A;L, DU B;L'IjS T Under the Paironage of tbeir Exdeliancles, the LORD& LIEUTENANT and tbe COUNTESS OF ST.: GERMANS . ITALIAN OPERAS. Mr.- RAfiiU1f hpas the honour to' Announce ak series ITALIAN OPlERA8,toicmmenren- ;On MONDAY, SEPTETMBER 11tb, 1854, .By the ?? Arttes, From the Royal Itallan:OPerk, CoVee-an dt Midlle. SQPfIIA OCRUV1LL| , d~ie. MARAT,'' . ?? - Mille. ALB1I9, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VTt g HEQtNSRYLTET ~~y~e 1INGT(Wqdneeday), Angust 2,lwill be, perforznc the Drama of ?? FCa, b Fraunbl, Mona Louis, die Franobhi'Mr W~ Montag9eq jM Chateau RsaudT. Mr Verar. Emelle de' Lesparre. Mci Vaughan; otdams Sioa-ie iatchi, M ?? WHITD fltOBfl, i* M~ntsgne,; Mr Peter ite,' Mr Tools; 'WlddtW Wlitef Miss' Atkinson; Kitty Clover, After which the laughable Vac6 'of THE 4OPEG lT.. -Robin, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS, Hb MHABD ALLEN'S;HALL AD G sEnes, 28, Laoes' ff~ ack;6Z*e- t, continue to be Sapplied with a large assort- ment ot Rahdy-made Clothing, 'Firs etyle. Beet materials. 00N1 PAPER.-Purchasers may select from the largest stook of Room Papersa at M .acE BaoocP Wholesale and BetairWarehouse, o0, AIgae Ab treet, Dahli M[R.iyO'BuENNAg'S EVSENING OLASSES.-INo=E-e *WiVJL Moudaiy, Wednesday, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LECTURE HALL, IPSWICH. The Greatest Wonder of the Age to see r THIODON'S PICTURESQUE THEATRE OF ARTS. t And Grand Mechanical Exhibition, I At llalf Price, to mareh with the times 9 t N order to give an opportunity to all classes of wit- nessing this most beautiful Exhibition before its de- parture being positivelY the Last Time it willbe exhi- bitedin IpsrriCh, Mr. THIODON has Reduced the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSISTED EMIGRIATION TO SYDNEY, Por BANGALOBE, Al, 1,200 tolle. ALBROTHERS, & CO1, ednhl-troet, ioL onon hIreb girs notice to intending Emigrants, that 2,30 thy illeeosioly deepatch Firsteclass Pasesengor Ships to sart Sydney. Newv South Wales, and that, to eligible persocs, who may lore be uabl .to defray the entire amount of passoge provioue to em- on bvirkation, they are, prepanred to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Genuine LIOI7SEUOLD FURNI IUlIE, Modern Paintings; &C, c Scafortla. MWSESRS. THOS. W INSTANLEY aud SONS Iivll SELL by AVCTION, This Day (Friday), the 25th, ' and 'Yo-morcs (8turt) the 26th instant, tit Eleven o'clock pripemlttly e.,ch day. is tho Premises, Mlarshfland, Crosbly-road, Sgaforth, the excellent 1IOUS'EIIOLD FURNITU RE, modern &~andcliero, and ether effecot(part of which have been ...