Advertisements & Notices

... Notice to Passezgers, PER JANE BOYD. HIS Vossel will (weather permitting) Sail for QUIEBEC on TUESDAY thc 15th day of Augnst. Passengersmnustbave all theirLuggage alongside the Vessel on or before MoNeDAY tho 14th 1 k August, at 2 o'clock Afternoon. d GEO. THOMPSON, JuN., & Co., 40, 3farischal Street. 04 Aberdeen, 25th July, 1854. h Notice to Passengers. E Ship A U R O B A, having arrived ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. SALE THIS DAY. DERWENT-STREET, DERBY. M ESSRS. MOODY and NEWBOLD will SELL by L AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY, the 2nd August, 1854, at the yard lately occupied by Meessrs. BAUNJTT and Sox, Upholsterers, about 75 LOTS of valuable sea- soned CABINET WOODS, comprising Spanish Ma- bogany, Table Wood, Bay and Rosevood, Pine, Oak, &c.; and a few LOTS of VENEERS, being a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I17 oonsequense of the ontire repeal of the AdvertieOln t Daty the Proprietorsofthe f ANC UPSTEnExAS11 NERq xDTt TEs have ,dopteda Sca oof Charges forShortAnnofuncementwvhich gives ] to that class of advertieers tbo benefit of considerably more than tho amount of duty repaloed. The loweot price for the ahortost sdvertissmellt has hitherto been Three Shitlintgs and Sicx ence The chargO for au ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U[ J., & D. NI OLL, MERCHANT CLOT1UI2AS and H ,. PALETOT PATENTEES, Regent Street, London, have a BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT at 155, Union Street, Aberdeen. JAMIIS LITTLEJOHN, their Agent there, is regularly supplied With their Goods, which are Sold at the sacme Price as at their Establishment in London. The Newly Registered PALETOTS, SHOOTING JACKETS, 3ORNING COATS, VESTS, &c., regularly kept by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Al Cobunnicationa, and articles of Intifligenco, Intgnded for publication, require to be authenticated by the name and address of the writer. Unless this is attendedto, Corres- pondents may rest assured that no attention will be paid to their comtrfrfitations. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'OYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT GAR-1 I .J~j DEN.-Mitno 01G11SI'S FA11EWE'h BIENEFIT.-UntmcI 0iSoi egs miost respectfully to informn thle norbility, gentry, and the public, that tl Directors i, tile t oyal italle. Opera having kindly placed their theatre ait her disposal. she has, previousito her ?? for the United States, arralgd to give a FAREWELL BENEifT. The evenuin fixed ol is Monbdayr next, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i¶AD*S' PATENT REPEATING FIREARMS. A__ Dh rc at have much pleasure in making known to tbeir. I ftros ad te public that the FIRST-CL-ASS MEDAL has been I awrdn5fd them by the Judges at the NEW YORK EXHIIBITION,' tar the superiority of their firearms. In a gratulatorv letter from the chairmen of the Arms Department, ten referenceias insle to his converaationlswsithsonii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ TP3E NEW EDITION i i , . ee . MvoUs AND GCN .ATvE DiszUES. 4diePaeb110hed, 20th Thousand. Iliustrated with Coloured Engravings, kce la., or le. a sealed envelop, free by pe3 for 16 Postage Stampe.1 fLE ,AZTEL AND HAPPINESS, the means by ?? a L they may be obtained, a medical work on tho nfirnlmtes or youth and imturity, add diseases of the geso. rativa system, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oSYDNEY (assisted passages, if required), ,~ ~ailktoon iret-ss oak-built Indiaman, LORD HION-G tetpotooad in the London Docks, will be despatched tots o ll.13; persons who nire unable to defray the entire eveni f og onyin Engliad may arrange to make a por- Fat enstti Pj~ tle ?? .aritculars on application, en. AsE ?? pe..b~t ~ to HALLBROTHIERS, and Co., 13, Leadenhall- Tir roil ?? ?? ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBYSHIRE GENERAL INFIRMARY. MY LoaDs, LADIES, AND GENTLEMEN. T R. BENT having resigned his office as Physician to .JFyour Infirmary, I beg a second time to OFFER MYSELF as a CANDIDATE for the vacant appoint- anent. -My qualifications of fitness are already known to many of you, and I trust that my residence in Derby has in- creased that favourable opinion, which many of my friends were kind ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'C AlD S -R ICHA ) ALLEN'iS IALLA ND GALLEnSOEE, 28, Lower nljw Sackville-street, continue to be suppied with a large assort- *.nent of Pteady-made Clothinig. First style. Best materials. -rEISH CARPET WAREIHOUSE, 22 and 2s, Parlftnes. .1 This Establishment is largely supplied with Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Table Covers, Linens, Sheetings. &o. COM NPAPEl Ne-Puooh ssee may select from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C A RD. AitRQUHAR, HrEPBJURN1, & Co., f GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, alla 2l RD I. USOVS X 21 .1IE ZOH:N MILLER & CO. SUPPLY Boild or Prepared COAL TAR, in Twenty-six W Gallon Barrels, at Sa; Thirteen Gallon, at 5s.; Six Gallon at 3s., Threo Gallon, at 2s. each; or in Purchasers' own Vessels, at from 3d. to 4d. per Gallon, according to quantity. Empty Burels taken back at a Reduced Price. Tar ...